Corporate Wars brought a new model of military operations
I was right again!!!
When I first wrote about mercenarism and corporate mercenaries I realized the wars would be fought again by contractors, not only in operational and tactical level, but in politics too, strategic level elevated to business and economic corporativism.
After the War on Terror a new model of warfare started going on, not the Hybrid War, but in a old mood of warfare, most of the wars now are fought by Mercenaries. The junction of mercenarism and terrorism, technologies and theoretics from the Revolution in Military Affairs, brought a new model of war, that explores only Special Forces, distant military attacks and comporate mercenaries and private corporations on engineering to promote the local geographical assetment, and logistics.
The Special Forces are unique for direct combat, infiltration and rapidly dissolve, few military personel, specially officers, to guarantee the transformation of local policy into a new model of police, companies and private police, private soldiers, and comporate mercenaries, with government contracts will guarantee the new local government, promoting security, soothe civil unrest, guarantee that the contracts will assured and celebrated between officers and new governments, that will make the new companies on engeneering and schoolars to mantain the new cultural implementation, guarantee that natural resources will be negotiaged, the youth will be introduced on new model of culture, and have access on new material, be it languages, literature, games, etc.
In the 80's were common to act in Africa, former Sandline International, an English company that privided former warfighters to keep on revolutionary groups in Africa and Executive Outcomes, company by Eeben Barlow, that was formed to provide military support and operations in African Countries that had been taken by communist revolutionaries in countries like Sierra Leone, giving military operational support, field combat and military-logistcs, contracting local people. But they didn't have a expectation to keep on working in the country after the restore of the local government and political and social restructuring.
Sandline International was more interested, now Aegis International, formed by English SAS, provided local military assistance, and operations, under contracts, that assured the interest of the English Royal companies exploring natural resources, but not as nowadays level of social and policemaking restruturation, only for determinated objectives of the contracts, like in Papua New Guinea.
Executive Outcomes now closed, and Eeben Barlow working at STTEP International, still helps on training of African Troops, like Nigeria to combat Boko Haram, but not on support of cultural restruturation and policemaking, nor political implementation on countries that they operate.
Different of the new contracts, that implement a kind of military-diplomatic-corporate-geopolitical joint venture.
The model controled by the elite of the government that will have the benefits of this cultural advancement, and implementation of a new culture, as guarantee of partnership with new government.
But as before, it was a problem of public national armies, now the operational part and part of the tactical, is done only by private forces, also the cooperation between military intelligence and private intelligence, private companies on telecomunication, private investigative personel former military.
According to The Atlantic, USA has "developed a dependency on private sector to wage war, a strategic vulnerability. Today, America can no longer go to war without private sector."
It after the war on Terror, when president Obama had to hand off combat operations in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria, he had also a way of quit the large number of guns-for-hire while, at least formally, restricted the number of American Troops overseas. In Private military contract sector, this perform tasks once thought to be inherently governamental, such as raising foreign armies, conducting intellicence analysis and war fight.
Before Barack Obama took off the troops, he signed the contract to Triple Canopy company, to replace Blackwater. This made Triple Canopy one of the biggest military companies.
The administration, according to Democracy Now, contracted the firm to give security operation on US Embasy in Bagdad, and protect US Diplomats.
This replamecent was after the Iraqi's government refused the liscence on Xe Company keep acting in Bagdad, after the Blackwater incident.
The contract guaranteed the US operating in Iraq soil and removed the troops, guaranteeing Obama an imagery of a 'bon vivant' president, that came to finish the war, that was illegitimate by US population.
The use of contractors encourage missions, becase they don't count as "boots on the ground". Congress do not consider them as troops, and therefore contractors don't count again troop-level caps. US Government don't track them in war zones.
