Russian new Hybrid warfront - Can Belarus be a new proxy?

 The paranoia of a charismatic or populistic leadership is put over proof while he is pushed to his limits. Lukashenko is promoting a siege of the country, closing borders with military activity and contracting personnel to promote national and government security. He blames opposition to promote a coup d'etat in Belarus.

The mass protests over the country promoted a rally pro government under the banner of he being victim of a conspiraty - national and international. This point promoted also a Russian rally to promote regioanl security. 

The intervention of Russia in Belarus put the Kremlin over an alert on which government could be better to the Eurasianism and the Russian leadership in European East. The promotion of a hybrid conflict is imminent, while the contract of private forces, closing borders, diplomatic and propaganda in the both countries evolves a new Russian front of warfare. According to ISW, 'The Kremlin’s readout of the call stated “all problems that have arisen will be resolved soon” and characterized the protests as “destructive forces” trying to harm the Union State.' While Puting promoted a support for Lukashenko - and his support for the new politics - he seems to be worried about Wagner's activities this week. Seems like Belarus could be a new proxy war of Russia and the new players. 

This intervention would consist of Russian unmarked uniforms to support the crackdowns on protesters. The counter civil riot forces promoted by mercenary and PSD contractors - and national police - for Kremlin consider the protests destructive. 


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