Fuck off Charlie... where the France is to blame!

All the time blaming the same organism is not the partial thing to do. To be honest, Europe was the most indicted for all that terror they are living.
It's beautiful to see french people living drinking the best coffee, the best wine, eating nice bread, living welfare state model, but this is possible by the blooddrip of the old colognes.
Well, historically the exploitation of North of Africa was very constant by France and England, they divided the Africa the way they wanted, to exploit their own needs, have the great territories, strategically at tne neocolonialism and constantly massacre of people, for a promisse of being into the European dream of liberty and freedom.
It was nice before they give independence to them, they simply didn't give the citizenship to the old workers, their sons and daughters, and the ones who get it, were sent to ghettos and borders because they were not welcome in their nations. Things that created a revolt feeling in old colognes, some pro France wanted to be french, and some that wanted the freedom that raised a big problem in Algeria for exemple. The famous episode also of hiring chakals to murder De Gaule was a sum of many happenings.
The terrorism tries all the time to shock and use the psychossocial elements to manipulate the mind of the audience. Now the fear of a new attack is notble, like it was at September 11th. The most affected for sure was the population and the new model of society will be under a constant fear before can be heal of this.
Terror tries to call the attention to them as a negative form, implement fear and despair, call the media attention, being under constant news, constantly threatening other attacks, using the surprise element to put the population and the government under total alert. That's the main goal of terrorism, subjulgate the enemy by fear of something bigger.
The terrorism tries all the time to shock and use the psychossocial elements to manipulate the mind of the audience. Now the fear of a new attack is notble, like it was at September 11th. The most affected for sure was the population and the new model of society will be under a constant fear before can be heal of this.
Terror tries to call the attention to them as a negative form, implement fear and despair, call the media attention, being under constant news, constantly threatening other attacks, using the surprise element to put the population and the government under total alert. That's the main goal of terrorism, subjulgate the enemy by fear of something bigger.
In the midle of that french hipocrisy, must remember that the first nationstate to proclaim terror against the freedom of speech was France. Remember "Terreur" they implemented when they took down the monarchy! Those who opose the Liberty, Equality and "Brotherhood" were sent to guillotine.
The first theme of the French Revolution was Liberty, Equality, Fraternity or Death! They arose the real terrorism at the first moment of the contemporary history, and proclaimed a social fear of liberty, and popular judgements, against what they considered liberty.
Well, this was the first implementation of terrorism ever known, in contemporary State, than even the first method of State terrorism always implemented, and very well accepted and spread for whole Europe, to spread the illuminism, or the light of the knowledge, or the new kinds of dictatorships.
For this action, they send worldwide a social illuminist and positivist diplomacy, proclaiming the will of the future a kind of species of human, followed by french rules, philosophicaly and evoluted, to understand the colognes at the contemporary to them histories. But later, the neo-colognes apeared!

Also, not to forget, the freemasonry acting behind the scenes, proclaiming a very well known of secret government ruled by secrecy, with banks and private armies, debting population and international creditors and installment plans to make the worldwide in debt to them, forging the economic liberalism.
They, Europeans, wanted to exploit old colognes and politicaly divided whole Africa the way they wanted, They want to blame on islamic terrorism, but who raised these terrorists to protect they own goals?
Africa is very bad divided, puting historical rival tribes together at the same country, the leadership are not impartial. Africa was used as route of traffic of people, drugs, spice, woods, prostitution, weapons... and they simply gave independence to them, and left them together, fighting for power. Stone aged tribes, rival, with guns fighting for power... it for sure was a problem, and now it is, because Europe itself fostered this Anti-European feeling.
Check the exemploe of Brazil. Portugal exploited at the maximum. Gold, woods, traffic of people, extermination of indigenous people, traffig of african to work as slaves, indebted the land, used all the resources here to pay the own debts with France and England and left.
Part of Africa is at an eternal war. Islamic nations were all abandoned after the oil problems, they wanted to exploit oil at the maximum. Arose the first terrorists to fight their own interests, as militias, to fight nationalist governments.
What happened was almost the same, except for the neo-colonialism was a part of contemporary history, with great wars and mass destruction weapons in hand of militia groups.
Hollande is another hypocrite, speaking now about Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité, but all this hypocrisy comes from a speech of hate against the ones who are not french. See the ghettos, full of africans and muslims, poor people.
Charlie was a symbol of that. It's funny to laugh at other's tragedy, but this freedom of speech is to attack others, not the own problems of social inequality, problems of employement and economy that is fucked up. Charlie was a symbol of that hipocrisy that France lives daily, planting seeds of hate in society, rising a flag of something that they cannot charge at their own shoulders.
It's not hard to find videos of the raise of terrorism to fight old Soviet Union, Bin Laden and Sadam Hussein were trained by USA. Other terrorist groups were created to fight against pro-freedom of the old colognes on France and now the feeling of revolt is unique. The unity of this hate is only one, and these rising Lone Wolf Terrorists are everywhere, people who are activated on it's cells of ISIS and people inside that do what they want.
ISIS is another hypocrite that is admiting everything to show it's power, but sometimes Lone Wolf Terrorists are attacking because the lose of identity of being part of a society is the most important thing to count on, because ISIS can easily recruit them, revolted to be in Paris and being all the time blamed because of the colour of skin, the religion, being denied at work.
Hollande talked about War, but War has already started, France that didn't admit that before the attacks of November 13.
So, now, France is just picking what they have spawned in the past.
Remember also that other countries that suffer actions of ISIS are being under constant attacks of the ones called alies and under the terror of ISIS. Daily are more than thousand deaths of innocent civilians. Nobody gets too shocked as it was when the attack was in Europe.
Remember also that other countries that suffer actions of ISIS are being under constant attacks of the ones called alies and under the terror of ISIS. Daily are more than thousand deaths of innocent civilians. Nobody gets too shocked as it was when the attack was in Europe.
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