The Sinister goes Berserker
Thomas Hobbes argued that the human nature is the eternal conflict and the natural law is the state of war and the people searches for the self-preservations constantly in their instincts. The first law is that they will do what they can for the seek of peace. The second is to agree that everyone will do the same for their peaces, and the limits of what can be done for the peace.
The limitation of the natural state is none, and this natural anarchy is promoted by the capability of survive and in the perpetual warfare, the strong will rule the weak because the strongs are more able to survive and subjulgate. But to Hobbes, all men are equal as far as the weakest is able to kill the strong, by assassination and other non direct conflicts can put them at the same level.
For this law is dictated by everyone can do the same things, human nature searches for what is respectful to their lives and to not foward to other's limitations. Humans searched for a common authority to mitigate conflicts between them, and when there is no authority, the natural law and nature state is a war between oposites.
This condition that humankind lives is the warof every man against every man and humans can do everything to promote their self desires. The cultural and social promotion of the life is a constant conflict between ideals.
This is the perpetual warfare. War is eternal in the society, the perpetual war of ideals and war of creeds make men search for their equals and make men search for those who will rule a group, follwing on which is important for the group or the clan, the wisdom, the strenght, the capability of survive, who can finance something.
This war is created in history and humans searches for their authority that they reconizes.
Exemple of worldwide catholics follow Pope as their leader, more even than the local presidency. The need for the liberty on human creeds made people not to follow the social creed and search for other leaders and other creeds that explain better the inner existence, like Satanism, local traditions comming from Indo-European and African religions, local faith from natives and aborigens, etc.
This perpetual warfare is a concept that moldes the society to a search for the peace and the non legitimate actors that influence the society are losing more and more their legitimacy, as the institutions search more for political power and financial power than the promotion of the self preservation or self determination of the individual, the judeo-christianity is losing it's legitimacy worldwide, specialy for the Satanism is the first step for the search for this 'self' than the reconization for more traditional spirituality.
But anyway, the path of the antichrist is not just a legitimate norm, it's a search for the capabilty of the survival in this world full of conspiracy, sins, adovocacy for the promotion of weak minds, promotion of a corruptive politics for the destruction of humanity.
And this anger against the religious that enslaves the mind of people, becomes more and more clear in this state of charming devotion to the inner self, the promotion of militias to regret the religions that promoted once a historic destruction of humans, promoted laws that benefits the elites with financial capability and promoted capitalism and communism to repel the human instinct and a religion that made humans gone far from nature and the human nature.
So, now, the return for the tradition comes attacking not only politics, but every institution that limitates the self-realization, as the religion, and this returns to a holy warfare in it's perpetual state of warfare, as the promotion of military imagery in religion and the promotion of the terrorism in religion returning to a spiritual realization better than a carnal pleasure, and also the promotion of terror, in its cultural propaganda, as a promotion of a collective well.
The return on the imagery of natives, warriors, the use of might as the reconization of the society pillars, in the heroes before the christian priests, to reconize that before the industry and the services, before the church, there were a society which lived with no laws, but with the respect for the human being and for the nature, and this civilizations with no written laws could be perpetual and lived in peace till the rulers and advocates of the social and moral values come to the colonization and conquests, promoting the wellfare for the ones who bow to the god that ancient ones don't belive.
The limitation of the natural state is none, and this natural anarchy is promoted by the capability of survive and in the perpetual warfare, the strong will rule the weak because the strongs are more able to survive and subjulgate. But to Hobbes, all men are equal as far as the weakest is able to kill the strong, by assassination and other non direct conflicts can put them at the same level.
For this law is dictated by everyone can do the same things, human nature searches for what is respectful to their lives and to not foward to other's limitations. Humans searched for a common authority to mitigate conflicts between them, and when there is no authority, the natural law and nature state is a war between oposites.
This condition that humankind lives is the warof every man against every man and humans can do everything to promote their self desires. The cultural and social promotion of the life is a constant conflict between ideals.
This is the perpetual warfare. War is eternal in the society, the perpetual war of ideals and war of creeds make men search for their equals and make men search for those who will rule a group, follwing on which is important for the group or the clan, the wisdom, the strenght, the capability of survive, who can finance something.
This war is created in history and humans searches for their authority that they reconizes.
Exemple of worldwide catholics follow Pope as their leader, more even than the local presidency. The need for the liberty on human creeds made people not to follow the social creed and search for other leaders and other creeds that explain better the inner existence, like Satanism, local traditions comming from Indo-European and African religions, local faith from natives and aborigens, etc.
This perpetual warfare is a concept that moldes the society to a search for the peace and the non legitimate actors that influence the society are losing more and more their legitimacy, as the institutions search more for political power and financial power than the promotion of the self preservation or self determination of the individual, the judeo-christianity is losing it's legitimacy worldwide, specialy for the Satanism is the first step for the search for this 'self' than the reconization for more traditional spirituality.
