civilization falling
Civilization is falling, maybe it's already have fallen.
Since the end of Roman Empire the start of collapse of civilization started, maybe a little less before, with the complete out of social manners and "internatioanlization" of Roman Dogmas. But after the fall of Rome, the judeo-christian dogmas started to take over the control of whole politician and economics, with catholicism spreading the universalism and take off the nations cultures, obligating them to follow the catholic god.
Yes. Civilization had already failed.
But all the ways that they put us to live, explores the problem of a sin, a mortal sin that they infested us, but this is their cancer. Greed is their cancer.
Anyway this is very serious. When we talk about Rothschild or George Soros, or Barclays, their order is simple, they control more than 50% of the worldwide money, media, banks, etc. The problem is not how to take the control of them, the problem is how to keep the contol after their fall. The problem is how to survive the new order, after their fall... is the capability of everyone survive individually.
They keep supressing the civilization, implementing their religious policy, their lies in media and financing wars and fake governments world wide, their ways to explore their needs.
Media spread lies of the ones who don't agree with them. Media tried to take off Trump. Media tries to demonize Putin. Media is trying to enslave Brazil with socialist ideals.
Legal basis is done to limitate their ideals, judge them as guilty for personal acts and disable them as candidates in future elections.
Legislation limitate the capability of thinking. Limitate legaly and philosophicaly.
Those who don't agree, they use terrorism as mercenarism. They use legal armies to take off terrorists. Then, they create schools, corrupt the youth, implement social capitalism and a world bank to lend funds to the restore. In charge of taxes, environment and geopolitical influence.
About the seniors of the Bilderberg and Bohemian Groove, has they already fallen?
Not yet, in my opinion. In my opinion it's falling. Their empire is falling, their lineage of incestuous relations, bizarre costumes ritualistic parties and sadistic greed exposed them to the new media. They didn't count on the internet and new media could expose them, but they did.
And when they fall, freedom is not an easy way to move foward.
The world is full of addictions.
Multiculturalism, feminism, veganism, socialism and homosexuality has already failed. Capitalism and Fabianism is falling slowly. These men try to implement this culture of rape, drugs, multicultiralism, globalism to a way that can supress us.
Spreading over diseases and genetical modification in virus into poor countries. The fake spread of propaganda about vacines and antibiotics, making the population responsible for super bacterias and viruses.
Every method they can enslave the population in a dirty way, they used.
Monotheism is falling also.
Orders were exposed.
Freemasonry is exposed in media.
Freemasonry is exposed in media.
The Monarchy is falling, not only failing, but it's a mediatic circus.
Judeo-Christianity is falling.
Judeo-Christianity is falling.
The Comitee and council is falling in the world projection.
The Bankers are crashing.
Aliances between countries are falling.
Countries are dropping NATO.
Aliances between countries are falling.
Countries are dropping NATO.
Hitmen were exposed.
Nature is taking what's hers.
Nationalism is returning as a dominant ideology.
Neo-Paganism and Heatenism is arising.
Atheism is being dominant in society.
Autonomy is being requested.
Survivalism is being explored.
In the Book the Way of Men, Jack Donovan exposes:
In the chaos that follows disappointment, gangs of men can restart the world.
Neo-Paganism and Heatenism is arising.
Atheism is being dominant in society.
Autonomy is being requested.
Survivalism is being explored.
“Democracy has become a weapon of moneyed interests. It uses the media to create the illusion that there is consent from the governed. The press today is an army with carefully organized weapons, the journalists its officers, the readers its soldiers. The reader neither knows nor is supposed to know the purposes for which he is used and the role he is to play. The notion of democracy is often no different than living under a plutocracy or a government by wealthy elites.”
Oswald Spengler
In the Book the Way of Men, Jack Donovan exposes:
In the chaos that follows disappointment, gangs of men can restart the world.
Their future—the one world nanny state from cradle to grave, the global civilization of managers and clerks, the thin consumer identities, the bonobo masturbation society—is already showing signs of stress. Their future is based on unsustainable illusions and lies about human nature. Their future requires too many men to deny their own immediate interests to serve an abstract “greater good” that is far beyond human scale.
All over the world, the Star Trek future that was once considered “inevitable” is starting to look improbable. The European Union is struggling, the global economy is faltering, and every day more people are starting to acknowledge that America is in a decline from which it will not recover.
Their future is already falling. It just needs a push.

