Neocon politics in Brazil - The Brazilian economic Bankrupt

Recently the new right proposed a clash at industry and the decline of the money in front of Dollar negotiations, causing a distablishment of the status quo, based on neonconservative thoughts together neo-liberal agenda for the Brazilian economy. The result of the fucked up politics was that the Dollar, under the excuse of COVID-19, known as Coronavirus clashed the Real faced of international money order inside the group of emerging nations.

Paulo Guedes, a disgusting name of the economist behind the bankrupt, face a new politics for the economic and taxes reforms, ingorwing from the socialist governments previosly, the new politics still face the old way of governing, using nepotism, clans inside the politics and govern for the few elites. In other ways, the one responsible for the clash of Chile with the fucked up politics that he changed from stablished economy since Pinochet, based in workers law, was broken, creating the known as Chilean Spring in 2019, facing the disgust of the neo-liberal-neocon politics of Paulo Guedes in country.

In Chile, Guedes showed his total incompetence that the new-right (not oldschool right) praised all the time, a clash of social classes based in the end of welfare state, based in the end of retirement, overtaxes of consumption, and corporations taxes free... His model is based in international consultancy for economic position, based in part of Fabian Society and another part in the minimum state actions, of Austrian schoolars. Basing, well, in international contract, fund investments, hitmen and speculative attacks, privatization, and unemployment, for creation of job offers behind the minimum sallary based in reviews of working laws. Promotion of international funds of investments and open societies for international cooperation and consultancy, just like Soros', but for capitalistic society, or based in Bilderberg's model of control of economy, bankers and philantrpists politics based in high exploitation of taxes and, also, based in social clash and exploitation of illegal capitalization, like drug economy, warfare economy, illegal weapons economy and transforming it into economic system.

Reality is that Open Societies of these philanthropists of far right are very active too. See about Nomi Seibt, and the financial system of Trump and other neocon and neoliberal organizations that promotes her. Paulo Guedes worships for a country into bankrupt, with weak monetary system that he can exchange his business in Dollars, raising a possible speculative attack and promotion of social disrupt and clash of classes, and a bureucratic system, or possible a technocratic system, where business works for itself and businessmen can run the politcs. The proto-communist Guedes worships for a country in the model of Trump administration, on businessmen commanding and a self regularization of market, where companies don't expend with taxes and the population pays overtaxes for the social system, than lack of job offers and clash of society.

Founder of a Bank that was in past responsible for the Soros' invesmtnes in Brazil, and other operations of Soros in country, some of the other acquisitions were the acquiring of Brazilian oil company and the mineral company, acting through his bank. Another point is that his council is formed by a former Central Bank president at Fernando Henrique government, representative for the Soros' Fund Management.

Another globalistic positon of Guedes is the Millenium Institute, one of the Liberal Think-Tanks in country, that recently were agenced by Open Society with a reconigtion for his importance at capting good technocratics.

Guedes is defensor of open society, following mix of Soros' ideologies and Austrian scholars defending a linear development of democratic institutons in the progress that evokes the Fukuyama's End of History.

Every connection are based in international Atlas NGO, that promotes the difusion of libertarianism, receiving the Koch family investments, responsible for democratic movements in South America, new actors in last ellections, like Luciano Huck new movement for youth in politics, or MBL (Brazil Free Movement), bringing new model for political parties. 

Guedes is a real man that works for a destructive system of political bankruptcy. The recently devaluation of Real in face of Dollar, even with the love of Bolsonaro for Trump, is a politic of destablization of economy, focusing on investments of international funds, even George Soros' funds and society in Dollars in Brazilian social policy, betting that civil unrest can cause international investments in Dollars and, also, exportation procces grows. But in a failed economic country like Brazil, the international investments cannot help the job offer and other weeds from the politics, like healthy system or security, basing in a politics of 'militialization' and internationalization, carachterized by the abandon of the anti-corruption politics, nepotism and political rights above the laws for politics.

The neoliberal system in Brazil showed the collapse of the capitalistic system, as it was with the global-socialist system before in the last decade world wide.


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