But anyway, the path of the antichrist is not just a legitimate norm, it's a search for the capabilty of the survival in this world full of conspiracy, sins, adovocacy for the promotion of weak minds, promotion of a corruptive politics for the destruction of humanity.
And this anger against the religious that enslaves the mind of people, becomes more and more clear in this state of charming devotion to the inner self, the promotion of militias to regret the religions that promoted once a historic destruction of humans, promoted laws that benefits the elites with financial capability and promoted capitalism and communism to repel the human instinct and a religion that made humans gone far from nature and the human nature.
So, now, the return for the tradition comes attacking not only politics, but every institution that limitates the self-realization, as the religion, and this returns to a holy warfare in it's perpetual state of warfare, as the promotion of military imagery in religion and the promotion of the terrorism in religion returning to a spiritual realization better than a carnal pleasure, and also the promotion of terror, in its cultural propaganda, as a promotion of a collective well.
The return on the imagery of natives, warriors, the use of might as the reconization of the society pillars, in the heroes before the christian priests, to reconize that before the industry and the services, before the church, there were a society which lived with no laws, but with the respect for the human being and for the nature, and this civilizations with no written laws could be perpetual and lived in peace till the rulers and advocates of the social and moral values come to the colonization and conquests, promoting the wellfare for the ones who bow to the god that ancient ones don't belive.
America is ripe for the coming of the cruel emperors and empresses 'Of The Blood'. Consciously or unconsciously, the American people wait with baited breath for the return of those who have no name from the gates far beyond the stars, where no human life can dwell. A popular colloquialism in the United States is: "The train is leaving the station, are you aboard?". Have you hopped aboard the train of coming darkness and Satan reigning triumphant? We certainly hope so, for if not, not even the annals of history shall mention the memory of your person - for such a memory will not exist in a world where much more pressing concerns are in the minds of all - such as basic survival, glory, horror and the aftermath of nuclear holocaust.
Already the American infrastructure is descending at a rapid pace towards the level of apes - in such an atmosphere in which decadence and enervation reigns supreme, in an atmosphere when the intelligentsia are regularly branded as 'terrorists' and mental midgets are glorified as societal role-models, this my friends (or enemies) is the atmosphere in which the dedicated cadres of ALIENIC INHUMANE CONQUERERS can enter in and, without 'a shot being fired', gain total control of all that is, all that was and all that shall be.
Victory through infiltration. Victory through infiltration. Have we gotten your attention yet? I certainly hope so. America and Americans are without a doubt, the most arrogant people on the face of the planet. Europe endures plagues, famine, revolutions and wars and because of such, possess a certain sort of sadness and resignation to fate because of such. America breeds plagues within our laboratories, executes trade embargos, executes CIA 'black projects' to train natives to foment revolutions in foreign countries and start wars for fun and profit. America indeed, is a different sort of land. Already because of America's happy rebelliousness and moral absence the country and it's ethos has been branded as "sin city" and "Mystery Babylon" respectively.
Now, he was loose. The boy’s smile grew wider. All was beginning to come together. The Sinister seeds which had been planted years ago were now beginning to bear their fearsome fruit. Elsewhere in the world, civil war, terrorism, plague, and famine were turning the earth towards it’s terminal stage. At the Acasual gate near Saturn, the entities who are not to be named strained at the door of their prison. They, too, would soon break free. And then, then would come true solvet saclum in favilla. Twilight had ended and true, black, country dark was now upon the rural community in which the boy dwelt. The men and women drew closer, all round him.
The burly men dragged a naked girl of nineteen towards the fire, stopping to strap her face down and spread-eagled to a large circular wheel upon which was etched all the sigils of the Dark Gods.
Political Theoretics in Satanic and Christian Warfare
How Satanic Orders and neo-Pagan tribes are returning themselves to the freedom of their own traditions and revolting against the Contemporary World and How they affirm the warfare state is good to them, applying the biblic passages to their own.
Bible can be the good exemple of the fundamentalist warfare, when Jeovah requested his people to promote warfare, infiltration, and requested human sacrifices to his name.
Tempel ov Blood requests the same order to promote their Temple and their autonomy of radicalization and spread of Satanism through society. Different from other orders, Tempel ov Blood requests the radical satanism, through society and politics.
The Focus and Direction of the Tempel ov Blood
Second, the infiltration and manipulation of organizations and forms with Sinister potential. Aryanism, particularly the more religiously fanatically forms of it, such as Christian Identity are a good example. The manipulating Noctulain is to use these forms for their own Presencing of the Dark, as well as changing in subtle ways the followers of such forms to following a more Sinister direction. For example, in Identity, using knowledge of the Biblical doctrines and prophecies encourage war, hardship, and system disruption using the scriptures as guidance and proof of the message you are sending to adherents of the said form. Any form with
a transhuman, system disruption, or satanic direction to it may be of use here. The key is finding a form that in itself is an aid to the Dialect and empowering it further, causing a saturation of Acausal Energy.
