Conspiracy theoretics as an axiom of the alt-right
The betray of the alt-right policy is that they justify their personal frustrations and outsource their hate to others. They claimed racism and segregation as a form of living, claiming spiritual salvation, while they break the traditionalism harsh, with wicked vulgarity and unjustified racism.
The point here is not that. The point here is about, alt-Right politics use conspiratorial problematics to promote their politics. They govern not by facts but by fictions. They governs by theoretics of what is beyond of the reality, they don't have governmental programs for a quick anser for the problems, they search invisible enemies, search eternal enemies in history to justify furious actions against oppositions, promote segregation, fake news, persecution and use victimization to justify some actions.
A first stage of the politics is based in social networking provocative texts and measure of popularity. The use of fake bots and fake profiles is a measure to media of their level of acceptance. They clearly have a 80% level of acceptance and media shows it's as truth action, while 80% of these percentual level are robots programs.
We see the new Right of Tomislav Sunic or Oswald Spengler ideologies, but we claim the Stephen Bannon right, frustrated by geek imagery and extremist imagery, out of traditional civilization, but promoted by the accelerationism proccess of capitalist faillure, in a trying constant to save the neoliberal model of economy and also promote Neocon world wide police. A global Americanism.
To understand it, the problematic of philosophers wannabe like Olavo de Carvalho and alt-right fundamentalists of Trumpwave, Bolsonaro and Trump surfer at this wave of extremist, promoting hate speech, lightning rod, minimizing social problems, allegating sociological problems are for leftists, and use jokes and offensive words to minimize the opposition. The constant murder of reputation is a practice of psyops promoted by the propaganca sectors, in general a parallel bureau contracted by government.
The same way we have Bolsonaro in South America creating a reality alternative of the whole world is a communist infected world, even the most radical right wings, for those oppose him in his uncapable politics of corruption and directed policy for the alies, putting the whole country in isolationism, and international diplomatic problems. The constant problems involve the characteristcs of idolatry, ideological guru, constant conspiratorial theoretics, programs for persecution, parallel congresses and bureaus, pair the institutions to the means... and use the ideological party to promote this kind of brainwash and governmental programs.
The core of the politics is about the conspiracy theory, a conspiratorial thinking as Chinese domination, a shadow KGB operating in Venezuela, Eastern Satanic groups operating in USA to destroy democracy, the Coronavirus is promoted by China to destroy capitalism, they want to justify it as a holy war. All these are not proved by theory nor facts, but alt-Right promotes these kind of ideas to justify internet attacks for murdering of reputation, destruction of opposition and legal proccedures of international sanctions, justifying racial questions, like Islamophobia, or preventive attacks in Syria.
This uncapability is shown in the coronavirus question, while the world comes to the salvation of the human healthy, alt Right leaders promoted the idea of economic salvation. The salvation for the economy is raising the numbers of the deaths by the cause, and the lack of capabily of Bolsonaro to solve the problem, instead of that, the pairing of the federal institutions and the constant attacks to China as a problem, not giving answers to solve the problem, nor the economy, neighter the healthy shows that the alt-right accelerationism failed the cultural right in a record time, while the traditional right from the eastern keeps it's cultural influence.
The same problem is seem in USA, there is no real action, but constant provocative attacks to China and Russia, and during the problem, blinding the media for the social intern problems.
The chaos in world is not programmed, but alleatory and world is rude by it's leaders, and use the personal frustrations to promote global advance for a private promotion, is program that is working till faillure. Accelerationism promotes the fast attrition of the means and the ideologies, the tradition os confused by modernism and the relations between society and individual, in the psyops era of hybrid warfare and cybernetics, promotes polarized ideas working together to justify one legitimate leadership.

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