Slovenia - The spring of nationalism in Europe - Restore of tradition and a fist in the globalist agenda

The question is who are acting wrong?
World is full of good people searching for a way to promote a kind of proselitism, being it global, political, homossexual, socialism, indulging people for nothing to blame, just to promote their own tradition.

This scenario of paradoxes is divided for those who has identity, and for governments in general, identity is not good, education is not good, and the passion for belonging to a nation is being considered almost a crime by global anti-traditionalists, globalists, philantropists that promotes the political kind to destroy the tradition in the role player of a world full of idiots, uncapable to see the truth. In this point you can add feminists, homossexual causes, immigration activists, bankers, socialists, NGOs, and those who promote the global view of a kind of global brotherhood.

Well, when we talk about the restores of the order, militias promoted by legal activities are fundamental to keep the country, or part of it safe, and restoring the identity of a nation, and the respect comes from fear or for admiration, in nowadays, the only kind that works good is for fear. The admiration comes after the break of the past paradigm in the routine of people.

Gropus like the Slovenian militia called the Guard of Stakerska comes to promote a police of borders guard, acting in the limits of law, capable to promote military security and military action in small units. These kind of groups are formed by local people underlying in the laws and society costumes, giving the feeling of the belonging to one nation free, with past manners.

The problem is that going against the paradigm is considered now crime, and criminal activities like 'freedom of speech' or 'free thikning' is very problematic today, because going against those who own the money and those who buy the laws is a crime, as being nationalist for exemple.

The restore of tradition became a fist to the globalists, see George Soros is being totally afraid of the repercussion of the negativity of his dirty name goes around the globe, with the rejecting of his primal work world wide, can explain how nations are being set on fire...

Let the Guard do its job of punish those who wants to break the tradition and those who wants to sell the nation to pedophiles, criminal activities undirectly promoted by government and socialists and oecumenical bastards.

The order is that the failed democracy comes at it first failing that, when elected to the majority, the government keeps it's planning to promote their own interests, like, not to promote the national politics but to promtoe a politic of bankers and philantropists that can 'help' the contry in charge on promoting their own interestes on implementation of politics at educational system, corrupt mind of people promoting the legalization of drugs, implementation of a new religion, and open borders to everyone that wants to enter...

To answer the question, ultras, considered militias, but is not, promote the security, not only physical, but assure the tradition...

Anti-migrant paramilitary group springs up in Slovenia

An anti-immigrant armed group formed by a right-wing politician has sparked concern in the small European Union nation, Slovenia. The armed group, called "Guard of Stajerska," appeared on social media with several dozen masked men training in a field in military-like outfits and holding axes and rifles. Photos on websites show up to 50 masked people with guns led by an unmasked politician Andrej Sisko.

The former presidential candidate Andrej Sisko has confirmed the existence of the group, which he described as the guards of the Stajerska region, in the northeast of the country. Sisko defended his group stating that it was not a paramilitary unit, but a "volunteer defense group of free men," according to the official STA news agency. He told Reuters that his group would secure order if necessary, adding that it was doing nothing illegal, although he acknowledged that the weapons it uses have not been registered with the Slovenian authorities.

Sisko also attacked multiculturalism, saying the country should accept immigrants only if they accept Slovenian culture. He also leads the center-right United Slovenia Movement, which got 0.6 percent of the vote in a June general election and thus failed to make it to Parliament. The party has no connection to the military group, he said.

The internet footage sparked outrage among politicians. Slovenian President Borut Pahor expressed his concern on Monday saying that there was no place for such a group in the European Union member state. "President Pahor stresses that Slovenia is a safe country in which no unauthorized person needs or is allowed to ... illegally care for the security of the country and its borders," Pahor's cabinet said in a statement. Interior Minister Vensa Gyorkos Znidar said authorities will not tolerate the existence of any parallel armed groups in Slovenia. Prime Minister-designate Marjan Sarec tweeted that any armed grou​p outside Slovenia's security forces "undermines the constitutional and legal order," as reported by The Associated Press. The police said thye had begun an investigation into the matter.

Anti-immigrant sentiment has increased in Slovenia since 2015 and 2016 when almost half a million migrants crossed the country on their way to richer EU states. The number of requests for an asylum in Slovenia has risen significantly from 277 in the whole of 2015 to 1,717 so far this year. However, only 77 people have been granted asylum in 2018 versus 152 in the whole of 2017, interior ministry data showed. An anti-immigrant stand helped the center-right Slovenian Democratic Party to win most votes at the June election but the party lacked coalition partners to form a government. As a consequence a minority government of five center-left parties is due to be confirmed in the Parliament next week.

#Slovenia: Right-wing nationalists forming paramilitary units to “defend the Slovenian nation from migrants entering the country”

This Sunday evening, Slovenian users of social networks began sharing photos portraying a group of armed men in a military formation in the area of ​​Maribor Pohorje. The faces of men on the photographs are hidden behind black masks, and many are seen holding axes and various firearms.

Originally published by Translated by somebody living on the Slovenian territory.

Note: Enough is Enough is not organizing any of these events, we are publishing this text for people across the US and Europe to be able to see what is going on and for documentation only.

During the following two days, videos (Warning Facebook Link) of the event pictured in the photos shared on Facebook confirmed that the group in question are indeed a Slovenian citizens. Namely, during what appears to be a military exercise, the group waved the Slovene national flag and the flag of the Styrian National Guard.

Allegations seen circulating Facebook claim the group to be an extremely right-wing paramilitary group whose goal is “to protect Slovenian borders and defend the Slovenian nation from migrants entering the country.”

