Continuation of Globalist Agenda in Trump Government: Syria and North Korea as a part of the plan
Neoconservative Trump police and Globalists has many common goals. The problem is that the institutionalization of the military sector as a part of the government as decision makers are a dangerous diplomacy.
When we institutionalize the Armies and the Air Forces as a part of the political program of intern security and the economy goes moving into a free market and autorregulating, the taxes and prices are capable to reduce but the capability of the decision of consumption reduces too, it's like you have to buy to survive, as the big corporations are offering everything you cannot produce because people aren't autonomous to produce. The capability of environment are all in the possession of few families.
Well, invasion of Syria and North Korea were always a program of Globalist and Trump, who foughts globalist agenda, maybe the Fabians and the Marxists, are involved into the PNAC NEOCON project, that projects forces to the worldwide with the military capaility of his own leadership.
It's not a socialist globalism, but it's a american globalism like the stupid Fukuyama once told that America was heading the world, and Kissinger striked world wide with murder and bombing many countries to implement the USA leadership, USA rethoric speech is doing the same again, agressive against the ones who goes against his order, but none are obligated to follow, except because USA is treatening with military diplomacy everyones who goes against Israel and USA.
As it was in Iraq, when Hussein was proved not to have mass destruction bombs, as was against Gadhafi, again with no mass destruction, now North Korea is having this problem, despit their have these mass destruction weapons, it's a right that every country must have their defenses active, goes to conflict who can deffend more than attack.
Syria is another place, influenced by Russia, Turkey and Iran, but the implementation of Geopolitics of USA in region, reminds the Mackinder strategy of Eurasianism for Americans - not for Russians or Eurasians - and also, the Haushofer Geopolitik strategy, but, for Americans, not for Germans.
Trump is selling his business ideals to a global agenda of his need of americanism.
Check the news below and take your opinion.

Mr. Trump, who met with senior military officers and national security officials into the evening on Monday, seemed poised to order an airstrike against Syria that could be carried out as early as Tuesday. Less clear was how he would act on his stated intent to make Syria’s allies “pay a price” for enabling the massacre without risking a perilous cycle of escalation.
“If it’s Russia, if it’s Syria, if it’s Iran, if it’s all of them together, we’ll figure it out and we’ll know the answers quite soon,” he told reporters at the opening of a cabinet meeting. “So we’re looking at that very strongly and very seriously.”
Mr. Trump has sought to forge a friendship with President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, but he suggested that the Kremlin leader, who has troops in Syria propping up the government of President Bashar al-Assad, bears responsibility, as well. “He may, and if he does, it’s going to be very tough, very tough,” Mr. Trump said. “Everybody’s going to pay a price. He will, everybody will.”
Many dead, including women and children, in mindless CHEMICAL attack in Syria. Area of atrocity is in lockdown and encircled by Syrian Army, making it completely inaccessible to outside world. President Putin, Russia and Iran are responsible for backing Animal Assad. Big price...

WASHINGTON — President Trump put Syria and Russia on notice Wednesday morning in a Twitter post, promising that missiles fired at Syria “will be coming, nice and new and ‘smart!’” and telling the Kremlin that it should not partner with a “Gas Killing Animal who kills his people and enjoys it!” After the threat, the president said in a separate tweet that relations between the United States and Russia are worse than ever.
The president appeared to be reacting to reports on Tuesday that the Russian ambassador to Lebanon, Alexander Zasypkin, warned the United States and its allies that any missiles fired at Syria would be shot down. He made those comments in an interview with Al Manar Television.
Mr. Trump’s early morning comments were remarkable in that he is, in a way, telegraphing the United States’ response to a suspected chemical weapons attack in Syria, which is something he had previously criticized other leaders for doing. Mr. Trump has said publicly that sharing military plans could give enemies information they could use to their advantage.
Russia vows to shoot down any and all missiles fired at Syria. Get ready Russia, because they will be coming, nice and new and “smart!” You shouldn’t be partners with a Gas Killing Animal who kills his people and enjoys it!
