Yellow Fever and the Brazilian 'Laboratory'

Yellow Fever and the Brazilian laboratory

People everywhere is talking about yellow fever epidemy and how it started. The ‘political medicine’ is certainly affirming that it evoluted from monkey species to humans. But hard to know how it did that way. Well, being very negative, we are a part of world wide laboratory for experiments.

Brazilian soil yearly or biennial, and decade to decade, receives more new deceases spread, and many of them start in out, but here the viruses, bacterias, etc, find a very good place to reproduce, modify geneticaly and spread easily, becomming stronger and immune to combatant agents.

At the first look it seems a little gross, but.

Two years ago, Mariana disaster had created a ecosystem problem, and it was seriosly harmful to environment, like the death of Thousand species of frogs, big insects and arachnids that feed of parasite insects. But these parasites were not only Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes. The hability of Dengue Mosquitoe adapt and being the host of a new virus, made it easily spread.

The capability of a new genetically modified vírus and some species of bacterias have beem implemented again at the region, geopoliticaly chosen, is very big.

Well, recently, Zika Virus and Chicumgunya had an outbreak at the brazilian soil, being na infestation that I told before, was very well controled, like a laboratorial experiment, to produce some effects and test some genetically modified experiences, well done, for like one year, we don’t hear about Zika anymore. Sometimes Chicumgunya effects of long time deadline. But now, yellow fever, again, have become a problem.

It sounds a little cosnpiracy, but nothing is random. In general, thigs happen with programmed agenda, the opportune moment for implement a kind of politician, this case, a psychological terror caused by a mutagenic virus or reinvent and old virus, put again in population and control it.
About Zika Virus:
"While we don’t know how Zika subsequently ended up in South America, it’s been speculated that it was brought over to Brazil during the 2014 World Cup by travelers coming from an affected area. The Aedes aegypti mosquitoes that spread Zika, alongside dengue and other serious viral fevers, are abundant in Brazil and throughout Latin America, so an infected traveler seems a likely route of entry.
But the idea is that somehow, GM mosquitoes exacerbated the situation. These insects have a gene that causes offspring to die before they’re mature enough to reproduce, so by releasing them in sufficient numbers, they successfully compete with males in the wild for females and ultimately end up significantly reducing populations."
Alongside, the GM mosquitoes are not used in large scale, or not used again, because the media do not say keep the news on combat of Aedes.

"To be able to raise these insects to sufficient numbers for release, scientists engineered a system whereby the lethal gene is switched off in the presence of an antibiotic called tetracycline. Sometimes used in agriculture to boost livestock growth, this drug gets excreted by animals and is known to be present in the environment in small amounts. There has therefore been concern that this could allow the modified mosquitoes to persist in the environment, but studies have shown that the amount the insects would be exposed to isn’t enough to reduce the effectiveness of the system. "
 The mix of the DNA of Oxitec, use of Malathon 500, and Tetracycline made the Aedes more able to adapt the new climates, new agents, and more capable to receive new viruses as host.
"Brazil actually banned the use of tetracycline in agriculture food additives in 2009," Andy McKemey from Oxitec told IFLScience. "But even if it was present in the environment where mosquitoes lay eggs, it wouldn't result in more mosquitoes than you would have otherwise. The offspring would still contain the gene, so the next generation would die. The efficacy of the gene is not lost." [1]
After the Zika Conspiracy[2], and the Dengue yearly becoming more and more deadly, the same mosquitoe, evoluted again, and carrying na old ‘new’ virus, can spread more rapidly.
Analising that  Yellow fever virus is an RNA virus that belongs to the genus Flavivirus, bias in tropical than subtropical áreas, involved in Africa and South America. Yellow fever virus has three transmission cycles: jungle (sylvatic), inter­mediate (savannah), and urban.
There is no specific treatment for yellow fever; care is based on symptoms. Steps to prevent yellow fever virus infection include using insect repellent, wearing protective clothing, and getting vaccinated.
People infected with yellow fever virus are infectious to mosquitoes (referred to as being "viremic") shortly before the onset of fever and up to 5 days after onset.
In Brazil, again, transmited by Aedes Aegypti mosquito, the same of Dengue, Zika and Chicumgunya. Not a coincidence that this mosquito can carry a very disversification of vírus at the blood, and can contaminate lot of people, by it’s disposition and constant evolutive process.
Dengue Mosquitos are Always used as weapons because of it’s own hability.
“To justify the reasoning that dengue is more than just a natural virus a look at declassified documents is the best option. Declassified documents in 1956 and 1958 reveal that the US army let loose swarms of specially bred mosquitoes in Savannah, Georgia and Avon Park, Florida (Carver Village was exclusively Black populated) to check whether these insects could be used as a biological weapon. The residents suffered from fevers, bronchitis, typhoid, encephalitis, stillbirths and even death. The Aedes Aegypti type is a perfect carrier of dengue fever. Is it a surprise that Cuba accuses US of targeting tobacco crops using blue mold, sugar cane crops using cane smut, livestock using African swine fever and Cuban population through dengue fever. In Nicaragua too in 1985 dengue fever struck affecting half of Managua and not surprisingly it was the first epidemic in the country.
Ironically, the US in 1972 signed the Biological Weapons Convention and President Nixon had ordered Pentagon to stop producing biological weapons in 1969 – obviously the Presidential directive was not followed. Despite signing the Convention the US or rather its intelligence has been toying with different types of bio-chemical “weaponry” – Ebola, Sarin VX nerve gas, Mandrax, deadly lethal injection drugs – scoline and tubarine, paratyphoid, salmonella, cholera, anthrax, smallpox, highly potent CR tear gas and dengue fever.”[3]

The failure of health system in South of globe can make it easy to implemente this kind of viruses to experiment and, maybe, crowd control, so, the capability of smal organisms carry and adapt to these kind of new genetically modified microrganisms.
The last epidemy was in 2008 – 2009 biennial, when only 51 cases were confirmed. But in 2017, Minas Gerais started with 23 cases, only in January, in far from Belo Horizonte. Anyway, suspected almost 20 deaths at the first month. But in Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Espírito Santo can be alarmed. Some of the deaths are related to the decease, but in Sylvester areas are hard to confirm, but healthy ministery confirms as an outbreak, because of the urban areas achieved.

