Ordo ab Chao! That's how control worldwide with terrorism...
Order comming from Chaos, there is an Order in, even, desorder... the disorder is an order, in constitution of lack of authority, lack of market, lack of legislation, and natural law, instinctive and logic and gospel of the storng, implementing their own order.
The architects of the structure, the world order, base themselves into economic politics and environmental needs of exploitation of the lands and slaves of the debts, paying bill and work hard for salaries. This structure into capitalist state is an ouroboros, never ending cycle that makes the idea of auto-capability of consumption and capability of grow and structure.
Philosophicaly, the society runs for a political matrix, that makes the society dream constantly with a better world. By the way, communism makes the idea that people are into a perfect society, that everyone has the capability of survival and the state controls everything, even the private life...
Well... both control the private life. Both has the military inteligence that makes people under a structure on their interests.

Ms Roslyn fuller said in RT, that ISIS used the Al Qaeda works and continuated naturaly the game of deciding who's to blame about its existence. Tony Blair showed consisted self defense doctrine and preventive defensive speech of ISIS in Iraq had nothing to do with British polices.
This responsability is deeper than it seems, because part of the international politics started after teh Cold War and created NATO assuming voluntarily the responsability for these questions, that are not theirs.
The Mujahideens acted after Afghan war in Somalia and Serbia as mercenaries, and into guerrilla warfare, because of the Revolution in Military Affairs, the technology and civilian combatants were a part of the new wars in 90s.
NATO created the idea that someone must be the world Police, exercising the R2P (responsability to protect) and built a nation, under a police.
This voluneer assumption of responsability seeds a level of chaos and divergence of opinions that simply blame the improbable circumstances.
Richard Perle and Bill Kristol, of the PNAC (Project for a New American Century) thank for this modern or post-modern conequest of the ancient feudal model.
In this rethoric the first tendency is that ocidental countries are involved in activities of construction of a nation of small and selected countries, since these have the media covert, like Timor L'este, Kosovo, Rhuanda, Somalia, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Cote D'iviore, all of this involved with their fortunes of bankers and mercenaries. Kosovo also, in the borders of NATO, inside the Russian influences.
Clearly they had their economy invested in international missions of peace and reconstruction on these countries, helping to essay the justic post-conflict.
On this strategy on sleeping cells is far from being perfect. John B. Alexander says that it's also good to create preocupation, and also speculation, on charge and where to put the internal forces.
Seems like Islamic State also shows its qualities of self-organizing entity, like when destablished lower cells, each one with one common objective, but uncapable to finish it's mission. The theory of self-organizing in Chaos Theory discuss the islands of predictability in a sea of chaoticy unpredictability. Syria and Iraq embodies those qualities. Self-Organization of ISIS was partialy spontaneous in response for conditions which tie directly back to the imprudent actions of Paul Bremer when assumed power in Baghdad.
Dissolve the Baath Party which left many skilled former officials in positions of intelligence and warfighting with no job. A very good oportunity to mercenarism and nowadays corporativist mercenaries and terrorism/guerrilla warfare.
The dicotomy is that they have ambitions geographicaly at the same time they have subcomponents physically non associated with central organization.
If the recruitment is volunteering, and, self organized, some of the elements are faithful to Boko Haram, some other so Al Qaeda paramilitary frenchising, some others, are just lonewolves that uses a bigger name to cause psychossocial panic.

So, ISIS is a product of Chaos, and a self organizing dragon that emerged from some need of oder. But there is an order in chaos, than the new order claims for a terror, panic, mind control by fear...
There was constantly fear on last events, and now, Russia's World Cup, but emerge a state of social terror that is good to governments to control it and international foreign policy.
But in the west, politics sold the dream of Arab Spring, freedom from corrupt dictators. Than born Al Qaeda and, than, ISIS.
Many of the leaders of Middle East were secular corrupt politicians, oil sheiks, that had the blessing to mantain the order on the desert, putting population into districts and clans, and this catastrophic end of the dictators, emerged the local terrorist cells that did once a distablization of the country security and deliberated the migration crisis to Europe.
Europe was never a model of economic block, but after the emigration of muslim lands to Europe, the world started not to see them as a free people, as before, but as a need for new rules and laws. Before it, dictators were only allowed to enrich themsenves, holding back the radical Islam to them, not giving a damn to Europe.
The real result of this is that, the radical Islam were only countries in North of Africa and Eurasia, Middle East, but there was a migration before to Europe, there is a lot of muslim nations in Russia.
There was a support for Arab Spring in the Dams of Europe, not in all other countries, in Central Africa for exemple, exploiting the radicalization of Islam in European West, a orchestrated chaos by design.
We have 50 million Muslims in Europe. There are signs that Allah will grant Islam victory in Europe—without swords, without guns, without conquest—will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades. Gaddhafi's Speech (10 April 2006).
Started on creating proxy wars, proxy armies, with local occurrances, like rape, kidnaping, local robbers and drug dealers. The Phony Wars, were stablished in media, like local conflicts that really didn't occurred, for exemple, like national socialist groups against Islam, local people attacking muslim people migrants.
The Elites of the world decided that must rely on Hegelian Dialect to turn around, Rather than let things take it's natural course, they couldn't control, they decided to force events (like phony and proxy wars), so that the crisis was created, and they had the solution. In Chaos Theory, they intend to create order, organizing a chaos before.
In other words, the created a major disaster to save Europe.
So the Agenda was centrilize the power.
The Thesis was create terrorists and manufacture the fear. The Anti-thesis was make a repressive police state.
The Synthesis: removal of freedom and transtale the power from a group to a few, in this case, bankers, politicians, corporate investitors.
So, governments and some other foundations, globalist NGOs, charity groups, and foundations like George Soros Open Society Foundation, started a program of the "new terror is about to come", printing manuals about refugee crisis, but less before it really happens.
After this, the new state of terror is structured. A new order that came from the chaos that they started before and this crisis steals our liberties.
In the case of constitution, new legislation is about to be created to incorporated new cultural involvement. Also to control phylosphycaly the behavior of the population.
General it started with civil unrest and comes different groupos of public protests, ultra nationalist groups start to act against the immigration and turn themselves against the government.
Than in other cases, like Germany, the unprecedent legislation allows the police and intelligence to put trojan spywares in the cell phones and e-mail accounts, against the will or knowledge of the user, just in suspiscious of being involved with 'terrorist' groups.

It's an excuse to spy civilians or political rivals.
This strategy is causing a social rupture overcharging the wellfare state. The marxists and globalists are involved in a short-term strategy to bring up a nation, or region, to a point of economical crisis faster, where all the nations are obligated to give money to the EU, to help the refugees crisis, pushing more the nations to an economic collapse.
The Central Bank of EU and the IMF are allowed to give loans or bailouts, that makes these nations slaves of the debts, losing it's sovereignty.
Not all socialists, or new leftists, or cultural marxists, are the only involved. The other side is the globalist capitalists and partners, as the conservatives. They want the same result, the lose of it's freedom to an untouchable elite, because they want the monopolize wealth and business to mega-corporations and oligarchs, shutting out the true enterpreneurship and making the civilians more reliant with less choices.
This is a form of cillectivism, just as cultural marxism, as the politic agenda of Angela Merkel.
They fear the individual, take of their liberty, close the true open capitalism - libertarianism - the real enemy of them - the capability of autonomy, the capability of private property, private life, freedom of thoughts - they try to eradicate.
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