Zika - estratégia - psywar
Afirmando que a Zika pode ser uma estratégia de Guerra Psicológica, trabalhemos com números:
Seguindo os números do Ebola, Jon Rappaport sugere assim:
Seguindo os números do Ebola, Jon Rappaport sugere assim:
The World Health Organization (WHO) is the primary reporting agency on case numbers and deaths. Taking their stats with a few grains of salt, but recognizing that mainstream accounts come from WHO, here is their July 25 update, “Ebola Virus Disease, West Africa”:
1201 total cases. 672 deaths. These numbers cover Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Liberia—the Ebola focus areas.
Looking a little deeper, we see that WHO divides each number into categories: “confirmed,” “probable,” and “suspected.”
Diagnostic methods for IDing Ebola in those 3 countries are uncertain. Therefore, we should only consider the category labeled “confirmed,” and even then we should have doubts.
So let’s look at the total for confirmed Ebola case numbers in those countries.
It’s 814.
Confirmed number of deaths? 456.Now consider another WHO report. This one is titled: “Influenza (Seasonal) World Health Organization,” dated April 2009.It’s the WHO fact sheet on regular seasonal flu, the kind that is said to infect people globally, year after year, like clockwork.Ready?Annual number of severe cases: 3-5 million.Annual number of deaths: between 250,000 and 500,000.Remember, that’s every year—not a one-time shot.When it comes to seasonal regular flu, the World Health Organization issues no scare reports, no dire warnings, and the press mentions nothing. Zero.However, with 814 confirmed cases and 456 deaths from Ebola, the whole world is put on notice.(...)Imagine what would happen if WHO released a statement in which it substituted “Ebola” for “regular seasonal flu”:“There are 3 to five million cases of Ebola worldwide. Between 250,000 and 500,000 people are dead.”The world would go crazy.But again, there ARE 3 to 5 million cases, every year, of regular seasonal flu, and according to WHO, between 250,000 and 500,000 people die from it.And the world does nothing.People would respond, “Oh, but you see, Ebola is different. People hemorrhage. They bleed out and die. It’s horrible.”Now we’re talking about the process of dying, as if that really matters.And, with flu, when people die, they often drown in their own mucus. Is that vivid enough to rank alongside Ebola?Ebola is a propaganda operation.Choices are being made: what to emphasize, what to ignore, what to use in order to invoke fear.Producing fear, one way or another, is a standard element in exerting top-down control over the population.When people are afraid, they’re compliant, they’re obedient to authority.And that’s the agenda.
Partido desta análise à AIDS:
The incidence of AIDS infections in Africa coincides exactly with the locations of the W.H.O. smallpox vaccination program in the mid-1970's (London Times, May 11, 1987). Some 14,000 Haitians then on UN secondment to Central Africa were also vaccinated in this campaign. Personnel actually conducting the vaccinations may have been completely unaware that the vaccine was anything other than what they were told.
A striking feature of AIDS is that it's ethno-selective. The rate of infection is twice as high among Blacks, Latinos and Native Americans as among whites, with death coming two to three times as swiftly. And over 80% of the children with AIDS and 90% of infants born with it are among these minorities. "Ethnic weapons" that would strike certain racial groups more heavily than others have been a long-standing U.S. Army BW objective. (Harris and Paxman, p 265)
The Hepatitis B vaccine study in 1978 appears to have been the initial means of planting the infection in New York City. The test protocol specified non-monogamous males only, and homosexuals received a different vaccine from heterosexuals. At least 25-50% of the first reported New York AIDS cases in 1981 had received the Hepatitis B test vaccine in 1978. By 1984, 64% of the vaccine recipients had AIDS, and the figures on the current infection rate for the participants of that study are held by the U.S. Department of Justice, and "unavailable."
The AIDS epidemic emerged full-blown in the three U.S. cities with "organized gay communities" before being reported elsewhere, including Haiti or Africa, so it is epidemiologically impossible for either of those countries to be the origin point for the U.S. infections.(...)Apparently, homosexuals were an initial target in the U.S. because their sexual practices would help in the rapid spread of the disease, and because it was correctly assumed that very few non-homosexual citizens would pay much attention during the early years of the epidemic. Also, the stigma of a "homosexual disease" would interfere with rational analysis and discussion of AIDS. Bear in mind that homosexuals were among the first to be exterminated in Nazi Germany, before Jews or other minorities, so fewer citizens would object.