 Map: Africa showing areas at risk for Yellow Fever Transmision in Angola, Tanzania, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Burundi, Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, Somalia, Ethiopia, Central African Republic, Cameroon, Nigeria, Benin, Ghana, Cote dIvoire, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Buinea-Bissau, The Gambia, Senegai, Burkina Faso, Togo, and parts of Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Chad, and Sudan.
Africa ourbreak of Yellow Fever

 Map: South America showing areas at risk for Yellow Fever Transmision in Columbia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, Brazil, Paraguay, and parts of Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, and Uruguay
South America outbreak of Yellow Fever
It was very strange the the research about Zika was stolen at the airport, and so now, the once erradicated virus had reborn again. Well, if it was erradicated, wasn’t supposed to be living in apes, as the ‘political medicine’ said once. Or at least being in control, not to be affirmed that it really comes from apes.
Some very not good stories were told, but easily brazilian media change the subjects. In few weeks nothing more about Yellow Fever had been said, and let’s see which new malady disorder will be insert in population.
In general, these bad News comes when government is under checkmate.
Yearly or biennial, Brazil releases an outbreak of some new decease or new stuff, that in general, people belive that comes from othter countries, as international organisms confirms that didn’t. The release of these bioterroristical warfare organisms are politicaly created to release a civilian unrest and general fear, and ministerial sector loadad and uncapable to solve the problems, geopoliticaly implemented in some specific apreas that easily spread, generaly close to big city centers and bit economical geography.
To understand a little more, the Orthopoxvirus, the Variola was a bioweapon. Yellow Fever once was used as biological weapon and some other virus, bacterias and fungus, since medieval times. A 1865 article from New York Times:
See AIDS, it was released in some places to reduce the population, but spread in more into South of Ecuador line, the numbers grow yearly.
A decade ago, the H1N1 was a problem worldwide, but in Brazil it was more infectous, for the swine consumption, well, after that, the so called ‘swine flu’ is almost not remembered. Two decades ago, the Mad Cow disease, the Bovine Spongiform Encephalopaty, was imput in bovine meat. It was a time when Brazilian bonive meat were very well export, it in general starts in another country, like England, than comes to here and spread. Like Zika, started at Uganda, than came to Brazil. But no Brazilian had contacted Uganda people during World Cups, so, it didn’t came from Africa to Brazil.
As well, desert areas are hard to spread this kind of stuff, so a direct warfare is more obviously fascinated, psychological, feed media or total, but nowadays with new geopolitical international agenda, South America is the new time ball to the game, as Europe was before, at Obamas’s agnda, with immigraton and destablization, Eurasia with terrorism and guerrillas. Now. South America is the new agenda with corruption led to a failed system, urban guerrilla warfares and bioterrorism.
When we talk about GM mosquitoes, the most capable to host lethal deceases are, nowadays, the Aedes Aegypti. Because the bad use of Malathion 500, the parasite becomes imune to higher doses of poison. So, the mosquitoe becomes also, more imune, to the house poisons.
Also, the feed on blood of people that consumed genetically modified seeds and hormonal meal.
In the eggs, the mosquito receives lot of biological agents to combat the born of new larvae, and many of them, mixed with the DNA of Oxitec, that modified the DNA of mosquito to a super mosquitoe.
“Aedes aegypti is the main vector of the Zika virus, a mosquito-borne illness that has public-health officials around the world on edge. In Brazil, hundreds of babies born to Zika-infected mothers have suffered severe birth defects since last year. Public-health officials, who are calling Zika a global emergency, estimate that number will climb well into the thousands in Brazil alone. In the United States and elsewhere, as mosquito season ramps up, people are bracing for additional outbreaks.
At the same time, in a small Florida community near Key West, the Food and Drug Administration is accepting public comments on a proposal from the biotechnology firm Oxitec to introduce genetically modified Aedes aegypti males into the local mosquito population. If Oxitec is successful, its technology could help wipe out Aedes aegypti in the region—and protect people from Zika transmission there.
Oxitec’s plan is to inject mosquito eggs with DNA that contains lethal genes, then release the genetically modified males from that batch of eggs so they can mate with wild females. (Males don’t bite; so releasing only males is a way to make sure the release of these insects doesn’t contribute to the spread of disease.) The offspring of these lab-tweaked males and wild females, having inherited the altered DNA, cannot survive to adulthood. If all goes as planned, the mosquito population should shrink as a result. There’s already good evidence that shows Oxitec’s approach can work. Field tests in Piracicaba, Brazil, resulted in an 82 percent decline to the mosquito population over an eight-month period, Oxited says.”[4]
The combat of DNA Oxitec in Dengue Mosquitoe is not said again for a year at least, so media is not into spread this information. And the mosquitoes still spread, now, the yellow fever, that’s new to the agent.

GM Mosquitoe

Resultado de imagem para dengue mosquito
Aedes Aegypti



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