Will North Korea will be invaded? Yes. Somehow they will invade.
I already wrote about Thorium. But this country is the new target. Russia once was, China is still not. Venezuela is a probable near future target.
Russia is preserving Syria of the invasion. But Assad is considered an enemy of the World, because he is an enemy of the west, because he didn't accept the control of the international bankers, he didn't accept the finance of ISIS in his country.
North Korea can make a peaceful relation with South Korea, but they will not accept the International Bankers there.
George Soros keeps the intention to finance it's way to mantain the control on local geography. This hungarian man is a persona non grata in his own country. The master of finances is promoting socialism everywhere, promoting drug markets, weapon markets, extreme ideologies, to destablization of the countries.
Soros is one of the international funds to the legalization of drugs. It clear that NWO and Globalists, both leftists and rights, push the society for total liberalization and legalization of drugs all around the world. The coordination comes from the Global Commission on Drug Policy, whose members include high ranking Illuminati people such as Virgin's Richard Branson, United Nations former secretary Kofi Anann, former Brazil President Cardoso, etc.
They are backed by the Open Society and Avaaz, two George Soros organizations.
Marxist decriminalized marijuana, to the joy of narco-terrorist organizations such as the FARC. In São Paulo there is an area in downtown where crack zombies live free to do and they receive protection of the mayor, with salarial assistance of public finances.
The objectives of the globalists are to increase criminaily to create a necessary chaos and implement the order of security, ruled by them. Make people dependent of drugs, addicted to allucinatory substances that dumb them and make easier to implement their policy and indulge the religious freaks, that make spiritual needs and make them far form the legal subjects.
Coleman Wrote: To weaken the moral fiber of the nation and to demoralize workers in the labor class by creating mass unemployment. As jobs dwindle due to the post industrial zero growth policies introduced by the Club of Rome, demoralized and discouraged workers will resort to alcohol and drugs.

""They" don't need educated people, who are capable of critical thinking and have spiritual goals. No, this kind of people are dangerous to the establishment!"
""They" want obedient "robots," just intelligent enough to operate the machines and keep the system running, but stupid enough never to ask questions."
Not only are teh Illuminati behind the prescription of drug industry they are also heavily involved in the worldwide business of illegal drugs, especially narcotics. The CIA have been smuggling drugs worldwide business and this evidence can be found by researching Pacific Sea Ford Company and the following operations: Whale watch, snow cone, toilet seat, buy back, big blow, indigo sky, new wave, short field, Burma Road, morning gold, backlash, and triangle. In the 1950's, the CIA helped the Kuomaning (KMT) run drugs in what was known as Burma.
Modern civilization, modern man is corrupted, with no values, no prides, no national values. The capability of understand the own culture and own past is being corrupted by new values.
The last use of the Crusades to express the order on Turkey and Syria, or Hungary talking about crusages to express the culture, is to restore values, that are getting lost by NGOs, lost by George Soros investiments on social politics generalize the humanity in one part only.
I am not talking about the return of monarchy, I am talking about nationalism, regret of cultures, values, survivalism. I am talking about regret of the old men values, old women values, protection of values.
For no laws are done to governors, no laws are done do bankers, no laws are done to the politicians. They are done for the people.
No liberty or autonomy is to people, liberty in general is created to people who can pay for it. Liberty in society is created to consumption, to blind people, the freedom is not the autonomy to do what is right.
Policies are not created to serve the governors, nor the politicians. Police is done to protect the people, protect the nation, protect the society. Public services are done to people, not the politicians nor bankers.
But laws limitate the people's rights. There is why in Brazil, the distance between the politicians and society is very far from other places, that restore cultural values. That's also why some countries try not to have a supranational organism dictating rules, like the European East or Middle East, because they must keep values.
Laws are imposed to criminalize the values, to create more values, but no laws are imposed to politicians. Different judgements are imposed to politicians. Differente laws are for the elitists and those who must survive, are imposed on laws and taxes to pay.

The policies of the Council of Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Comission, the State Department of Pentagon, and the other foreign policy groups support the world wide trafficking of drugs and guns. Everything is interconnected, everyone makes money and everyone is happy.
Web of the Illuminati - Kevin Tucker
Oppenheimer Funds, financed by the Justin Leverens is trying to destablize Turkey. After the Brexit and the destablization of EU with migration, the Monarchy and the council is trying to disrupt economy of those who they consider enemies.
These countries doesn't own money to Rothschild banks. China can have a big reservation of Dollars and keep their money cheap, causing affliction to America and then Trump' strategy goes into prejudice world commerce into overtaxing USA exports.
The problem is that when they fall, they can take a big part of population with them, those who need their cultural and social bulshits, like facebook, youtube, iphones, smartphones with applications for everything and also, lost the capability of survive into - a catastrophic in extreme case - a non technological society, that the respect for the personality goes beyond the virtual life of gossip and make the reality into a virtual drug.
The question is how to survive when Rothschilds, Soros or Rockefeller falls... goes into nationality, respect for the tradition, goes into a good and healthy life, use the moeny conscious... Be prepared. Prepare for a war. Prepare for the invasion in the countries that they are interested on slave work, cheap workers and environment.
Kissinger is not considered a confident men, but influent. They tried to subjulgate and plunder the whole world, but every empire has a weakeness, and their weakeness is the society strong, without their influence.
To understand it. Live a simple life, enjoy the natural ways, eat healthy, don't be vegan. Learn weapons, don't belive in politicians - They should work for you, Police should work for you.
To understand it. Live a simple life, enjoy the natural ways, eat healthy, don't be vegan. Learn weapons, don't belive in politicians - They should work for you, Police should work for you.

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