Artigo: AIDS As Biological And Psychological Warfare By Waves Forrest
De forma que:
This results from an attempt by myself and my brother to form an Health Maintenance Organization. I had difficulty estimating the probable cost of the "Human Retroviruses" as related to premium costs and was led deeper and deeper into the literature of virology attempting to solve the problem.At first I considered testing and allowing individuals infected with the AIDS virus to form a special group, associate, insure, and have sexual relations. The literature reveals that plan will not work because the greater number of times one is infected with "Human Retroviruses" the more quickly one dies. There is a critical mass of infection which leads to reinfection of associating individuals and accelerated death. (l), I abandoned that plan.
The explosion of induced disease now rumbles through Africa.(5) The intentional introduction of disease began in Africa where sibships were inoculated by the World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) (8) with diseases obtained from the United States National Institute of Health's New Bolton Center (NBC) cell lines or diseases previously inoculated were mixed by IARC's unsterile procedures. (5 6- 8 ,l7,27,3 2,33,,35 letters and replies enclosed) other diseases were probably inoculated from other available cell cultures at other locations. In American homosexuals the virus may have been engineered to reproduce faster and forspecific attack. (3,9,39)(...)I did not realize that the National Cancer Attack Act of 1971 would be used to research virus warfare, finance virus warfare and attack the United States of America. Daniel Greenberg outlines the attack's beginning in Discover, March, 1986, at page 47 in an article, "Whatever Happened to the War on Cancer. " (4)
(...)All we need to do to see the relationship between the "Governing and Scientific Councils," inoculation of disease, the AIDS virus, and its relatedRetroviruses is pincil in the homosexual cohorts from the Hepatitis B vaccine study reported in the Annals of Internal Medicine, Vol. 97, No. 3, (1982) pages 362-369, (31) on the map on page 681 of the Seventh National Conference Proceedings, (8) and we have marked the Retroviruses concentrations of the world as now known. The St. Louis and Chicago cohorts of the Hepatitis B Studies may have served as controls or got a dose of a slower acting cancer inducer like HTLV-I or HTLV-II. Robert C. Gallo and Flossie Wong-Stall reproduced the map for us at page 396 of their attack, "Human T-Lymphotropic Retroviruses", Nature, Vol. 317, October 3, 1985. (32) (maps enclosed)
(...)(1) The World Health organization asked for the AIDS virus HTLV-III/LAV/ARV) and it was supplied; (6-8)
(2) The AIDS virus is Bovine Visna Virus (BVV) in man with a transacting transcriptional regulator gene inherited from Bovine Leukemia Virus; (3 9-13 20,21,24) (3) HTLV-II is bovine syncytial virus (BSV): in man; (14-17,24) (4) HTLV-I is bovine leukemia virus (BLV), in man, is highly contagious, is vector borne, and is fomite born.(18-20,22,24)
The purpose of the attack may be to prepare America by infection with immune depressing virus for a fast bio-attack. If that is true, it was started in the homosexuals in America because the enemy correctly judged that most Americans would not be alarmed by a homosexual disease. I wasn't alarmed by the "Homosexual" disease until I started my virology literature search. The disease will inexorably spread to the heterosexual population. The lies of the United States National Institute of Health in this regard reveal its Participation in the attack. AIDS is not merely a homosexual disease and the NIH knows it.In war the objective of each contesting side is to inflict death and wounds upon the other. The method chosen by the enemy will preserve American land and structures for the victors. Their action is calculated to demonstrate that right lies in their might, and freedom, impossible.

Assim, não levando em consideração a varíola, avaliando o Zika:
Em fevereiro de 2016:
"Já são 583 os casos confirmados de bebês com microcefalia ou alterações no sistema nervoso central em 16 Estados do país, segundo o balanço divulgado pelo Ministério da Saúde nesta terça (23). Até a semana passada, eram 508 as confirmações.Ainda há 4.107 casos com suspeita de má-formação ou problemas no sistema nervoso que continuam a ser investigados, distribuídos por 25 Estados (apenas Amazonas e Amapá não aparecem na lista). No último relatório, este número estava em 3.935.Até o momento, 30 mortes de fetos durante a gestação ou após o parto foram confirmados para microcefalia ou alterações no sistema nervoso. Há outros 80 óbitos em investigação.
