What have in common Armed Patriots, Neo Nazi mercenaries at Russia and ISIS
One of the most incredible thing I ever see in my whole academic and consultant life is the Armed Patriots at the USA.
Looking at the first seems to be normal, just a militia, but in hells the militias are so amazing like in USA and Russia, who did ever see a skinhead militia at Russia? It's a very well armed and training movement, reconized by local government representative and helping the State to keep an order.
Seems strange, sometimes it runs out of the control, like Hutaree, that's another amazing thinkg to be studied. Or Atomwaffen Division, the neo-nazi, satanist, criminal group, working as a paramilitary group.
Both groups express disgust for the USA politics and they act criminaly against local authorities to promote local recruitment and support.
Both groups express disgust for the USA politics and they act criminaly against local authorities to promote local recruitment and support.
I, in hells will not compare Armed Patriots with ISIS, must tell that the new configuration of the world requests a local militia to put order at some point, the descentralization of power and the lack of capability of the government machine is essential key to local people try act by it's own hands.
It's a complex scenario at the hybrid scenario of warfare. The new picture of the private armies, for exemple, in USA, the government liberates that private armies can patrol the frontiers. When talk about Azov, it started with the patrol of the borders, and later, it's a very powerful army. ISIS started at the vacuum of power in Iraq, after the Ba'ath party and the lack of interest of USA to keep the security at the higher level, also, the poor politics of USA into implementation of liberal capitalism and western culture in Iraq, left the population at the vortex and they found it refugees on seeking the tradition of the great Muslim World.
About the Neo-Nazi mercenaries, Russia and Ukraine are two countries full of traditions, destroyed by the communism, and the pagan traditions and the anti-capitalistic politics and anti-NATO politics, are popular, they found in Nazism and Fascism the ideal politics to express the nationalism and the anti-USA geopolitical influence in region.
It's a complex scenario at the hybrid scenario of warfare. The new picture of the private armies, for exemple, in USA, the government liberates that private armies can patrol the frontiers. When talk about Azov, it started with the patrol of the borders, and later, it's a very powerful army. ISIS started at the vacuum of power in Iraq, after the Ba'ath party and the lack of interest of USA to keep the security at the higher level, also, the poor politics of USA into implementation of liberal capitalism and western culture in Iraq, left the population at the vortex and they found it refugees on seeking the tradition of the great Muslim World.
About the Neo-Nazi mercenaries, Russia and Ukraine are two countries full of traditions, destroyed by the communism, and the pagan traditions and the anti-capitalistic politics and anti-NATO politics, are popular, they found in Nazism and Fascism the ideal politics to express the nationalism and the anti-USA geopolitical influence in region.
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Armed Patriots patroling streets of Ferguson |
Depends exactly on how evoluted politicaly and socialy is the situation of the country. In a country that the government is far from the society, the local militias can become drug and weapon cartels, militias and traffic and guerrilla groups, like in Mexico or Brazil. When the State is representative, there is a small distance between the government and society, and also the society's demands are attended, you have militias pro society, like the case of armed patriots and russian neo nazi skinheads.
The new configuration of the world's politics is a very distant political group leading, far from society, and corruption, specialy in borders of the world, like Middle East, Africa and South America, and Midle Asia, brought some places to a dictatorship, some others to militias pro government and some others to militias anti-government. Many of them are militia pro-government and anti-society, like in case of Brasil. It's hard to describe, but rising ISIS is the lack of order that a country ruled by a party that were there for decades simply is taken down and to restore the order is too difficult.
It's a very hard society to understand, and when you remove the leading the order, even for those who were persecuted by the government, they hardly find themselves, because there is no insertion of them in the new model of society.
If some military action take down a government, to some societies it's a point of weakeness and it cannot follow in the next model of order, so ISIS arose, with hunger for take the power, return to the great Islamic State and really fight those who are against Islam, it's not only affirm themselves as a regarding them as protectors of the Islam, it's a model of State without geography, without land reconized, and fragmented in Europe, Africa, Eurasia, and Middle East.
Drug Cartels in Mexico is the same, they simply got a part of the country to them, slums in Brazil is the same, a paralel form of power, ruled by an armed paramilitary dictatorship, was formed, FARC in Colombia formed by the communist parties against the new order without the drug cartels. And in that Armed Patriot, a group of civilian, patriots, very well armed that work exactly as police had to work, as federals should do, and they have total and legal capability to shoot, because they are protected by constitution and by economic and social problems they want to eradicate.
Patriotism is a ideal that is reborn in second decade of second milenium, because of the economic problems, the youth or took a left handed side or the extreme right side, the extreme right are totally pro country, and rise up flags on Second World War's Axis is normal, because it foward to the intollerance and demonize the problems of society on anybody, in the Germany were specially the jews, in USA nowadays are the Mexicans and the Muslims, in Russia the fought Ukraine.
Ukraine has the same imagery, skinheads fighting pro Ukraine against Russia, fowarding the nationalist ideal that is reborn geopoliticaly and historicaly.
I once talked to a Latvjan friend, born in Ukraine, Kyev, from a Russian father, that supported the Russian legitimacy at the country. He told me that Kyev was the Capital of the URSS, and it's Russia's before. He told me that Kyev was military Capital of the URSS, was the most important place for the URSS and going far from his nationality, Russia, is a support for a military and political projection of USA in Ukraine and Russia. His views, not mine.
I once talked to a Latvjan friend, born in Ukraine, Kyev, from a Russian father, that supported the Russian legitimacy at the country. He told me that Kyev was the Capital of the URSS, and it's Russia's before. He told me that Kyev was military Capital of the URSS, was the most important place for the URSS and going far from his nationality, Russia, is a support for a military and political projection of USA in Ukraine and Russia. His views, not mine.
It rise an hybrid conflict, and not to know who anymore is in fight, is it legal or irregular, traditional armies or civilian armies, guerrillas or militias or militaries, but a conflict is arose.
The complexity of this model of conflict is large, to be honest both sides receive mercenaries, besides the traditional armies, and the great historical background is common to have stalinist nazi skinheads, national communists, foreigners both sides that fights for ideological interest.
Situation at Ukraine is still more complex, Belgrade mercenaries are more like war dogs, because financial situation of Ukraine, it's hard to mantain a traditional army and also expensive to contract. Most of the mercenaries are into 'war tourism', fighting for freedom or ideals, foreigners as said before.
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Servia Chetnik Movement, a pro-Russia mercenary group |
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Russian militia in Belgrade |
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Slavic Pagan Militia patch |
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AZOV Battalion |
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Greystone, a subsidiary of former Blackwater acting in Ukraine |
Albanians are said to be the largest pro-American nation in the Balkans.
Balkans fighters are not confined to wars in Syria and Iraq. A unit of Serbian fighters fought for Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi during Libya’s civil war in 2011. It is believed the same unit is now fighting in Syria on the side of President Bashar al-Assad.
Serbian fighters were also involved in Crimea in March 2014 and are now in eastern Ukraine fighting with pro-Russian separatists. Forty-six Serbs are involved in the conflict in Luhansk fighting with the so-called ‘popular militia’ of the self-proclaimed New Russian Republic.
Intelligence sources report that Serbian fighters are fighting inside Ukraine with pro-Russian separatist and 20,000 Russian soldiers stationed on the Ukraine-Russia border.
Albanian and Serbs are fighting each other again after 15 years. The Albanians are fighting for Ukraine government forces against Russian separatists - and against Serbs who are fighting for Russian separatists against Ukraine’s regular army.
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Mercenaries recruited in Dombass to War in Syria |
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