Third, disruption of Magian organizations. Whether overtly occult forms, such as JudeoChristian churches, Wicca covens, pseudo-satanic temples, or more physical down to earth forms such as Magian political groups and government. These need to be infiltrated and disrupted via both magical means (the ways of which are detailed in a ms not available to the public) as well as in more physical and practical ways.
Excerpts taken from "Liber 333" by Tempel ov Blood.
Richard Wagner once wrote "Man is a beast of prey, History proves that man is a beast of prey. The beast of prey conquers countries; Founds great realms through subjugation of other subjugations; Creates states and organizes civilizations, Exclusively to enjoy his booty in peace."
Meaning that the promotion of the peace comes for war, from the conflict, as Heraclitus wrote, war is the begining of the everything. War is a constant. Since the formation of the biotypes, the formation of the microorganisms, and formation of ideas, with the conflict of the questions and beliefs.
So, the conflict is constant and deny this is harsh, is to live in a fairytale.
But this realms that men search is the empire of the peaceful self determination and self realization. The will to power and an utopia of each one can have the own belief. Respectable and realized.
This is hard nowadays when everyone have the capability of judge everyone and the legal system protects this 'facebook' behavior, of everyone think has the right of judge. The warfare of ideas is constant, the war of beliefs is timeless.
But this realm of peace, with no rules for everyone, with rules determining one can do and one is limitated by the need of a good healthy society, the self regularization of the society. So war, and the satanic behavior, regreting to the orientalism and the self determination, researches a meaning on subjulgate the before subjulgators, rulers that promotes social inequality and protection of a special group of people.
An as Might is Right, the animalistic need for the self determination of the human being, is the answer for centuries of subjulgations. The ascention of the Atheism and the Satanism is the behavior of the pissed off humans that would have their beliefs respected and not destroyed. Their Idols respected and not destroyed or laughted.
The born of the Islam terrorism is one of this consequences. The reborn of the neo-pagan militias in Europe. The creation of Satanist paramilitary groups is too.
Meaning that the promotion of the peace comes for war, from the conflict, as Heraclitus wrote, war is the begining of the everything. War is a constant. Since the formation of the biotypes, the formation of the microorganisms, and formation of ideas, with the conflict of the questions and beliefs.
So, the conflict is constant and deny this is harsh, is to live in a fairytale.
But this realms that men search is the empire of the peaceful self determination and self realization. The will to power and an utopia of each one can have the own belief. Respectable and realized.
This is hard nowadays when everyone have the capability of judge everyone and the legal system protects this 'facebook' behavior, of everyone think has the right of judge. The warfare of ideas is constant, the war of beliefs is timeless.
But this realm of peace, with no rules for everyone, with rules determining one can do and one is limitated by the need of a good healthy society, the self regularization of the society. So war, and the satanic behavior, regreting to the orientalism and the self determination, researches a meaning on subjulgate the before subjulgators, rulers that promotes social inequality and protection of a special group of people.
An as Might is Right, the animalistic need for the self determination of the human being, is the answer for centuries of subjulgations. The ascention of the Atheism and the Satanism is the behavior of the pissed off humans that would have their beliefs respected and not destroyed. Their Idols respected and not destroyed or laughted.
The born of the Islam terrorism is one of this consequences. The reborn of the neo-pagan militias in Europe. The creation of Satanist paramilitary groups is too.
Checking the Biblic passages, the judeo-christianity are free to spawn warfare to promote their justice through world and their fundamentalist religion.
Deuteronomy 20:
Rules for War
20 “When you go out to battle against your enemies, and you see horses, chariots, and many more people than you have, you must not be afraid of them. The Lord your God is with you—and he brought you out of Egypt.
2 “When you go to the battle, the priest must go to the soldiers and speak to them. 3 The priest will say, ‘Men of Israel, listen to me! Today you are going against your enemies in battle. Don’t lose your courage. Don’t be troubled or upset. Don’t be afraid of the enemy. 4 The Lord your God is going with you to help you fight against your enemies. He will help you win!’
5 “The Levite officials will say to the soldiers, ‘Is there any man here who has built a new house but has not yet dedicated it? That man should go back home. He might be killed in the battle, and then another person will dedicate that man’s house. 6 Is there any man here who has planted a vineyard but has not yet gathered any of the grapes? That man should go back home. If that man dies in the battle, someone else will enjoy the fruit from his field. 7 Is there any man here who is engaged to be married? That man should go back home. If he dies in the battle, another man will marry the woman he is engaged to.’