67 casos têm confirmação laboratorial
O órgão federal diz que, dos casos confirmados, 67 foram notificados por critério laboratorial específico para o vírus da zika. O ministério, contudo, parou de levar este número em consideração nas últimas semanas, pois acredita que tal "dado não representa a totalidade do número de casos relacionados ao vírus" e que "houve infecção pelo zika na maior parte das mães" que tiveram bebês com microcefalia.
Além da zika, a microcefalia em bebês pode ser causada por outros agentes infecciosos como sífilis, toxoplasmose, rubéola, citomegalovírus e herpes viral."
"Os casos confirmados de microcefalia por infecção congênita no país, entre os dias 22 de outubro e 6 de fevereiro, somam 462 e praticamente se igualam aos dados somados dos anos de 2012 a 2014 –quando houve 489 casos. Mesmo se antes as notificações não eram obrigatórias – e levanta-se a hipótese de que esses dados são menores do que a realidade -, especialistas não duvidam de que os casos graves de microcefalia deram um salto no final de 2015 e começo de 2016 no Brasil.
A média anual do Brasil era de 0,5 caso de microcefalia para cada 10 mil nascidos vivos. Um número pequeno perto da média dos Estados Unidos, que vai de 2 a 12 casos a cada 10 mil nascimentos. Mas se fizermos as contas com números dos últimos meses de 2015 e primeiro mês de 2016, a incidência seria de cerca de 6,40 casos confirmados para cada 10 mil nascimentos – isso apenas considerando os casos de microcefalia por causa infecciosa, portanto, a incidência seria ainda maior. É esse número que chama a atenção do mundo."
"Essa dificuldade aparece nos números oficiais divulgados pelo Ministério da Saúde. As estimativas são de que, no ano passado, pode ter havido, aproximadamente, entre 500 mil e 1,5 milhão de casos de zika no país.
Isso significa dizer que há cerca de 1 milhão de pessoas que podem ter tido o vírus... ou não.
No boletim do ministério divulgado no dia 22, a pasta admite que "é impossível saber o número real de infecções pelo vírus zika" e cita limitações para isso.
Na quarta-feira, o ministério emitiu comunicado que deixou perguntas em aberto sobre microcefalia.
O boletim diz que foram notificados 4.180 casos suspeitos de microcefalia registrados até 23 de janeiro, um aumento de 7% em relação à semana anterior.
Até o momento, 462 casos foram descartados e 270 confirmados - um número bem maior que os 150 casos que o Brasil registrava em 2014."
Câncer também vira uma estratégia de guerra científica, nem sei como tratar pois não sei se biológica mas QUÍMICA, devido a influência de agentes transgênicos, mutagênicos, radioativos, ingeridos todos os dias nos alimentos. A Monsanto é uma organização que cria transgênicos, ingerindo quantidade excessiva de hormônios e química em seus fertilizantes, fazendo com que o alimento se torne nocivo às células do corpo. Não só a Monsanto, mas esta estratégia de gerar economia às custas da saúde populacional está tornando o ser humano mais suscetível a ter esta disfunção celular. Os números de seres humanos com câncer cresceu exponencialmente nos últimos anos e vêm crescendo de forma desenfreada.
Tal qual aumenta também o foco no veganismo, a necessidade por comidas saudáveis e propaganda pela saúde faz o ser humano consumir lixo, vegetais formados com produtos que modificam completamente a formação celular, por isso que há constante problema e desenvolvimento hormonal cada vez mais precoce, como menstruação, falta de testosterona, tamanho. A luta contra obesidade também se torna foco de empresas produtoras de alimento visivelmente mais saudável.
Tal qual aumenta também o foco no veganismo, a necessidade por comidas saudáveis e propaganda pela saúde faz o ser humano consumir lixo, vegetais formados com produtos que modificam completamente a formação celular, por isso que há constante problema e desenvolvimento hormonal cada vez mais precoce, como menstruação, falta de testosterona, tamanho. A luta contra obesidade também se torna foco de empresas produtoras de alimento visivelmente mais saudável.
Neste caso laboratórios novamente lucram vendendo a cura, tal qual empresas que comercializam alimentos saudáveis, sem transgênicos, se tornam o foco e estes passam a ser produtos raros no mercado, aumentando o preço.
Trata-se então de uma estratégia para conter população e gerar economia estável.
