Fucking mature! The present of Venezuela... an answer to myself!
When things couldn't be a little more bizarre, other loutish strange president assumes the position and going more and more obssessive with lef wing police.
Maduro to get the real support of the population went extreme into the Bolivarian ideology and following the steps of Chavez, kept controling the media ways and also, created new enemies, nowadays into the society and economy, to control not even the capability of cosumation but the capability of think, closing media organs and arresting journalists. Persecution on freedom of speech and taking off the right of education. It's not only an economic or social problem, but philosophic too!
That time was supposed to Brazil keep the front of the situation, make a more straight relation between North and South, diplomacy was supposed to be the key between the actors, but was all upside down.
Anyway, what do we expect from a country that betrays the own population taking of the right of education (defended by constitution!)? That was the position, just went off and kept evil! The logic of Animal Farm!
A kind of more corrupt governament released in Sudamérica, not even military diplomacy, was a paramilitar action to keep the governament that way. Anyway, the control of history and change the reality, they could do it! They did the impossible.
Foro de São Paulo and the PT governament also had a better aproximation of Cuban Militias, that went weak after Castro left the power, and they supported the Cuban Militia acting in South América as an alied for genocides and silencing oposites. Venezuela went to a place that John Wayne or Cling Eastwood could have much fun!
All behind that is the Brazilian governament and perpetual dictatorship masked as democracy! Subject for other text!
Venezuela Militia - Armed and Ready!
Primum in a country that keep arming with Russian equipments (with good quality, precision and cheap prices) it was not supposed to make a side army, with all non militaries, following the discipline, training and hiearchy of military forces, but not legal, only legitimate by the president can be in minimum abdormal.
It was estimated on 200 Thousand members on a operary-militia, to aproximate military forces and the operary workers and spread the capability of defence (but in real it to web the frontiers and increase the capability of attack). In the speech, Maduro had to be like Chavez, and get the support of the guys that once saw
The real is that leftist militia do not operate with certain honor, it was supposed from the begining. The elections when the oposition went to the streets to protest against Chavez, certain militia attacked. It still keep attacking civilians that protest against corruption and the lack of social or economic or education or whatever development!
Cowardly the big number of militias can cause a real trouble inside. It looks like Venezuela is a country with no laws, but it was expected from another dictatorship.
Royal Militia |
National Revolutionary Militia |
Rural Militia |
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Venezuelan learning how to use weapons in case of Trump's threat |
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Venezuela People's Militia occupies once State used by Colombian Paramilitaries |
Members of the Bolivarian militias attend the press conference given by Defence Minister general Vladimir Padrino |
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Colombian Paramilitary Group acting as mecenaries for Maduro's government |
Anyway, rumors that Brazilian governament was supporting a Cuban attack in Venezuela. I don't know what real happened, but I think PT supported a civilian attack by a foreign militia to keep ruling in Sudamerica. This strategy is not new, was used in 60's and 70's by militias anyway, to go overloading the public services.
The international organization in Brazil, called Foro de São Paulo, supported the leftist governaments by rude and unconventional methods, that was when Colombian governament lost control of FARC and had to make extreme measures, chance the position of governament to put an end on the party! When the action went extreme, almost all countries elected socialist governaments, but all by extreme measures, ilegal methods, manipulating results, etc.
The control of population also includes ilegal paramilitar methods, unconventional and irregular tactics of warfare and guerrilla, rural or urban, and lethal methods against population and opositors. Shuting people that oposes.
It was supposed for a better dialog between democratic countries, but was a little more extreme than that!
Brazilian governament kept controling the situation and than saw a reelection of 'she-president' Dilma, by manipulation also, to make the perpetual situation of leftist governament ruling in South America. The mania of belive that democracy is only the capability of direct elections make the latin america have a silly or loutish population, that belive the real salvation is on a governament that do not give a chance for economic development, but limiting the capability of consumation, or small private business, only benefit the big corporations and political carachters.
The battle against poverty do not give the capability for growing, but limiting the capability of a middle class, put everybody in the same line and pull down the middle class, making a civil war almost.
As seen in the food rationing, giving a limit of consume of food in Venezuela. For the excuse of dificult of import, produce, etc. food. Anyway, an agrarian food and well industrialized cannot be a little more poker faced?
As Bolívar once said: "Maldito el soldado que apunta su arma contra su pueblo". Damned be Chavez and Maduro so!
A shame... completely shit situation, fucked up countries, corrupt motherfuckers, leftist loutishes. That's reality on impunity for public figures, important personal that support them, drug traffics that support the governament, paramilitar that fears the population, and deify the figure of the leaders, that's Lula, Marx, Lenin, Chavez, Castro, Guevara, are eternal leaders, not supporting changing for a new reality.
All society are surrounded by terror and psychologic terrorism groups, violence and a cultural or social shock that fistfucks the society.
Venezuela and Brazil are very close on internal situation.
Which conclusion? All that shit happening as neighter a specialist can understand, there are so damn many corruption that it absurd to say anything, except a new analysis of how worst things will go!
What to do? Contract Executive Outcomes, Mr. Barlow's STTEP International or Sandline to fight communists as ever? That would be a very natural atitude as we see our own constitutions, laws and rights getting sodomized by a bunch of alienated and evil politicians.
A psychology of evil, almost a sexual pleasure of being extremely powerful, Political Poneralogy explains a little about how evil a leader can be after rule for some years, cheating on legislative, manipulating power, and strategically creating a perpetual enemy, easily can be a perpetual, even immortal, leader. First step is attacking education... than the rest! That's the idea of invert the society and put one leader to control everything, like a Pig controling the rest of the farm! Orwell said it best!
Psychology of evil! Subjects for the future!
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