Today, about 75% of the US Forces in Afghanistan are contracted, but only 10% of them ar armed, but it doesn't matter. The greater point is that America is waging a war largely via contractors, also US combat forces would be impotent without them. Engineering bataillons, intelligence service, re-organization of social structure, logistics support and escort etc, all could be failure without a corporate military personel carrying support. "While security remains the prerogative of the state in many areas of policing, the capacity to cast security as a politically neutral service—a commodity—provided by the private sector allows global private security firms to draw upon logics of free trade to facilitate its entry into new markets, even where these are resisted by the host state." (Williams and Abrahmsen - Security Beyond the State: Global Security Assemblages in International Politics).
Most of the figting for the USA are not even americans, some of them are also local people. Private Military Companies are multinational corporations and rectruit global.
Obama's strategy on ISIS was light, campain that theoretically involved few ground troops, it was antagonic to Bush's strategy that costed great military presence overseas and carried a "nation-building" propaganda beyond the war on terror.
Now, the alloyw contractors as policymakers to wage war outside the public eye. Their death are rarely attracted on headlines on news.
This is a not new strategy, but for sure, USA nowadays depends a lof of them to acheve their police.
According to The Drive - regarding that there's a lace in between public military pesonal and privte military contractors - US Africa Command confirmed that Private Military Contractors helped on casualities to evacuate the area after the ambush in southwest Niger.
Private Military Contractors working for Berry Aviation in Niger were on alert during the incident.
Mr. Erik Prince, the founder of Security Contractor Blackwater, and former Marine, was seriously considering a republican primary challenge for the senate. Remembers that Dick Cheney, formely senator and Bush's Vice-President, was involved into contracts on Halliburton and PWC. According to NY Times, Prince would face formidable obstacles in seeking to challenge a low-profile senator.
But keep on going, according to Business Insider, Trump's new strategy on Afghanistan may use private forces to policemaking, not more military leaders. Steve Bannon, Trump's chief strategist, and Jared Kushner, the president's senior adviser and son-in-law, called Erik Prince and Stephen Feinberg, billionary owner of DynCorp, to create a proposal to use contractors in Afghanistan.
The stragey is because the cost of the 16 years warfare s being expensive and used the comparative of the model of the East India Company to promote the idea, using private military units working with local partners.
The contractors would still be required to work with the Afghan government, just like US and NATO forces, said Deborah Avant, professor at Josef Korbel School of International Studies at the University of Denver.
According to Avant, contractors don't integrate well with local political goas and forcesm but may reduces costs for the operation and the use of public forces are only specific for political and diplomatic imagery.
The model not only keeps on USA model of politics, Russia also keeps on secret of the capability of military power, but keeps on operating via private contractors, by ex-soviet countries personel and operate well on the borders of Eurasia.
To aovind pitential security, Russia will oursource the work to PMC's with tactical warfare capabilities equivalent to modern militaries.
According to Al-Monitor, it's more accurate that Russia will be outsourcing additioanl work to PMC's as it has employed in Syria, since 2013.
First PMC was the Slavonic Corps, fielded by the Hong Kong-based Moran Security Group, stablished by former members of Russia's Federal Security Service, and sent hundreds of private contractors to Syria.
Slavonic Corpos provides preventive defensive options to protect critical economic assets, specially claisms to protect oil refineries, ports, factories and critical government premises, providing logistics convoy security and patrols.
Acording to The Interpreter, St. Petersburg sent the contractors to Syria to fight for Bashar Al-Assad regime, in support of Russian Military Operations, that happens constantly. Since 2013, the operations are happening together mercenaries capable to give support on logistics and local police.
This former Russian Federal Security Services was hired by Bashar al-Assad to protect oil assets, and these mercenaries were told that their employwers were private individuals, not the Syrya government, and their weapons were given, includinf the T-72 tanks were replaced.