A diferença entre o Câncer para o Zika é que o Câncer não faz parte de uma guerra psicológica, pois depende do organismo à resposta para desenvolvimento da doença, mas pode sim fazer parte, se numericamente estes números forem expostos e houver uma direção de evitar os produtos, porém quem está por detrás da economia não se preocupa, ainda, em conter a os números da doença, porém com a circulação excessiva de produtos transgênicos no mercado.
Para isso focar diretamente no leitor ou espectador causando trauma, medo da doença e uma falha na informação real dos números, fazendo-os aumentar ou diminuir conforme necessário. No caso do câncer diminui-se e de doenças virais, aumenta-se. Quem está por trás deste marketing? Laboratórios, governos, multinacionais, empresas que produzem alimentos...
O problema maior não é viral ou bacteriológico, mas químico ou genético. A AIDS é um problema maior do que o Zika e perde o foco, pois todo medicamento é livre, não gera lucro ao governo ou laboratórios como estudar o Zika e criar a possível vacina. A dengue existe a décadas e não houve ainda uma possível vacina. Se a AIDS e o Zika são transmitidas sexualmente, há preocupação com a AIDS, que não há cura e também transmissível ao feto. Portando alarmar contra o Zika faz mais ais parte de uma estratégia de marketing do que uma real ameaça, não dizendo que não deva haver um alarme para o Zika.
Zika é preocupante? Sim. Porém os números não são factuais. Além disso a estratégia da mídia e governamental é culpar a população. Atribuir ao cidadão a falha por não conter o mosquito.
Existe sim a parcela que deve ser feita pela população, porém há maior falha governamental em contenção do problema.
Desta forma a mídia se torna essencial para disseminar um medo na população.
De acordo com o FM-3-05-130:
Para isso focar diretamente no leitor ou espectador causando trauma, medo da doença e uma falha na informação real dos números, fazendo-os aumentar ou diminuir conforme necessário. No caso do câncer diminui-se e de doenças virais, aumenta-se. Quem está por trás deste marketing? Laboratórios, governos, multinacionais, empresas que produzem alimentos...
O problema maior não é viral ou bacteriológico, mas químico ou genético. A AIDS é um problema maior do que o Zika e perde o foco, pois todo medicamento é livre, não gera lucro ao governo ou laboratórios como estudar o Zika e criar a possível vacina. A dengue existe a décadas e não houve ainda uma possível vacina. Se a AIDS e o Zika são transmitidas sexualmente, há preocupação com a AIDS, que não há cura e também transmissível ao feto. Portando alarmar contra o Zika faz mais ais parte de uma estratégia de marketing do que uma real ameaça, não dizendo que não deva haver um alarme para o Zika.
Zika é preocupante? Sim. Porém os números não são factuais. Além disso a estratégia da mídia e governamental é culpar a população. Atribuir ao cidadão a falha por não conter o mosquito.
Existe sim a parcela que deve ser feita pela população, porém há maior falha governamental em contenção do problema.
Desta forma a mídia se torna essencial para disseminar um medo na população.
De acordo com o FM-3-05-130:
After a successful UW operation, the new military may expand any existing military PSYOP force they had during earlier phases or release personnel from other duties to join or start such a force. Typically, a new government will also ask for more U.S. PSYOP support in transition rather than less. However, the sociopolitical realities in the country may make domestic PSYOP impossible, especially if the former
government had propaganda units associated with excesses or civil rights violations. Although needed, political realities may force the immediate redeployment of most or all ARSOF PSYOP personnel. In a society expecting a smaller military or less military participation in the life of the nation, one of the last endeavors for domestic or U.S. PSYOP personnel may be to focus attention and support from select TAs for a stand-down of forces.
B-11. Mankind’s ability to use informational power remained slow, small-scale, and expensive for millennia and then exploded exponentially in speed, scale, affordability, and accessibility throughout the 20th century. At the beginning of the 21st century, practically anyone with the freedom and means to do so can access, develop, and distribute information for any purpose. Mass media can be used for various
- Advocacy for business and social concerns, to include advertising, marketing, propaganda,
- public relations, and political communication.
- Journalism.
- Public service announcements.
- Personal enrichment and education.
11-3. Disinformation is information disseminated primarily by intelligence organizations or other covert agencies designed to distort information and deceive or influence U.S. decision makers, U.S. forces, coalition allies, and key actors or individuals via indirect or unconventional means.
- Entertainment.