8 “These Levite officials must also say to the people, ‘Is there any man here who has lost his courage and is afraid? He should go back home. Then he will not cause the other soldiers to lose their courage too.’ 9 Then, after the officers have finished speaking to the army, they must choose captains to lead the soldiers.
10 “When you go to attack a city, you must first offer peace to the people there. 11 If they accept your offer and open their gates, all the people in that city will become your slaves and be forced to work for you. 12 But if the city refuses to make peace with you and fights against you, you should surround the city. 13 And when the Lord your God lets you take the city, you must kill all the men in it. 14 But you may take for yourselves the women, the children, the cattle, and everything else in the city. You may use all these things. The Lord your God has given these things to you. 15 That is what you must do to all the cities that are very far from you—the cities that are not in the land where you will live.
16 “But when you take cities in the land that the Lord your God is giving you, you must kill everyone. 17 You must completely destroy all the people—the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites. The Lord your God has commanded you to do this. 18 So then they will not be able to teach you to sin against the Lord your God or to do any of the terrible things they do when they worship their gods.
19 “When you are making war against a city, you might surround that city for a long time. You must not cut down the fruit trees around that city. You may eat the fruit from these trees, but you must not cut them down. These trees are not the enemy, so don’t make war against them. 20 But you may cut down the trees that you know are not fruit trees. You may use these trees to build weapons for making war against that city. You may use them until the city falls.
And check more of the passages, for the arrogane of the contemprary behavior of the sinners, the initiated, the blame on the arrogance of the God of Israel that self determines the only able to subjulgate in the new contemporary world, there is a regret on the tradition of the pre-christain cultures and tribal societies and behaviors, that reach for the self determination of the human being and the individuality, when the sin was not subjulgated and there were no crimes or perversions nor corruptions. The Judeo-Christian bible supports the warfare as it supports the subjulgation of those who don't follow their beliefs, so they don't restepc the tradition nor the self determination.
Sins started with the church in Europe, and with those who don't follow the rules of the Leviticus, bur before it, the behavior were respected. The protection of the society by the traditional behavior, the non legal system and the self regularization promoted the welfare in the tribal societies. There were no rapes in pagan (not Roman or Greek) tribes, nor even violence against women.
No murder without motives, nor the protection of god for murdering. The war was explored as a social behavior and not for a subjulgation of the different cultures. The children respected before the christians went to Europe.
When the Judeo-Christianity promoted centuries of subjulgation in the name of one God that no one would believe without the existencial prove of him, and the promotion of murdering and forced indocrination, the revenge is taken inside groups of anti-christian thoughts. Before the neo-pagan ressurrected, the satanism was explored as a religion of the self and the justification of this irreverent religion is to subjulgate the subjulgators.
Well, this is a harsh, but check other passages in bible:
Sins started with the church in Europe, and with those who don't follow the rules of the Leviticus, bur before it, the behavior were respected. The protection of the society by the traditional behavior, the non legal system and the self regularization promoted the welfare in the tribal societies. There were no rapes in pagan (not Roman or Greek) tribes, nor even violence against women.
No murder without motives, nor the protection of god for murdering. The war was explored as a social behavior and not for a subjulgation of the different cultures. The children respected before the christians went to Europe.
When the Judeo-Christianity promoted centuries of subjulgation in the name of one God that no one would believe without the existencial prove of him, and the promotion of murdering and forced indocrination, the revenge is taken inside groups of anti-christian thoughts. Before the neo-pagan ressurrected, the satanism was explored as a religion of the self and the justification of this irreverent religion is to subjulgate the subjulgators.
Well, this is a harsh, but check other passages in bible:
Deuteronomy 32:35
To me belongeth vengeance and recompence; their foot shall slide in due time: for the day of their calamity is at hand, and the things that shall come upon them make haste.
Deuteronomy 32:41
If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me.
Deuteronomy 32:43
Rejoice, O ye nations, with his people: for he will avenge the blood of his servants, and will render vengeance to his adversaries, and will be merciful unto his land, and to his people.
Judges 11:36
And she said unto him, My father, if thou hast opened thy mouth unto the LORD, do to me according to that which hath proceeded out of thy mouth; forasmuch as the LORD hath taken vengeance for thee of thine enemies, even of the children of Ammon.
Psalms 58:10
The righteous shall rejoice when he seeth the vengeance: he shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked.
Jeremiah 51:20
You are my war club, my weapon for battle— with you I shatter nations, with you I destroy kingdoms.
Ecclesiastes 3:8
A time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace.
Jeremiah 51:20
You are my war club, my weapon for battle— with you I shatter nations, with you I destroy kingdoms.
Ecclesiastes 3:8
A time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace.
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