While there are currently no official statements that would confirm or disprove this claim, through observing comments related to these photographs, as well as the aforementioned footage that has been viewed over 45,000 times over the last few hours, it is possible to notice that a worrying number of citizens support the idea of ​​engaging in active acts of violence against asylum seekers in Slovenia.

“You are serving your homeland well!”, “This is the only right way!”, “Well done, boys! As a Slovenian citizen I am proud of you!”, “You are the only ones who care about Slovenia.” and the like are only some of the comments openly showing support for this “paramilitary organization” posted on several Facebook pages.

While whether or not the group’s goel is indeed to “fight against the migrants” is still not confirmed, in the context of participating in this event, the head of the right-wing group of football fans from Maribor, Andrej Šisko, announced that “the published footage was made on Saturday during the exercise of Maister’s battalion, an organization that numbers around one hundred members. “

Despite failing to deny the fact that members of the group were armed and pointing out his personal attitude that gun possession ought to be a basic human right, Šiško denied the existence of a link between the military exercisy the Maister battalion engaged in on Saturday and their disagreement with the Slovenian government’s migration policy.

The development of the situation continues, and an investigation regarding the motives of this Slovenian armed group is underway.

Parliamentary commission to discuss para-military activity

Ljubljana, 4 September - The parliamentary Intelligence and Security Service Oversight Commission will hold a session on 17 September to discuss a report on the activity of para-military groups in Slovenia, after a video emerged last weekend of a gathering of men in military outfit, some of them holding firearms.

Policija razkrila, kaj je pokazala preiskava v zadevi Štajerska varda
AVTOR B. E.  6. SEPTEMBER 2018, OB 13:49

Po današnjih hišnih preiskavah, povezanih z zborovanjem Štajerske varde v začetku septembra, sta dve osebi še vedno v pridržanju. Vsaj enega - neuradno prvoosumljenega Andreja Šiška - naj bi privedli tudi pred preiskovalnega sodnika.
Na petih hišnih preiskavah "Štajerske varde" so kriminalisti - sodelovalo jih je okoli 40 - zasegli dokaze, ki potrjujejo sume kaznivih dejanj. Med zaseženimi predmeti so tako med drugim tudi majice, podkape, navodila za ravnanje ob prihodu na kraj zborovanja, pištola, za katero še ugotavljajo izvor, in okoli pol kilograma prepovedane droge (konoplja). Dvema osebama so odvzeli prostost in zanju odredili pridržanje. Prvoosumljenega, neuradno Andreja Šiška, bodo zelo verjetno privedli tudi pred preiskovalnega sodnika.

Že iz objav z zborovanja, ki so zakrožile po družbenih omrežjih, je razvidno, da je osumljenec s pozivi ščuval k strmoglavljanju najvišjih predstavnikov države, udeležence pa je pozival tudi k izpolnitvi njegovih pozivov. Iz fotografij in video posnetkov je tudi razvidno, da je osumljeni posedoval jurišno puško, kalašnikovko, ki vojaško orožje in njehova posest posameznikom ni dovoljena.

Drug osumljeni pa je pri zborovanju sodeloval na način, da je novačil k udeležbi zborovanja.

Pomočnik direktorja uprave kriminalistične policije na Generalni policijski upravi Boštjan Lindav je povedal, da se z današnjimi preiskovalnimi dejanji del predkazenskega postopka zaključuje, a jih še čaka zbiranje obvestil in preverjanje zbranih postopkov.

V "postroj" prostovoljno ali ne?
V preiskavi navedenih kaznivih dejanj so kriminalisti ugotovili, da je bil določen del oseb, ki so bile 1. septembra 2018 prisotne na zborovanju v gozdu pri Janhovi na območju Apač, s strani organizatorjev zaveden, zato policisti pozivajo vse osebe, ki bi karkoli vedele o tem dogodku, da se javijo na najbližji policijski postaji, pokličejo na 113 ali anonimni telefon policije 080-1200.

"V prvi vrsti nas zanima, ali so bile te osebe tam prostovoljno ali so bile zavedene," je povedal vodja sektorja kriminalistične policije na Policijski upravi Maribor Robert Munda in dodal, da so nekatere osebe šele na mestu ugotovile, kaj se dogaja in na kakšen zbor so prišle. Ne more pa jamčiti, da osebe ne bodo kazensko odgovorne.

Policija ne razpolaga z informacijami, da bi bili vpleteni policisti, kot je med drugim zaokrožilo v javnosti, a vseeno v zvezi s tem poteka notranjevarnostni postopek. A po do zdaj zbranih informacijah - tako policija - aktivnih policistov in vojakov med udeleženci zbora ni bilo. Imajo že določen seznam oseb, ki so se "postroja" udeležili, a imena še preverjajo. Dogodka naj bi se sicer udeležilo okoli 60 oseb.

Kakšne so zagrožene kazni?

Za kaznivo dejanje ščuvanja k nasilni spremembi ustavne ureditve v zvezi s prvim odstavkom 359. člena KZ-1 je zagrožena kazen zapora do pet let, za nedovoljeno proizvodnjo in promet orožja ali eksploziva po 307/1 KZ-1 kazen zapora od šest mesecev do pet let, za kaznivo dejanje neupravičene proizvodnje in prometa s prepovedanimi drogami, nedovoljenimi snovmi v športu in predhodnimi sestavinami za izdelavo prepovedanih drog po čl. 186/1 KZ pa od enega do desetih let zapora.


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