Disinformation includes covert propaganda operations, contaminating or altering friendly internal and external databases, creating illegitimate political groups and empowering them to act via demonstrations and rumor programs, distorted intelligence reports, and other means. Deception planners, computer network defense (CND) units, communicators, the intelligence community, counterintelligence organizations, the public affairs community, and OGAs are normally tasked to counter disinformation.
Disinformation is often extremely sensitive and usually designed against decision makers, databases, key leaders and staff, or other target groups. Disinformation is the most difficult counter information to detect and often requires comprehensive actions and measures to counter.
11-4. An example of disinformation is the former Soviet Union’s effort to blame the creation of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) on the United States. This program was designed to discredit the United States and disrupt the movement of U.S. forces, especially naval personnel, from using critical port facilities in and around the world. In 1985, the Soviets began a concerted program claiming that a U.S. laboratory at Fort Detrick, Maryland created the AIDS virus. The Soviets used their own media and other unwitting media around the world to accomplish this disinformation program. Articles in Soviet and international newspapers amplified their story of the development of AIDS. Eventually, the stories were reinforced by an article in the London Sunday Express, a conservative publication. With the Express publication, the story took hold, having the effect the Soviets sought. Once the story was published in the Express, other respected newspapers throughout the world picked up the story and reprinted it in various versions. Quick reaction and rebuttals from the USIA and the State Department helped to reverse acceptance of the original Soviet story by the international media. However, the Soviets were successful in this disinformation effort. Today, in many parts of the world, U.S. forces are not welcome for port calls because local governments believe they could spread the AIDS virus. To counter the disinformation, U.S. authorities eventually reverted to extensive AIDS testing of all U.S. military personnel before deployments and sending the results of these tests to HNs. The costs and man-hours lost for AIDS testing is still being calculated.
CIA Manual for PsyOps:
Although meetings may be held in the population, the cadres should recognize and keep in contact with the target groups, mixing with them before, during and after the meeting. The method for holding this type of meeting was included in the topic "Armed Propaganda," and will be covered in greater detail under the title "Control of Mass Meetings and Demonstrations."
The basic focus of the Armed Propaganda cadres should be on the residents of the town, where their knowledge as formers of opinion can be applied.

The World Population Plan of Action is not self-en-forcing and will require vigorous efforts by interested countries, UN agencies and other international bodies to make it effective. U.S. leadership is essential.
Assistance for population moderation should give primary emphasis to the largest and fastest-growing developing countries where there is special U.S. po-litical and strategic interest.
Those countries are: India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nigeria, Mexico, Indonesia, Brazil, the Philippines, Thailand, Egypt, Turkey, Ethiopia, and Colombia.
Together, they account for 47% of the world’s current population growth.
Moreover, short of draconian measures there is no possibility that any LDC [Less Developed Country] can stabilize its population at less than double its present size. For many, stabilization will not be short of three times their present size.
Population growth per se is not likely to impose serious constraints on the global physical availability of fuel and non-fuel minerals to the end of the century and beyond.
The important potential linkage between rapid population growth and mineral availability is indirect rather than direct.
It flows from the negative effects of excessive population growth on economic development and social progress, and therefore on internal stability, in overcrowded underdeveloped countries.
The real problems of mineral supplies lie, not in basic physical sufficiency, but in the politico-economic issues of access, terms for exploration and exploitation, and division of the benefits among producers, consumers, and host country governments.
In the extreme cases where population pressures lead to endemic famine, food riots, and breakdown of social order, those conditions are scarcely conducive to systematic exploration for mineral deposits or the long-term investments required for their exploitation.

Source: NaturalNews.com
Julie Wilson
August 11, 2016
To put it plainly, Zika is good for business. As is the case with any major crisis, if you’re able to perpetuate enough fear, you can convince people to buy or go along with just about anything. In the case of Zika, that means harmful chemical exposure and experimental vaccination.
The Zika virus is simply the latest version of West Nile, Ebola, swine flu or even measles. If you take a moment to consider who exactly is profiting off these crises, you’ll see that it tends to be a repeat of the very same industries.
“The manufactured Zika crisis is a windfall for chemical companies, vaccine companies and disease fear mongers. This is how they use tactics of info-terror to reap billions in profits while poisoning the people and the planet,” says the Health Ranger.
Below is a list of industries and agendas flourishing under Zika.
