Thanks to PT and the Foro of São Paulo...
At the situation that Brazil lives, the problem is that leftists are generaly revanchist.
The other problem, Brazilian legislation is leftist...
Other problem, Brazil always had a leftist government, and the idea is insert in population's mind.
See that Lula had institutionalized the corruption as a model of lifestyle, being at the top of a pyramid of bureaucratics and entrepreneurs, receiving money in charge of favours.
The institution created a possibility of control everything, even corrupt actions, criminal agenda, drugs, religion, christianity and judaism, etc can be controled by state leaders and have the financial retribution returned to the elites, removing the capability of population to legislate into a democratic state.
The legalization of criminality started at the top of this pyramid and they need to secure themselves with the paralel power, a kind of illegal army to provide their needs, at their needs and at the media, deviating the news to what they want, like leak of porn movies and secret lovers.
At the situation the PCC, following the CV model, started by the communists together the old drug dealers and the capability of arm theirselves in charge of political power, or lack of political powers at the geopolitic of drugs.
At the moment, the armies are the MST, unarmed paralel disorder group, in general poors that can belive stories, leareded by intelligent leaders, richies, that can guide them. And PCC, armed groups, to cause unrest at the society and threatens the politicians that goes against the needs of Foro, leadered by politicians.
Intenationally, the PCC have an alied with terrorist groups, to get their weapons and guarantee their power at the country. See that Paraguayan president is being threatened by this group and Paraguayan druglord was murdered in name of the Brazilian leadership.
The real druglords are the politicians, as the real leaders of Islamic State. Foreign political leaders.
In Brazil there is an invasion of Islamic State and a leftist program to support the islamization in Brazil, in contra-USA friendship. As the ISIS and USA has nothing except threats, not real intention of a direct attack, the great program of ISIS is destabilization of geopolitics of interest of economic parties and specific politicians.
ISIS have been entering in Brazil and not activatin the cells, but it's not new that sleeping terrorists are in territory and also, waiting for the local order to get activated. Maybe a PCC failure or worst scenario the left ideologies get weaker.
The cause of a possible unrest in military conflict inside the territory can be a serious problem for a obsolete right policy that simply assumed a failed state.
I don't care about Israel State, but I do care about how the bad guys from islam can be used against the population, under a circumstance of weapon traffic, mind control game, etc. but, well, it's a part of Agenda of world wide domination of the elite.
Brzezinski had this agenda during Clinton's government. Clinton was Fabian, and in England Tony Blair too, started a leftist agenda to protect the monarchy and control the whole population under the control of institutions. The result of this is that England broke. Obama had this agenda too, to use the so called enemies to destablize the whole system. IS did it well, destablizing Europe, specially Eurasia. That's why Putin must take care and control of whole local geopolitics.
So, Brazil is like Israel, surrounded by something real strange, the only problem is that the government is pro-strange movements, if there is a change in the system, this paramilitary movements can act, against the population as the first target.
Communism is a totalitarian regime that control Brazil since the fall of military governments, our constitution is leftist, social democrate, Fabian... And the country follows a rule of the total control of government, without the capability of citizens to have the private life and day by day, the citizen is being denied in the private sphere. Family, costumes, capability of economy, taxes and bills, and enslavement.
Até este merda reconhece... This piece of shit reconizes...!!!
É isso ai!!!
Mr. Cardoso is a revanchist just as assumed communists. but fantasized as neoliberal politician, but with an agenda of destablization of country and he started the weakening of military forces at his government.
The first of the programs was privitize the state companies, put the power in particulars, and sell it to public sector. But years before he started the Foro, together other think tankers and stakeholders to formalize a strategic state to put the power inside one elite, mantaining the society under a roof and equalize the capability of enviroment and social gains.
If PT has a Gramcist style, Cardoso has a Fabian style of socialism, with institutions delimitate the order of society, with paralel forces to destablize the society.
This Bastard assumes that Communism is the whole ideology that he can implement, but by other ways, by institutional regiment of industries and grand corporations fincanced by an elite, with economic producing turning around the whole elite and the state leaders, and it's ministries, mantaining the population under a circumstancial regime of uncapability of move. Also, mantain the environment under the whole control of State...
Illuminati🔺 Agenda or not... conspiracy or not... the Freemasons nowadays are a good propaganda against the leftist movement, but I don't know till when they are interested in nationalist spirit, the illuminist ideology is the basis of the pillars of freemasons, and also Illuminati is into the great economists and millionaires.
Rotschild, others, George Soros, other evil creatures and here in Brazil, Cardoso and Lula, are a part of a whole world wide government of a bit institution, with the only plan to make population under a government, exploring the whole environment, spreading deceases when they want to control the population, inventing wars where they want and put the world under control.
Not Cardoso only, Temer is from the biggest party of oposition of military power in Brazil, the constitutional legislators from the 80's are all involved in institutionalized social democracy, lefitism, Fabian party... so, Temer is not extreme right as people are saying. Brazil still has a communist party, but other via.
Not Cardoso only, Temer is from the biggest party of oposition of military power in Brazil, the constitutional legislators from the 80's are all involved in institutionalized social democracy, lefitism, Fabian party... so, Temer is not extreme right as people are saying. Brazil still has a communist party, but other via.

Wolf in Sheep's clothing!
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