Globalist and NEOCON Agenda to Syria:

As establishment neoconservatives, liberals, and globalists all demand deeper U.S. involvement in Syria's establishment-fueled civil war, much of President Donald Trump's base continues to advocate a total withdrawal of U.S. military forces from the region. Meanwhile, Trump said he is considering all options for how to deal with Syria after the reported chemical weapons attack. But first, the president suggested he wanted to know what happened in the highly suspicious attack, which came not long after Trump suggested that American troops in Syria would soon be coming home.
Previous chemical weapons attacks in Syria, after first being blamed on Syrian dictator Bashar al Assad, were later shown to be probable “false-flag” attacks staged by establishment-backed jihadist rebels. More than a few voices have suggested the latest reported attack may again be deception, including a former United Nations weapons inspector. Foreign powers warned just last month that false flags were being prepared in Syria to justify military intervention. But some especially unhinged voices in Congress and the Swamp have actually blamed the attack on Trump, citing his refusal to obey globalist commands to keep America permanently embroiled in illegal war.
However, in contrast with some of his earlier comments on social media, Trump suggested that he wanted to know exactly what was going on before deciding what to do. “We are studying that situation extremely closely,” the president continued. “We are meeting with our military and everybody else, and we’ll be making some major decisions over the next 24 to 48 hours. We are very concerned when a thing like that can happen. This is about humanity. We’re talking about humanity. And it can’t be allowed to happen.”
Trump promised his administration would be “looking at that barbaric act” and “studying” what has been happening there. “We’re trying to get people in there,” he continued. “As you know, it’s been surrounded. So it’s very hard to get people in because not only has it been hit, it’s been surrounded. And if they’re innocent, why aren’t they allowing people to go in and prove? Because as you know, they’re claiming they didn’t make the attack. So if it’s Russia, if it’s Syria, if it’s Iran, if it’s all of them together, we’ll figure it out and we’ll know the answers quite soon.”
A White House statement issued after Trump's conversation with globalist French President Emmanuel Macron, who backs officially designated communist terrorists in Syria, sounded even more confrontational. “Both leaders strongly condemned the horrific chemical weapons attacks in Syria and agreed that the Assad regime must be held accountable for its continued human rights abuses,” the joint statement said. “They agreed to exchange information on the nature of the attacks and coordinate a strong, joint response.”
Indeed, the circumstances are extremely suspicious. At the end of March, Trump announced that U.S. troops would be “coming out of Syria very soon.” “Let the other people take care of it now,” he added. Assad has all but crushed the globalist-backed jihad against his regime, too. In short, everything was going great for the Syrian dictator — all he had left to do was a mop-up operation, followed by rebuilding his war-torn nation.
Instead, the globalist establishment expects people to believe that Assad decided to throw it all away by using chemical weapons, essentially signing his own death warrant. In solving crimes, the old Latin expression “Cui bono” is among the first questions asked. In this case, obviously, Assad had everything to lose, and nothing to gain.
Top foreign officials warned almost a month ago of an impending false flag attack using chemicals to be blamed on Assad. “According to our sources, new provocations are being prepared in Syria with the use of chemical weapons,” said Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, whose government supports Syrian authorities. “There will be stagings... The attention of the international community will be attracted, using as always a tragic aspect, on the sufferings of civilians, innocent victims. This will be used as a pretext for the coalition to use force, especially against the Syrian capital.”
About Chemichal attacks:
An independent group — the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons — was on its way to investigate the site when the U.S. missiles struck. There was no apparent reason for Trump to launch them in such haste other than 1) his personal itch to show that he is tougher than Barack Obama and/or 2) a fear that an independent analysis would not justify the attack.
As Trump, Macron, and British Prime Minister Theresa May flout their contempt for the rule of law, the very institutions charged with protecting it are their accomplices. The UN Security Council refused to rebuke their violation of its own charter. And members of the U.S. Congress generally applauded the strikes – with most of the critics complaining that Trump had no plan to destroy Assad.
And while the mainstream media in the United States, Britain and France have been bemoaning the drift toward authoritarianism in other countries Europe and Asia, they seem oblivious to their own role as cheerleaders for the foreign adventurism that undercuts democracy in their own countries.
