christocracy - The coward 'phallacy' ov the new right wings
Recently the fashionism is to assume a christian position and promote an unequality of christian over other religous ethnicity, blaming other of non-creator's followers, sinners, unjust, promoting a new holy war.
People around the world use this excuse for proclaiming a racial justification, concluding that new racist groups are using their faith to justify racist attacks and murdering. This global chaotic phallacy is being given and justified by leaders, political leaders, that use their faith to raise this cruzader's thinking.
The racial question here is going beyond the social question. Political leaders are getting closer and closer to christian leaders and promoting an approximation to Israel, advocating for being jewish descendants and auto-proclaiming the Israel's son and sons of the same god, justifying their salvation.
The old right that was a non religious leadership and promoted the national feeling as an unity of many different ethnicity is now disrupted by this new right, that promotes equality for jews and christians and promote different treatment to Islamists, Pagans, Afro-religious, and Satanists, that they consider an enemy.
The phallacy of this christocracy, with government under the religious blessing and government for their religious equals make the approximation with the worst christian scum, like maisntream media priests and shepards, pastors and gospel music and blame the Rock 'n Roll as a Satanic music and, also - absurdly - communist music, attacking the Rock 'n Roll as a product of Frankfurt School.
The phallacy also goes beyond their own capability of thinking right, seeing the truth, getting what insterest to them and affirming it's the highest truth, and affirming that the reality is a communist rethoric. Like nowadays the new right keeps affirming that Evola promoted christianity, Guénon promoted a christian school for traditionalism, etc.
Another rethoric is that they use the high christian to justify their hipocrite corruption, among other races and society in general, doing those corruptive acts in the name of a christian church and in the justification that they are christians. That pusilanimous act is worst than the evil they preach, for they all the time affirms themselves as the guardians of the truth.

To justify it it's not a theoretic conspiracy or any rethoric with no sense, it's just to see the recently actions as Christchurch massacre, when a white supremacist attacked mosques affriming that the country is a christian country.
Christianity is a coward form of politician, promoting inequality, attacking the differents and promoting a government with christians, subjugating the others under their own laws, based on their own beliefs. A religion that promotes racial inequality and the phallacy of determine the directions of politics.
Christian protestants are in congress. They are in the executive power and the legislative, under the excuse of bring the legality and the legal system to an universal projection. Churches are legally above the law, free of fees and with special legal system.
In general catholic churches are devoted to the Vatican laws, above the countries laws, this give a clear hide of pedophilia cases, moral and physical abuses, with no capability for the legal system to investigate the cases.
Recently in Brazil, the Heralds of the Gospel were accused of moral, physical and sexual abuse of children and teenagers, but hardly to get the involved, as they have the hierarchical system promoted by Vatican, that hides, also, cases of pedophilia in Vatican.
The promotion of a christocracy is demanded by the new right, the Alt Right, based in phisolophical system of Evola and Guénon, promoting a tradition based in capitalism and social equality under god's law, where the christians have the control, in congress, legal and presidential sphere, to promote a christian government, democratic just for their equals.

Abortion cases, in general are condemned by christianity, but in case of rape, now is their race for the total deny of abortion cases, but in offense of rape victims, accusing them cowardly of being circumstancial cases and they must accept the fate, and also, promote a new form of acceptance of the rape, in general, the rapist paying the necessities for the 'new family.
Just in their sick heads it is considered a family, considering rape a crime and offensive attacks for the rape victims, shows how christianity is a regret for the society and legal system.
Also, mysoginy is a characteristic of christianity, that promotes the patriarchal model of family, denying women's rights and the right to chose. In the case of abortion, is traumatizing to a woman, victim of rape being accused of murderer, or blamed on provocate the assault.
Feminicide is a characteristic of christian men, in most part, that don't accept the women being attracted. Also, most part of physical assaults against women is characteristic for the traditional patriarchal families, and justified in the speeches of these new christian representative, as Trump for exemple, and in Brazil by Bolsonaro's chauvinist.
The right to chose of the women is well respected in left hand's and in pagan beliefts, the right on chose of divorce or being respected as a woman, part of a social system and protected by society.
Each individual is supposed to have their faiths, but christianity is historically a religion that imposed it as the end and condemned who do not carry their spiritual beliefs.
Acceptance of new particularities is hard to loutish alt right representatives, that promotes political and social programs to christian churches, based in exchange of economic and political favours.
The old right is still promoting democratic ways, as in Russia and Syria, that are constantly attacked by this new right, independent of Muslim or Christian, the laic secular system is failing by the new right politics, regreting centuries of politics by ideologies and rethoric speeches, disrupting Evola's speeches under the idea of perpetual power and geo-strategic influence.
The new christian upheaval in politics is dangerous to democracy, following principles that atheist, spiritualists, Muslims and lef hands or pagans, have no interest to be listened to their demands, and also, no representation in politics.
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