Also, in Macedonia, the civil unrest many times are calm down by Russial local contractors that happens to work for Russian Intelligence, to help the government to keep the influential Russia propaganda. Accordint to Williams and Abrahmsen in the article Security Beyond the State: Global Security Assemblages in International Politics:
The new model of corporate warfare changed the economic and political-military form to run a war. In the last decade Malhama Tactical, a company by a former Soviet member of Special Aviation Services, were contracted as private terorrists, to fight against the Assad government.
Since 1992 Russia explores the market of Private Military soldiers and the spread of Mercenarism to ex-republics of URSS.
One of the causes of it, is that the illegitimacy of the State and Military Troops as the kind of rulers of the conquered states, after thake over the presidents, like Sadam Hussein and Baath Party, to put another one alied of them, causes not only illegitimacy but moral failure and anomic culture and disorder.
When I first wrote about mercenarism and corporate mercenaries I realized the wars would be fought again by contractors, not only in operational and tactical level, but in politics too, strategic level elevated to business and economic corporativism.
After the War on Terror a new model of warfare started going on, not the Hybrid War, but in a old mood of warfare, most of the wars now are fought by Mercenaries. The junction of mercenarism and terrorism, technologies and theoretics from the Revolution in Military Affairs, brought a new model of war, that explores only Special Forces, distant military attacks and comporate mercenaries and private corporations on engineering to promote the local geographical assetment, and logistics.
"These transformations in public policy have been accompanied by changes in the socially dominant attitudes, norms and practices surrounding crime, punishment, and security. In terms of crime and punishment, the 1970s marked the beginning of what has been termed the ‘‘crisis of penal modernism’’: a widespread skepticism toward rehabilitative approaches to criminality, accompanied by the rise of more punitive approaches stressing the importance of incarceration and the tightening of parole provisions. The resulting increase in incarceration required greater capacities in the prison system, and public authorities, influenced in part by the neoliberal ideas of New Public Management and declining public funds, reacted by creating ever more opportunities for the private sector, thus stimulating and encouraging the emergence of larger, better resourced, and more sophisticated private security providers. - Williams and Abrahmsen - Security Beyond the State: Global Security Assemblages in International Politics."
The Special Forces are unique for direct combat, infiltration and rapidly dissolve, few military personel, specially officers, to guarantee the transformation of local policy into a new model of police, companies and private police, private soldiers, and comporate mercenaries, with government contracts will guarantee the new local government, promoting security, soothe civil unrest, guarantee that the contracts will assured and celebrated between officers and new governments, that will make the new companies on engeneering and schoolars to mantain the new cultural implementation, guarantee that natural resources will be negotiaged, the youth will be introduced on new model of culture, and have access on new material, be it languages, literature, games, etc.
In the 80's were common to act in Africa, former Sandline International, an English company that privided former warfighters to keep on revolutionary groups in Africa and Executive Outcomes, company by Eeben Barlow, that was formed to provide military support and operations in African Countries that had been taken by communist revolutionaries in countries like Sierra Leone, giving military operational support, field combat and military-logistcs, contracting local people. But they didn't have a expectation to keep on working in the country after the restore of the local government and political and social restructuring.
Sandline International was more interested, now Aegis International, formed by English SAS, provided local military assistance, and operations, under contracts, that assured the interest of the English Royal companies exploring natural resources, but not as nowadays level of social and policemaking restruturation, only for determinated objectives of the contracts, like in Papua New Guinea.
Executive Outcomes now closed, and Eeben Barlow working at STTEP International, still helps on training of African Troops, like Nigeria to combat Boko Haram, but not on support of cultural restruturation and policemaking, nor political implementation on countries that they operate.
Different of the new contracts, that implement a kind of military-diplomatic-corporate-geopolitical joint venture.
The model controled by the elite of the government that will have the benefits of this cultural advancement, and implementation of a new culture, as guarantee of partnership with new government.
But as before, it was a problem of public national armies, now the operational part and part of the tactical, is done only by private forces, also the cooperation between military intelligence and private intelligence, private companies on telecomunication, private investigative personel former military.