The excuse of course is that Assad is a “bad guy.” But so are dozens of leaders around the world, from Saudi Arabia to Central America to Southeast Asia who are protected by the U.S. military. Punishment that is inflicted only on one’s enemies and not on one’s cronies does not qualify as justice. It is a cynical cover for the arbitrary use of power that discredits efforts to build a peaceful world order.
Salhi notes that “strategic pre-emption” is long central to American policy in the Middle East, citing Rapid Deployment Forces during the Carter Administration, Dual Containment under Clinton, Pre-emptive Doctrine under George W. Bush. Polices, he holds, which: “have been instrumental in maintaining hegemony in the region”, avoiding threats to U.S interests, or to those of Israel,Turkey and the Gulf States.
Addressing “The Syrian Threat”, Professor Salhi reminds of the U.S. Congress 2004 “Syria Accountability Act” which considerably financially weakened Syria’s fragile economy, with further aims clearly paving the way to regime change.
That achieved: “…the United States will have completed its final stage of encircling Iran. This would further tip the region’s balance of power in favour of Israel and ultimately open new doors” for the U.S. “active involvement in toppling the Iranian regime.”
PNAC’s John Bolton, as Under Secretary of State for Arms Control, had testified before a Senate Sub-Committee on Syria’s threats to the U.S., which of course included terrorism and “weapons of mass destruction” reminds Salhi – pointing out that Bolton could cite no specifics. The more a Syrian danger was inflated, the more “justification” for an attack.
Conversely he reasoned, a massively threatened Syria then: “has a motive to make itself more threatening than it actually is.” (On a personal note his comment had resounding resonance. In an interview with Iraq’s then Foreign Minister Tareq Aziz prior to the invasion, I asked about the weapons of mass destruction allegations relentlessly assailing Western air waves . He side- stepped the question neatly: “Madam Felicity, we too are afraid.” He of course knew the truth, Iraq was a sitting duck, but U.S. uncertainty was slender hope for catastrophe averted.)
In a rare moment of intemperance, President Assad stated the country had chemical weapons and would use them if invaded. As Aziz, he would hardly declare there was no way to counter an invasion’s fearsome arsenal.
Addressing “The Syrian Threat”, Professor Salhi reminds of the U.S. Congress 2004 “Syria Accountability Act” which considerably financially weakened Syria’s fragile economy, with further aims clearly paving the way to regime change.
That achieved: “…the United States will have completed its final stage of encircling Iran. This would further tip the region’s balance of power in favour of Israel and ultimately open new doors” for the U.S. “active involvement in toppling the Iranian regime.”
PNAC’s John Bolton, as Under Secretary of State for Arms Control, had testified before a Senate Sub-Committee on Syria’s threats to the U.S., which of course included terrorism and “weapons of mass destruction” reminds Salhi – pointing out that Bolton could cite no specifics. The more a Syrian danger was inflated, the more “justification” for an attack.
Conversely he reasoned, a massively threatened Syria then: “has a motive to make itself more threatening than it actually is.” (On a personal note his comment had resounding resonance. In an interview with Iraq’s then Foreign Minister Tareq Aziz prior to the invasion, I asked about the weapons of mass destruction allegations relentlessly assailing Western air waves . He side- stepped the question neatly: “Madam Felicity, we too are afraid.” He of course knew the truth, Iraq was a sitting duck, but U.S. uncertainty was slender hope for catastrophe averted.)
In a rare moment of intemperance, President Assad stated the country had chemical weapons and would use them if invaded. As Aziz, he would hardly declare there was no way to counter an invasion’s fearsome arsenal.
About North Korea:
Donald Trump has suggested his summit with Kim Jong-un could still go on as planned, marking yet another dramatic reversal for the US president who just a day earlier .
“We’ll see what happens,” Trump told reporters at the White House on Friday, adding that his administration was in talks with Pyongyang and the summit was still possible on its originally scheduled date of 12 June.
“They very much want to do it. We’d like to do it,” he added.
Asked if North Korea was playing games, Trump responded, “Everybody plays games.”
