Chilean Urban Assymetric Warfare - Perfect motion of the Asymmetric Warfare
In the core of the civil riot in Chile, the protesters used a tactic against the police drones and helicpter vision, perfectly syncronized, the protesters could take down the drones and take the visibility of the police and the news media, taking their direction. The use of laser pointers was perfectly used, showing the capability of the adversary non armed against the tactical force.
Perfectly observed the asymmetric power between both actors, the usage of a non lethal weapon urges the capability on the unrest between public entities can be taken by the popular wish on take the governmental forces by numbers, strategic capacity and tactical knowledge.
The take down of the power, the upheaval shows that the paradigm is not right directioned. The realism will be able to apply the security strategy to promote a democratic view on both sides, and the legal system will have to adopt the new demands of the society. Well, the crimson dark sky will fall over the soceity's will, lighted by laser pointers instead of torches.

The take down of the power, the upheaval shows that the paradigm is not right directioned. The realism will be able to apply the security strategy to promote a democratic view on both sides, and the legal system will have to adopt the new demands of the society. Well, the crimson dark sky will fall over the soceity's will, lighted by laser pointers instead of torches.
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