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According to The Atlantic, USA has "developed a dependency on private sector to wage war, a strategic vulnerability. Today, America can no longer go to war without private sector."
It after the war on Terror, when president Obama had to hand off combat operations in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria, he had also a way of quit the large number of guns-for-hire while, at least formally, restricted the number of American Troops overseas. In Private military contract sector, this perform tasks once thought to be inherently governamental, such as raising foreign armies, conducting intellicence analysis and war fight.
Before Barack Obama took off the troops, he signed the contract to Triple Canopy company, to replace Blackwater. This made Triple Canopy one of the biggest military companies.
The administration, according to Democracy Now, contracted the firm to give security operation on US Embasy in Bagdad, and protect US Diplomats.
This replamecent was after the Iraqi's government refused the liscence on Xe Company keep acting in Bagdad, after the Blackwater incident.
The contract guaranteed the US operating in Iraq soil and removed the troops, guaranteeing Obama an imagery of a 'bon vivant' president, that came to finish the war, that was illegitimate by US population.
The use of contractors encourage missions, becase they don't count as "boots on the ground". Congress do not consider them as troops, and therefore contractors don't count again troop-level caps. US Government don't track them in war zones.
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Bodyguards from SEAL Team Six provide close protection for Afghan President Hamid Karzai |
Today, about 75% of the US Forces in Afghanistan are contracted, but only 10% of them ar armed, but it doesn't matter. The greater point is that America is waging a war largely via contractors, also US combat forces would be impotent without them. Engineering bataillons, intelligence service, re-organization of social structure, logistics support and escort etc, all could be failure without a corporate military personel carrying support. "While security remains the prerogative of the state in many areas of policing, the capacity to cast security as a politically neutral service—a commodity—provided by the private sector allows global private security firms to draw upon logics of free trade to facilitate its entry into new markets, even where these are resisted by the host state." (Williams and Abrahmsen - Security Beyond the State: Global Security Assemblages in International Politics).
Most of the figting for the USA are not even americans, some of them are also local people. Private Military Companies are multinational corporations and rectruit global.
Obama's strategy on ISIS was light, campain that theoretically involved few ground troops, it was antagonic to Bush's strategy that costed great military presence overseas and carried a "nation-building" propaganda beyond the war on terror.
Now, the alloyw contractors as policymakers to wage war outside the public eye. Their death are rarely attracted on headlines on news.
This is a not new strategy, but for sure, USA nowadays depends a lof of them to acheve their police.
According to The Drive - regarding that there's a lace in between public military pesonal and privte military contractors - US Africa Command confirmed that Private Military Contractors helped on casualities to evacuate the area after the ambush in southwest Niger.
Private Military Contractors working for Berry Aviation in Niger were on alert during the incident.
Mr. Erik Prince, the founder of Security Contractor Blackwater, and former Marine, was seriously considering a republican primary challenge for the senate. Remembers that Dick Cheney, formely senator and Bush's Vice-President, was involved into contracts on Halliburton and PWC. According to NY Times, Prince would face formidable obstacles in seeking to challenge a low-profile senator.
But keep on going, according to Business Insider, Trump's new strategy on Afghanistan may use private forces to policemaking, not more military leaders. Steve Bannon, Trump's chief strategist, and Jared Kushner, the president's senior adviser and son-in-law, called Erik Prince and Stephen Feinberg, billionary owner of DynCorp, to create a proposal to use contractors in Afghanistan.
The stragey is because the cost of the 16 years warfare s being expensive and used the comparative of the model of the East India Company to promote the idea, using private military units working with local partners.
The contractors would still be required to work with the Afghan government, just like US and NATO forces, said Deborah Avant, professor at Josef Korbel School of International Studies at the University of Denver.
According to Avant, contractors don't integrate well with local political goas and forcesm but may reduces costs for the operation and the use of public forces are only specific for political and diplomatic imagery.
