To understand more about the Hybrid Conflicts
The warfare that includes, into the military strategy, political wafare and blends of conventional warfare, irregular warfare, the tactics of RAM and technological warfare, including the capacity of Total War, devastation, insurrection, civil unrest, non linear agents, psycholocal warfare, media, fake news spread, terrorism, guerrilla and non direct combat like diplomacy, legal appliance and ideological clash.
The Hybrid Warfare can be used to describe a flexible and complex dynamics of the battlespace requiring an adaptable and resiliente response with the asymetric scenarios, including academic literature that promotes theoretics of the combat. Since Sun Tzu and Clausewitzian warfare, the irregular size of the forces can be described with hybrid conflics, as the technics of infiltration, assassination, destruction of the enemy and use of unequal capability of weapons were always used. The Punic Wars there was an irregular use of the force while Rome and Cartage were both in unequal sizes and unequal strategic capabilities.
The post Cold War resulted, with the Russian complexity of the warfare system of the Revolution in Military Warfare, with the a new paradigm of warfare, after the unipolar conventional hegemony and the rise of the new politics of USA with the idea of PNAC, the Conventional Western concepts of war are incompatible and fundamentally misaligned with the new realities of cyber warfare conceptions, new irregular agents into battle.
The linear conflicts can be defined by a sequential profress of the planned strategy by opposing sides, with (almost) equal forces and with the geographical position as essential to the maintenance of the conflic, while the NONLINEAR is the simultaneous deployment of multiple, complementary military and paramilitary agents and instruments at the long range conflicts, with the geography not so essential to the maintenance of the conflict, and the usage of cyber stape, air space with use of non tripulated aircrafts, use of media, etc.
Linear conflcits are defined by sequential progress of a planned strategy by opposing sides, whereas nonlinear is a simultaneous deployment of multiple, complementary military and non-military actors at these warfare tactics.
The NON-linear is fought when a state uses the conventional and irregular military in conjunction - completing each other - with psycholocigal, economic, political and cyber assaults, raising confusion and disprder and the use of weaponised information - about data, OSING, HUMINT and disinformation - exacerbating the perception of insecurity in the population as political, social and cultural identities, polarizing the society.
This 'blurring' dividies teh population, creating interest groups and powerful political organizations, exploiting their identities - the tactic of divide and conquer - additioning, nonlinear warfare tactics as deterrent towards as a more powerful ally of the besieged state.
The Ukrainian conflict can be described with the use of military force to the annexiation of Crimea followed by a subsequent civil war and use of civilian militias to direct conflict. The use of ideological schools can be described as essential to promote xenophobia, russophobia, contract of foreigners to support the conflict, use of militias and media was essential to this proccess.
The conventional Western concepts are incompatible to the twenty-first century, emerging of an unipolar post-Cold War world order, resulting a new paradigm. This change requires that U.S.A., NATO and allies to adopt a new legal, psychological and strategic understanding of Warfare and use of force, based on technology use and irregular actions, using small local conflicts in change of long range and direct clash.
The term "hybrid war" connotes that the use of conventional military force is supported by these irregular and cyber warfare tactics, in practical application. The Russian concept of 'nonlinear conflict' is an exemple of this HYBRID WARFARE Strategy.

A intersection between the total war, the hybrid warfare and the technological warfare is the core point that determines the hybrid scenario. The strategies goes for a complexity of the political usage to promote the direction which war can be drove.
The non-standart complexity of new adversaries, promotes a conflict between state or non-state action. The use of private companies at the combat zones and the civilian use for military intelligence, the drones and technology to promote interception of data is an exemple of how hybrid warfare level goes.
The adversaries are a combination of conventional and irregular methods and tactics, including conventional capabilities of artillery, aircrafts and infantry to irregular tactics of mercenaries, armed civilian, civil unrest, gangs, information, terrorist tactics, guerrilla, criminal activities and indiscriminate violence. The use of clandestine actions avoiding the attribution or aspirations, blended tactics, infrastructure damage and psychological terror.
Mass communication for propaganda and spread of fake news, raise of psychological operations and raise of psychological terrorism, promoting unconstant fear and uncertain attacks over the population, creating false flags and fake stories of an element of a hybrid warfare.
The raising chaos is a non-linear possibility that makes a constant conflict in the social organism, becoming a part of the nature of the natural proccess of the social dynamism.
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