Great reset and the 4TP explanation - Dissident philosophy.

 “Partido globalista do Great Reset” versus “partido antiglobalista do Grande Despertar”: De que lado estamos e com quem devemos nos aliar?

According to Dugin there are two parties in opposition, both are not capitalist or communist, both are not right or left. Both are pro-global governments, which consist of collectivist ideals, promoting global equality and criminalization of tradition, manipulation of history and a world economic paradigm - promoted by World Economic Forum. 

This party is promoted by stakeholders, a dome of thinkers which promote a capital-socialism, based in cultural marxism and progressivist ideals. These ideals will be a world policy and a world police against tribal conceptions of equals, nationalism, nation peace and intern competition for the private life, corporations under a state aegis which will protect each self privacy.

The anti-globalists raised to a new level of traditionalism. The mainstreaming of Evolian thoughts and the ascension of 4TP of Dugin, and for me - specially Kai Murros - the idea is to promote a regret on mundialization - a more utopic paradigm - for the post-modern globalization.

The promotion of this is to turn itself into a mainstream actor, based on ethics of equals, tribal system based in nationalism, national economy, nationalist pride and national competition under peaceful conditions, based in a protective government.

The multinationals beyond these stakeholders are following the rules of information, and control information, opinions, etc. Apple, Google, Twitter, Microsoft, Amazon, these ones are interested in forming a private police force that will influence the state and public institutions to start persecuting, criminalize and denounce, and even shut the revolutionaries. Using censorship, the new cancellation of the virtual world will make the influencers finish their means and shut their opinions for being different from the progressivist agenda.

The example of it was the cancellation of Trump's account on Twitter, later on impeachment to make him a criminal, charging him for the invasion of congress. It can have double interpretation, and the mainstream media used it as the blame of Trump for something he didn't really do.

The idea is to promote a global currency, based maybe in virtual money, world police and reset the globe to a new world order. Destroy tradition and private life, controlling the private economy and using the great corporations and philanthropists to implement socialist neo-marxist agenda.

Capitalism and communism are both the same ways of a new direction of the world. Using the term socialist as meaning of leftism is wrong in the policy of nowadays.


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