What I think of the Shepard who went to the North Sentinel Island...

For me, my sincere opinion, it's well done. 

Christianity has no right on subjulgate people around at their faiths and demand they are wrong for have their own faith. The more ancient is the religion, more energetic it is, more things are involved beyond it's beliefs, things, natural relations with their onw knowledge, and the paganism comes from the natural relation in between humans and nature.

Ancient Gods comes from different points of view that were forgotten and prohibited by christianity, being the most destructive religion of all eras, implementing the sin and criminal activities in society, that in the past could self organize, but after the christian laws, it was implemented and fed in society, since the begining of life, the pointing that the one born child, borns yet sinner, and it's condemned naturaly. How can a human being can be condemned to the punishment for just exist? It's because the retrograde passion on faith and the need to condemnation of people to search for their salvation through a political, financial (read religious) institution, to enslave the population by it's fear of the unknown.

The affirmation of the ocidental moral and the christian moral over the world's population becomes a traditional moral of behavior, and to deny it, like live in a primitive method of life is deniable for the judeo-christians as a sin, and a wrong form of living.

About the North Sentinel Island, it's not a hostile place, the natives in the Island is still in the Stone Age, still don't understand the civilization and still cannot reconize other humans as humans, so, they live in an age of conflicts between them, with their onw natural laws, punishments, fears, warrior's spirit and everything a pre-historic tribe could live.

So, arrogantly, a christian pastor went there illegally to promote the christianization of a people he, himself, decided that need his salvation. What kind of salvation they need is being safe from the christian moral that promoted too many chaos in a living natural order during centuries.

My opinion is that, North Island Sentinel must be safe, keep it safe from the civilization, that promotes the total destruction of the tradition, promoted a sick way of life and a demand for the self destruction.

Nobody has it's right to subjulgate the heatenism and the natural world.

John Chau Wanted to Change Life on North Sentinel Island. Was He Wrong?
The death of a young American missionary on a tropical island at the hands of an indigenous group has left us to wonder: Are they better off with us or without us?

Two weeks ago a young American made a doomed mission to North Sentinel Island, a speck in the Bay of Bengal and home to perhaps the most isolated people on earth — all 50 or so of them.

Ever since he was a boy, John Chau, an evangelical missionary with an acute case of wanderlust, dreamed of spreading Christianity to the people on North Sentinel. Lying far-off India’s coast in the Andaman Island chain, North Sentinel is about the size of Manhattan, though not exactly its cousin.

The people there are hunters and gatherers. They follow a lifestyle tens of thousands of years old. No outsiders know their language. We don’t know where they came from. We don’t even know what they call themselves — definitely not the “Sentinelese,” as some people do.

They have attacked just about anyone trying to step onto their shore, appearing virtually naked and firing arrows. Then they retreat from the beach and melt into the forest. Why? That’s a mystery, too.


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