Trump tweeted later on Friday that the US was having “very productive talks” with Pyongyang about the possible summit.
The president’s comments came after North Korea said it was still willing to engage in direct talks, calling the planned summit between Trump and Kim “desperately necessary”.
“We express our willingness to sit down face-to-face with the US and resolve issues anytime and in any format,” North Korea’s vice foreign minister Kim Kye-gwan said in a statement. “Our commitment to doing our best for the sake of peace and stability for the world and the Korean Peninsula remains unchanged, and we are open-minded in giving time and opportunity to the US.”
Trump says US military ‘is ready’ if North Korea takes ‘foolish action’ following cancelled summit
President Donald Trump says that the US military is ready if North Korea takes any "foolish action" following his decision to pull out of planned talks next month.
"Our military is ready if necessary," Mr Trump said Thursday at the White House, before continuing to say that the summit cancellation is a "great setback for the world" and bragging about "greatly enhanced" military power the the US and its allies have.
"Likewise, I have spoken to South Korea and Japan and they are not only ready should foolish or reckless acts be taken by North Korea, but they are willing ot shoulder much of the cost of any financial burden — any of the costs associated by the United States in operations, if such an unfortunate situation is forced upon us," he continued.
The crisis with North Korea escalated Sunday as President Trump reviewed military options and suggested sweeping new economic sanctions in response to the crossing of a dangerous threshold by the isolated nation in detonating its most powerful nuclear weapon ever.
Defying Trump's blunt warnings, North Korea claimed it had successfully tested a hydrogen bomb that could be attached to a missile capable of reaching the mainland United States.
Though not yet confirmed, Pyongyang's apparent show of force was extraordinary — the hydrogen weapon is vastly more powerful than the atomic bombs dropped on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki — and drew swift condemnation in capitals around the globe. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe called the action "absolutely unacceptable."
In Washington, Trump declared North Korea's latest provocation "very hostile and dangerous to the United States" and would not rule out a retaliatory strike. Asked as he left morning services at St. John's Church whether he was planning to attack North Korea, Trump told reporters, "We'll see."
The mainstream view being espoused by globalist-minded politicians and corporate oligarchs with an agenda is that North Korea is a nuclear armed monstrosity ready to use any subversive means necessary to strike the United States. The idea that the North is working closely with Al-Qaeda has been suggested in everything from White House briefings to cable news to movies and television. The concept of pan-global terrorist collusion and the cartoon-land “axis of evil” has been prominent in our culture since the Administration of George W. Bush. It has even been making a resurgence lately in the MSM, which presented countries like Iran, Syria And North Korea as the primary culprits interfering with the success of the U.N. Small Arms Treaty.
Of course, what remains less talked about in the mainstream is the fact that these nations refuse to adhere to the treaty because carefully placed loopholes still allow major powers like the United States to feed arms into engineered insurgencies. Why would Syria or any other targeted nation sign a treaty that restricts its own sovereign ability to trade while giving teeth to internal enemies trained and funded by foreign intelligence agencies?
The establishment brushes aside such facts and consistently admonishes these countries as the last holdouts standing in the way of a new world order, a worldwide socioeconomic cooperative and pseudo-Utopia. The path to this wonderful global village is always presented as a battle against stubborn isolationists, non-progressives who lack vision and cling desperately to the archaic past. The values of personal and national sovereignty are painted as outdated, decrepit and even threatening to the newly born world structure. The image of North Korea is used by globalists as a kind of straw man argument against sovereignty. North Koreans’ vices and imbalances as a culture are many; but this is due in far larger part to their communist insanity, rather than any values of national independence. It is their domestic hive-mind collectivism we should disdain, not their wish to maintain a comfortable distance as a society from the global game.
