The Cuban terrorism and Drug-deals
Drugs are worth more to the foreign employees than cost the traffikers to procure at the source. Local employees paid in drugs - who ofter lack the contacts and sophistication to sell them abroad - are forced to develop local markets to liquidade such payments into cash.
... traffikers hae expanded their exports of finished cocaine to Brazil, Europe, Mexico, and the United States, and at least a few small groups in... are trying to duplicate the Colombians' success in producing heroin for the US market,... Since most... abroad, many appear to rely on buyers or brokers willing to come to them. Others seek the help of independent Colombian traffikers in making and financing direct connections with buyers. Time and experience, however, are likely to lead more... groups to expand their overseas presence, similar to that of the Colombians.
International Criminal syndicates from oustise Latin America have expanded involvement in the global cocaine trade, exploding their presence in and knowledge of emerging consumer markets in Europe and elsewhere.
Russian-speaking criminals play a role in arranging cocaine shipments to Central and Eastern Europe. ...Russian criminals are active in Argentin, Belize, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, and probably other countries. Colombian chief Rosso Jose Serrano has claimed publicity that Russian-speaking criminal dominate much of the Europe-bound cocaine trade; he cites extensive telephone contacts between Russian-speaking criminals in Colimbia with their colleagues back home. ...there is a little doubt that Russian-speaking criminals are involved in cocaine movements.
Globalization of the Cocaine Trade - 1999
Despite the potential for profit in drug trafficking, we doubt that Havana's initial motivation was related to its current hard currency problems. The Castro regime's harsh and immediate denunciation of published accounts of its link to the Colombian drug smuggler underscores Havana's acute sensitivity to anything that tarnishes its international image. It also suggests that Cubans are - as they have beed consistently in the past - unwilling to jeopardize playsible deniability by deep involvement in the drug business.
The conference consisted the problem in three main parts: evidence of Cuban involvement in narcotics, terrorism, and illicit arms movement in the Caribean region; Cuban policy, attitudes, and motivations regarding this activity; and US policy interests.
Cuba, in addition to serving as the role model of insurgent groups in Latin America, has provided guidance and encouragement to revolutionaries throughout the world, as well as political and paramilitary training in Cuba. ... Havana has given logistic support and training for both the M-19 and Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), Colombia's two predominant terrorist groups. Cuba also serves as sancutary for Colombian insurgents.
Cuban Involvement in Narcotics and Terrorism
James H. Michel, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs, has testified, according to a transcript distributed today, that in 1982 Mr. Castro described a Colombian indicted in Miami as a drug-smuggler as a ''good friend of Cuba.'' Mr. Mullen said that if the ''Cuban problem were our only problem, we wouldn't have much of a problem'' but that ''support from the Cuban Government would enable us to be more effective.''
According to the drug agency, both the United States and Colombia failed in efforts to have him extradited from Mexico last year, and he is now a fugitive. He has been charged in Colombia with smuggling arms from Cuba for Colombian leftists.
''Cuba was also able to utilize the smuggling expertise and capabilities of Guillot by having him transport and deliver arms which were ultimately destined for the Colombian terrorist group, M-19, led by Guillot's close friend, Jaime Bateman.''
In 1983 NY Times suggested the US Officials liked Castro with the drugs traffikers in Latin America:
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