The model not only keeps on USA model of politics, Russia also keeps on secret of the capability of military power, but keeps on operating via private contractors, by ex-soviet countries personel and operate well on the borders of Eurasia.
To aovind pitential security, Russia will oursource the work to PMC's with tactical warfare capabilities equivalent to modern militaries.
According to Al-Monitor, it's more accurate that Russia will be outsourcing additioanl work to PMC's as it has employed in Syria, since 2013.
First PMC was the Slavonic Corps, fielded by the Hong Kong-based Moran Security Group, stablished by former members of Russia's Federal Security Service, and sent hundreds of private contractors to Syria.
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Russian Contractors in Syria |
Slavonic Corpos provides preventive defensive options to protect critical economic assets, specially claisms to protect oil refineries, ports, factories and critical government premises, providing logistics convoy security and patrols.
Acording to The Interpreter, St. Petersburg sent the contractors to Syria to fight for Bashar Al-Assad regime, in support of Russian Military Operations, that happens constantly. Since 2013, the operations are happening together mercenaries capable to give support on logistics and local police.
This former Russian Federal Security Services was hired by Bashar al-Assad to protect oil assets, and these mercenaries were told that their employwers were private individuals, not the Syrya government, and their weapons were given, includinf the T-72 tanks were replaced.
Also, in Macedonia, the civil unrest many times are calm down by Russial local contractors that happens to work for Russian Intelligence, to help the government to keep the influential Russia propaganda. Accordint to Williams and Abrahmsen in the article Security Beyond the State: Global Security Assemblages in International Politics:
"In Russia the formal private security sector exploded following its legalization in 1992: within a year, there were 4,000 private security companies (PSCs) and by 1999 there were 6,775, as well as 4,612 in-house security operations. The number of personnel licensed to carry firearms has risen to 196,266, and the sector as a whole exceeds 850,000 employees (Volkov 2002). In Bulgaria as many as 9% of all employed males are estimated to be engaged in private security activities, with the industry’s 130,000 personnel standing in sharp contrast to the country’s 28,000 police officers."Supporting the logistics to Mediterranean sea geo-strategic borders secure with russian private corporate and military cooperation.
The new model of corporate warfare changed the economic and political-military form to run a war. In the last decade Malhama Tactical, a company by a former Soviet member of Special Aviation Services, were contracted as private terorrists, to fight against the Assad government.
Since 1992 Russia explores the market of Private Military soldiers and the spread of Mercenarism to ex-republics of URSS.
One of the causes of it, is that the illegitimacy of the State and Military Troops as the kind of rulers of the conquered states, after thake over the presidents, like Sadam Hussein and Baath Party, to put another one alied of them, causes not only illegitimacy but moral failure and anomic culture and disorder.
"Distinguishing between power and authority on the grounds that the latter is recognized and legitimated through norm-based consent, and defining private security as ‘‘private authority associated with organized violence,’’ they argue that ‘‘the form of private authority exercised by mafias and mercenaries’’ is ‘‘‘illicit’ authority because the activities of these groups violate domestic and international legal norms,’’ even if ‘‘these groups often enjoy a legitimate social recognition to the extent that they step into a power vacuum left by a weak state and provide goods that the state fails to provide’’. These points are important, particularly in relation to the activities PMCs, and in situations such as Sierra Leone in the 1990s. As we have shown, however, much of contemporary security privatization raises very different questions and challenges, and to continue to see it in these terms blinds us to the ways that PSCs are entwined with shifts in internationally accepted practices of security governance, not opposed to them."(Williams and Abrahmsen - Security Beyond the State: Global Security Assemblages in International Politics).This illegitimate autority now is questioned, and with the faster communication proccess and media acting just in time, the form of perpetual comand and control of the 'new' country, is opposed by the public opinion, but causes a more positive image, because the 'troops' are not on soil, they are on Commands, ready to operate and the media covers their return to land.
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