Paris' Ultranationalist movement rise again!

Once reign the terror of Islamic invasion, since the independence of old colognes, Algeria, Morocco and other old colognes, France was being invaded by old workers that considered french citizen by legality.

Anyway, this happenings drove french youth to an anti-muslim movement.

From years France were accused of being xenophobe or racist, put muslim in ghettos. Well, not being xenophobe but economically was where they could live.

France was attacked indirectly by a mix of cultural and fundamentalist raising society, affirming their need of being french and also the right of have their own religion. From the independence of Algeria some many of the Algerian citizens would like to be in Europe, Foreign Legion were full of muslims and also a mix of many other cultures, like Buddhist, Hinduism, Catholicism, etc.

Well, Skinhead movements were always against this cultural invasion, youth followed by many militant nationalist movements were trying to finish with this rising terror of having their own culture subjulgated by foreign cultures and also, being prohibited indirectly by an universalism.

History of France was always complex to understand, from before the Great War, through Second World War and than the muslim invasion, Paris was a stage of many social conflicts.
Also the history of philospphers, illuminism, bohemian, sociology, started in France, that was the light of the world, everybody wanted to be in Paris to receive the knowledge of the modern world, Paris isnot only the capital of the ex-colognes, but the world's most desired object of many of the third world people, in North of Africa and Middle East.

France always provocate other nations, so they are now paying the price, to be honest, Europe all the time tried mocked at old colognes. It's for another text!

Not only the society against the immigrants, but a police that is ready to deffent the french citizen, read it as a white, french and catholic grew a islamic feeling inside France that was hard to grab this growing.
Also the interference of military commands in society was essencial to finish this, but create a feeling of anger by many of the subjulgated.

For exemple, Le Pen always pointed that France were being attacked by these cultures, now they gave him the reason to this speech, from years ago Le Pen always tried to close the borders, but Le Pen were never accepted by the french citizens for his ultra views, and now all the bullets were given to him. Paris will close the frontiers, borders will be militarized and clandestines, that are a great part of intern capital consumation, will be hunted like sheeps.

Now, Marine Le Pen, daughter of Jean-Marie, just announced that islam must be prohibited inside France, all the muslims expelled and mosques burnt down!

An agressive and repressed youth now will gain power to act, it's dangerous in a society.

ISIS was trying to ground it's own objectives, using scapegoats, islamic population as shield, using by brainwash, but not caring with their own called brothers or whatever they call.

ISIS was a backspace at the Ba'th party. Ba'th could raise in order of a secular party inside Iraq, in majority Suni and could order the society. People can call me crazy, but after the fall of Sadam, nobody could order Iraq.

ISIS could retreat Al Qaeda, Fatah, and other once considered terrorist, their impossible dream started on being to rise some other big marketing product, some nations that didn't want this war will join now, civil society will rise against some musliss that has nothing to do.

The problem is that ISIS is a minority, islam is very pacific in general, and some groups want to justify this reconization world wide by force, majority will suffer the consequences by some of the acts of a small noisy group, like Al Qaeda, Martyr Brigades and now ISIS.

So now it's a military war, social war and irregular war. Assuming that ISIS's targets are all civilian, and the civilians will now fight back, or attack first, police will rise in for too, military will be in and out of borders, all side attack, internet recruitment will be more and more constant, by nationalist youth and islamist ones.

That's contemporary warfare!


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