The legal system works to promote political icons and enslavement of society

They create the laws. That's their form in which the State has to punish the opposition and control the whole society under one vigency. 

Laws are written to benefit the dome of society - formed by bankers, legislators and politicians - all working by the same corporations and interests. The use of force and legal system is done to punish the society, even in democratic societies, the State Terrorism and coercion of population is common.

Democracies use the media to promote propaganda, fake sensations of good moments, and psychological warfare.

The conquest by fear, implementation of morals, taxes and indoctrination, create the fidelity of people in a character that maintains the system - left or right, capitalistic or socialistic. Governments use the strategy of divide and conquer. Put the society in minorities.

A new moral is to promote iconic figures, following a secular / sect's logic and messianic icons in a political character. The behavior of a private life is being re-built for new behaviors, which is favorable to the government's bias. This moral is the moral of the governments. 

The logic of today is not the might is right, nor a tribal nationalism. It's the enslavement by the debts and abdication of liberty in for the adoration of political figures. Messianic bastards and iconolatry.

The iconolatry evokes the mighty force of each one have inside, according to Ragnar Redbeard: 
"The Commandments and laws and moral codes that we are called upon to reverence and obey are themselves the insidious enginery of decadence. It is moral principles that manufacture beggars. It is golden rules that glorify meekness. It is statute laws that make spaniels of men." - Might is Right
When the idea is to adore the figures of destruction, the moral of theirs, abdicating the self glorification, in for a law, there is no liberty, there is a fake idea of freedom, where States give and take, the life is permitted, not natural.

"Put not your trust in princes" 
is a saying old and true, 

"Put not your hope in governments" 
translateth it anew. 

All "Books of Law" and "Golden Rules"
are fashioned to betray: 

"The Survival of the Strongest" 
is the Gospel of To-day. 
Ragnar Redbeard - Might is Right

There is not a logic of survival, but contemporary survival is a gospel, a self glorified man, a man who can be out of the wicked government logic of enslavement. 


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