New York Times - 1984:
The possibility of utilizing thorium rather than uranium for nuclear power has intrigued scientists ever since the Manhattan Project, but the technical challenge of designing a workable thorium reactor seemed to demand an extremely costly and long-range development which did not promise compensating advantages. Now, finally, we have arrived at a concept which Prof. Edward Teller has called ''an elegant solution to the thorium problem.'' With very modest amounts of development funds, this concept can be brought to fruition within a decade since it requires no new manufacturing techniques or exotic materials. Because this type of reactor would be nonproliferative, it would be acceptable for worldwide deployment, including the third-world countries which for lack of oil or coal are in great need of nuclear power. Since thorium is at least several times as plentiful as uranium, the utilization of this reactor concept would ensure ample nuclear fuel supplies for several centuries. Moreover, a thorium reactor's plutonium production rate would be less than 2 percent of that of a standard reactor, and the plutonium's isotopic content would make it unsuitable for a nuclear detonation. The fissile uranium generated in the thorium would nearly all be burned in place. The small residue would be denatured by being mixed with several times as much nonfissile uranium so that it cannot be used for weapons.
The cores would be suitable for backfitting in the pressure vessels of existing nuclear power plants, thus conserving multi-billion-dollar investments, and would have inherent safety improvements that greatly reduce the possibility of a meltdown.
There would also be a considerable saving in fuel cycle costs, the generation of high- and low-level radioactive wastes would be much reduced and the storage of spent fuel simplified.
Government and industry assistance will be sought to construct and operate a demonstration plant so as to provide convincing evidence of the attractiveness of the concept. Success would restore U.S. leadership in nuclear power and lead to major export potential. ALVIN RADKOWSKY Tel Aviv, April 26, 1984
Thorium could power the next generation of nuclear reactors
Thorium has long held promise for “safer” nuclear power. A slightly radioactive element, it transforms into fissionable U-233 when hit by high-energy neutrons. But after use, U-233 creates fewer long-lived radioactive waste products than the conventional U-235 now used in nuclear power plants.
But because nuclear power was traditionally tied up with nuclear weapons research into uranium and plutonium, thorium was mostly abandoned. Except for one test reactor that has been under construction at Kalpakkam since 2004, thorium reactor research has been moribund.
But now, NRG, a nuclear research facility in Petten, on the North Sea coast of the Netherlands, has launched the Salt Irradiation Experiment (SALIENT) in collaboration with the EU Commission. The researchers want to use thorium as a fuel for a molten salt reactor, one of the next-generation designs for nuclear power in which both the reactor coolant, and the fuel itself, are a mixture of hot, molten salt.
Many believe that molten salt reactors are well suited for using thorium as a fuel. Their unique working fluid can achieve very high temperatures, significantly boosting the efficiency of the power generation process.
North Korea 2018: nuclear weapons – atomic bombs – fusion bomb & nuclear power plant Yŏngbyŏn
The last nuclear tests of North Korea, the statements of the American president Tump in front of the UN and his announcement: „We will have no choice, but to totally destroy North Korea“ show the dangerous aggravation of the situation. The conflict takes on a dimension which not only can cause millions of victims, but also endangers the world peace. However, the aggravation of the crisis also shows what it means if neurotics are the leaders of nuclear states and possess the most awful weapons of destruction in the world during their childish-dangerous sandpit games.
The North Korean atomic bomb arises out of the help of small nuclear power plants. At the same time, there are worldwide campaigns for new, small nuclear power plants, for thorium reactors, also called liquid fluoride reactors. These small “eco-friendly and green” thorium nuclear power plants are supposed to be built all around the world and the research is sponsored by EU-money. All these mini-reactors produce a amount of radioactivity that is as high as the one of many Hiroshima bombs. 8 kilos (weapons-grade) uranium 233 could be produced from 1,6 tons of thorium in one year. The IAEA expects that this amount of uranium is enough for the construction of a nuclear weapon.
The resuscitated idea of distributing many small and big nuclear power plants among the whole world is a global suicide program and a nuclear nightmare.
Nuclear power plants are dictator´s and terrorist’s favourites. The current nightmare of the North Korean nuclear arming would increase by the global export of new nuclear power plants to areas of tension and would grow as a result of “nice, small thorium reactors” infinitely.
Text: Axel Mayer, BUND-director Freiburg, vice president of TRAS Basel
Translation: Leon Brenner, Leon Sander
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