Esquizóide pusilânime maometana

Partindo de uma lógica que eles mesmos pregam, a lei de Talião é uma possível resposta aos ataques recentes em Paris, sem motivo algum, ou talvez por uma atração homo erótica pelo Johad John.

Sendo um pouco bizarro na minha inútil colocação:

"And be not weak hearted in pursuit of the enemy; if you suffer pain, then surely they (too) suffer pain as you suffer pain..."  - Alcorão 4:104

Minha resposta vai ao grande filósofo darwinista Ragnar Redbeard:

Lex Talionis:


Ragnar Redbeard

We salute the King Muhammad, the mercy given with the Ayat song, "All Hail Allah The Swine"!

Once Muhammed was trying to re-organize the whole situation. We must first start this resume as telling that order of god was never the same in the three weeds.
Jewish god was not the Catholic god, once he was arrogant and pusillanimous and than is coward and dissimulated.

Muhhamed was trying to make a pusillanimous coward reconstruction of god with his christian and jewish friends and maybe he didn't know all the problems that he was puting the whole world.

First of all the idea os ISIS is not only a terrosit group as media all the time put it as, it's a real State not legally reconized, but it's an unit with social traditions, laws, and a very strong and active army. And every raising state is like a noise neighboor.

ISIS was first an armed part of someone really interested of order the world at his way, making the things easy at the middle east, after Sadam's death. This party became out of control after the capability of warfare given to them. They are economicaly strong, close to the oil, a big number of contractors fighting for them, and they have their own financial system, that gives them capability of Seignoriage.

Some poneralogical elements did it, the essence of evil is inside the seeds of the judaism, the christianity and the islamism. It's figure of the old leaders and the murder in the name of a god that never was seem, but when he talked to the humanity, he requested murders everyday of those who were considered enemies.
Once Thor reigned before, now you don't know who is trying to give the cards.

Europe is not anymore being a pride of the humanity.
The problem is that Europe lost all the reference as cultural cradle. Like never before, economic problems made the youth lose the interest on being european citizen. 

ISIS don't really want to fight the other religions, they want to be reconized as a State, but fragmented geographicaly. They want to be a part of the soil that the big islamic generals, good ones like Saladin, were reign before. They want part of Europe, part of Africa, Eurasia, and by any means the best way of achieve these goals is buy the youth of the places.

Configuration of the Great Islamic State

Europe is almost failed in some many places, the ISIS army is not formed by simple jihadists, it's formed by european citizen that were disillusioned by the reality there. The problem of this situation is that too many freedom of the old costumes, more economic problems is causing a new idea in the head of the youth. Drug problems, equality, communism, homossexuality advance, veganism, lose of the catholic tradition (not that it's bad but it's not by the truth, it's by fake propaganda), makes the youth lose the faith on being European.

At the Quran they request the same treat for those who acts against them, but Europe nowadays lost the capability of Lex Talionis.
That's where private actors can do best! 

ISIS is an organism, a big organism that is formed by a network intelligence, very well structured, and formed by cells. 
Also copied the capitalist and configuration of army warfare of contracting people to fight their wars, the model of Private Military Corporation is very well rooted at ISIS model.

Problem of these cells is that they can be activated at any time. It's a cancer.

Second problem is that many of new world organism that defend human rights, legislative of communism and equality protect some of the bad guys.

You cannot affirm a man is terrorist because of his ideology or apearance. He can take some procedures of a politic of racial and religious intolerance, social discrimination and than he act, now it's too late.

That's what happens now.

France is the typical hybrid scenario of warfare, this november 13th is a total description of complexity of the whole problem.

In France the french youth is not interested on enlist the armed forces, but they have the Foreign Legion, formed by non french citizens.

The attack was done by non uniformed soldiers, infiltrated in society attacking civil targets, using AKs shoting everywhere against anybody.
The first response against this non legitime nor legal army is the police. 

At this irregular warfare, inside a urban battlefield, the army cannot act, but the real conflict is at the middle orient. 
Everyday bombs against a non state-owned State, direct attacts, simulating the traditional warfare, but against that non legal, nor legitime, neighter regular army, formed by non national soldiers.

Those same, before, european youth that joined the ISIS army in exchange of legitimacy, reconizing and possible future of anew.

This following model of warfare is complex to predict where is the next attack and also, the fastest response is after it started.

The strategy is to attack at the considered named soft targets, unarmed civilians that cannot defend. Easy targets.

France was also a target of jihadist, the problems of old muslim colognes, the problem of Charlie, other problems also involving FFL in the colognes, the segregation of muslim in ghettos always made France an enemy of jihadists.

Finishing this, in memory of France, the new actor to bomb the middle orient, and the next actions of Legion, some S.O.D., Fuck the Middle East! Enjoy!


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