Ultra supremacists and Jihadi symbiosys - Globalism fails
Jihad is a global movement that searches for the inner self into a tradition, behavioral and spiritual self-knowledge and identification for an unity, promoting heritage, culture, and identification into the complex world system, globalized.
The conduces of the heritage form, performs the ultra right wings in western societies, against the paradigmatic order of capitalism and multiculturalism, rejoicing the idea of complex society, regreting to a tribal form of action, characterized by traditionalistic ideals of culture, past and history, heritage, evoking of an heroic past.
During the conducement of the society, the theoretic currents of accelerationsim is being well pushed into the manners of action of society, while it's promoting a conservadorism. This theoretics are forming groups and conducing the model of right conservative in realpolitik to a disruptive neo-conservative politics of alt-right, which turned the society to uncapability of understand and interpret whole information that society is absorbing while the difficulty of inditify the self into this complex society.
The alt-right promotion of the model of neoliberal capitalism, while is conducing a new identity of society, as Christian, capitalist, anti-Eastern, forcing the individual to find itself in a vacuum of history, not identifying himself with the new models while the old models are not concluded. That was a disrupture that socialist governments left last decades and the failed model of Trump to conduce the right wings to a possible answer to the society's problems.
In this void of power, the groups find themselves united by equality, but search other groups to fight for equal objectives, like jihadis and white supremacists. Both groups have a good relation, even while the white European heritage is not in a convergence to Islamists, both support the idea of disrupt the USA's supremacy and neoliberal capitalism.

Accelarationism is a doctrine in Social and Politic theoretics that promotes current that the capitalistic system is the one prevailed in history, while some cenrtain socio-technological are historicaly characterized, and must be amplified, re-structuralized and accelerated with the objectives of generate a significative social change. This term is used in a pejorative form to design a process on where Capitalism is intensified and, for sure, will accelerate the self-destructive tendencies, conducing socitety to a collapse.
It was common to see Skinheads wearing Bin Laden's shirts, as it was very common to see skinheads joining the Islamic State as mercenaries.
The Symbiosys
The model of accelerationism is creating a disrupture in traditionalism, and the theoretics, conduced by these collapsed economies, the accelaration of the proccess of growing is the same acceleration of the failing proccess. The clash of civilizations became intern and the capability of spread information, fake news and hate speech became a part of the social proccess.
To conclude, the war against the west is a racial quest for the white supremacist and jihadists, that claims their ethnicity and their eternal war against the western capitalist society. The reason they support each other as alies to promote persecution and hate propaganda, model of attacks and asymmetric warfare, hybrid threats and other warfare promotion, as small wars, guerrilla and political influence.
They use chat forums to recruit, game forums to spread propaganda, virtual training, enlistment of alienated people and lone wolves and promote a great reward to the warrios they claim action, as history, martyrdom, leadeship and heroism.
Western groups claimed their personal jihadi, a racial quest, more than a spiritual quest. Some western groups are involved with satanism, promoting antichristian model of society, based in nature, acceleration of the societal proccess and dictatorship under a satanic leader, but formed by equal racial people. In the case of jihadi, the polarized ethnical groups are always in clash, but they claim an Islamist World State, under the aegis of leadership and promoting equality.
Both parties are similars and they claim each other's model to promote their will. Specially white supremacists requested the jihadi model as a modus operandi, as a kind of psychological trigger to their action. Jihadi Asymmetric Warfare and Psychologic Warfare is much more evoluted in this case.

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