Hatelab - the virtual misanthropic division

  Pagan expressive anti-post-modernity tradition. When they were taken down, part of the movement was taken. But anyway, the representative of conservative nationalism and pagan support can be found on the net. Web societies are done to be out of looks. It was nothing left than a channel with 10 k users and the one who had a live with Kai Murros, expressing how the national revolution can be done to keep the tradition alive always.

Hatelab can be considered a Kai Murros scholars, for those to spread the dissident philosophy.

The networking works with spreading propaganda and cultural terrorism, like the 80's expression for antissocial underground philosophy, with harsh imagery and social inclusion, using underground literatures, zines etc.

Antichristian propaganda is a return to the past 80's hate groups that were corrupted by ant-right movement and christianization/corruption of perennialist philosophy. Bringing Evola as christian is as criminal as being a part of the great reset and stakeholder paradigm of social chaos and global chaos.

According to Kai Murros:

  • When we reflect about whether there will be an elite in a socialist society we must ask, whether the revolution and the destruction of the capitalist system require such an immense concentration of political, ideological and military power, that as a result there will be a new strong elite.
  • We must make two revolutions: First bring down capitalism and crush its remnants through a dictatorship of the national proletariat. After this we must delegate the power back to the local communities, cooperatives, labour unions etc. This second revolution will be far more difficult than the first one.

Hatelab denounced pedowood, christian idolatry for criminal activities, pedophily in government. When reality is shocking, they use the tools to shut it. Anyway, following siege philosophy, when a wolf is lonely, it cannot be tracked. 


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