1. Increased chemical use
Since the Zika fear mongering first began, the public has witnessed a substantial increase in aerial spraying to combat disease-carrying mosquitoes, and Florida is being hit the hardest.
Congress wasted no time in trying to pass legislation that would have weakened already weak regulations for dispensing harmful chemicals into the air, soil and water.
House Republicans used the Zika hysteria to rebrand legislation that permitted the dumping of pesticides into bodies of water, violating key provisions of the Clean Water Act. They tried passing the bill on five different occasions only to succeed after renaming it the Zika Control Act in May.
Although the bill was vetoed by Democrats in the Senate, “public health” agencies including the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention continue to push for more chemicals.
Miami is currently under a chemical assault thanks to recommendations from the EPA to spray a harmful insecticide linked to paralysis in animals. Mosquito control reported that it’s conducting indefinite aerial spray missions dumping a chemical called Naled.
Naled is extremely toxic to humans and wildlife, particularly upon inhalation. Studies indicate that the chemical is 20 times more toxic when inhaled versus when ingested through food and water – and it’s prone to drift, traveling up to half a mile away from its original application site.
The insecticide is deadly to aquatic life, as well as pollinator insects such as honeybees. In short, spraying Naled into the environment and on people does far more harm than Zika ever could.
The most sickening part about it is that it’s not even effective! A study from the New York Department of Health found that aerial spraying of Naled reduced mosquito populations temporarily. But after 11 years of spraying, disease-carrying mosquitoes increased 15-fold.
The government absolutely knows this, so why is it okay to douse people with a deadly insecticide that doesn’t work to kill mosquitoes?
Profits, of course. Naled is made by an American company called AMVAC Chemical Company, owned by Vanguard Corporation.
One of its subsidiaries is Environmental Mediation, which advises clients on how to win government approval for dispensing its deadly products.
2. Vaccine development
Another industry that has a lot to gain from Zika is the pharmaceutical industry, which has been working around the clock to fast track a vaccine that could ultimately be given to millions of people around the globe, including pregnant women.
In June, Congress proposed spending $1.1 billion in taxpayer money to combat Zika, funding disease research, as well as vaccine development.
Researchers from Massachusetts Institute of Technology say that they have already developed a vaccine that is effective not only against Zika, but also against Ebola and swine flu. The vaccine is DNA-based, making it even riskier than traditional immunizations.
Some scientists suggest that DNA-vaccines could cause “insertional mutagenesis,” meaning a mutation could occur “due to the unnatural interaction of new genetic material with healthy genes.” These vaccines may also increase the risk of cancer, activating “oncogenes while switching off tumor suppressor genes.”
The establishment’s assertion that Zika causes severe birth defects means pregnant women would likely be test subjects for vaccine experimentation – making some 6.3 million American women eligible for the controversial program.
3. GM mosquitoes
Ironically, the very company blamed for creating the Zika crisis is now profiting from it. Three years ago, the British biotech company Oxitec released thousands of genetically modified mosquitoes in Brazil to combat disease-carrying insects.
The mosquitoes are genetically modified to contain a “self-limiting” gene that prevents the Aedes aegypti species from producing offspring. Oxitec says 95 percent of the mosquitoes die before reaching adulthood, preventing reproduction.
But the math doesn’t quite add up. Oxitec said that the insects would decrease up to 80 percent of Aedes aegypti species. However, scientists believe that very same species is now responsible for spreading Zika.
Despite speculation that Oxitec may have caused Zika to spread, the company expanded operations in Brazil, opening a new mosquito factory in Piracicaba. The insects were also released in Malaysia, India and the Cayman Islands.
The Florida Keys may very well become the next destination pending approval from the state’s mosquito control district, which is set to vote on the proposal this fall.
4. Abortion increases
Another less obvious industry that stands to benefit from Zika is Planned Parenthood. People are so fearful about the potential of Zika-induced birth-defects that they’re willing to compromise their beliefs on abortion, according to a recent poll.
Americans said that they would be okay with late-term abortions if the fetus was harmed by Zika. About 60 percent of respondents said women should have the right to terminate a pregnancy after 24 weeks if testing found signs of microcephaly, a birth-defect resulting in decreased head size – which the establishment insists is caused by Zika.
Americans’ willingness to compromise their beliefs on abortion due to Zika could generate more profits for Planned Parenthood, the nation’s number one abortion provider.
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