What to think about terrorist attack in New Zealand
Some things must be clear about the terrorist attack in Christchurch, New Zealand.
The same kind of spree killing happened in other parts of the Globe and the problem is that there are people involved that is not hard to understand. Bankers, Politicians, etc.
The Police State that promotes the traffick of information, promotes the hide of the information that must be spread and told to citizens, that they live a lie.
Promotion of murdering by one agent is to privitize the State actions to promote a racial segregation and promote crowd controlling. State of constant fear against one part of population. But who gains with this politics are a group of bankers, philantropist, internatnional governments, multinationalists, globalists who will use this to implement the politician of pacifism through misinformation, disrupt of the private life, will use legal politics to invade the private accounts and implement the control of freedom of speech, claiming it's to promote peace in society.
Many people, Islamists to me more precise, die every day in Iraq and Syria in the war, and this war is to promote emmigration to other countries to set up a free land to re-integrate by other politicians, internationalists, people who want a land to promote a new land of stealing the environment and implement another bank rule.
Other stuff to say is that, the Christians are claiming the lands of their fathers and request that their lands are not Islamic and they want a new law to prohibition of immigration of Islamics to their 'christian' lands.

Well, christians, New Zealand is not your. New Zealand is Maori. A pagan, tribal, self determined ethnic group that pre-historically based there and had their lands stolen by christian invasion. New Zealand is Maori as Australia is Aborigin, not christian eighter.
Europe is not christian eighter. Europe is from tribal barbaric groups, civilized, based on their lands, having their history, their faith, than had their lands invaded too.
So if you use the 'Might is Right' to justify a christian attack against the Islam, you should reconize first that the first invader is yours. Might is Right, a book from New Zealand, promoted anger against christianity because is a coward religion that preaches segregation through servitude, and justify a terrorist attack pro-christianity through Might is Right, is to justify a barbaric action against this religion usurper of the traditions - christianity.
Might is Right is to promote the restore of a pre-christian tradition, a perpetual war against this desert religion. Yes, desert is the christian land, not Europe, not South America, not New Zealand. So, if you want your land free of Muslims, for you, move to the desert, but understant that Palestine is of Muslims before Christ was born.
The bulshit to justify that christinity is an universal religion is to justify a religion that has no land, it's a philosophy, not a ethnicity. Vatican is a political state, that usurped the Roman Pagan traditions to make politics, not to promote salvation.
Also, the promotion of an European christian continent, based of the christianity is the thing that this 'shadowy government' wants to promote, governments that use this religion of preaching salvation, to promote elections, based on values that save the population, make them identify themselves to a cause, that before it was under a simple life of autonomy, but now, a collective salvation. Christian governments are puppets of the world government that promote enslavement of population, and this government machine is acting as lobbyst to recive a parcel of environmental usurpation, bank accounts, legal systems and a place at the pyramid as a member of the dome.
And the Haka, the intimidation scream of warfare of Maori tribe, if Might is Right, shall fear the christian demons, because when christian came to any land, implement the idea of sin and crimes, the before was considered an extreme natural action to be finished and now is an illegal action to be judged.
This terrorist attack will promote a world protential arms control, who will win is the Police State and the World Government that promotes by the shadows these kind of actions and use stupid people as pawns, making them belive that they are revolionaries as they are just acting as government wants.
Also, the promotion of an European christian continent, based of the christianity is the thing that this 'shadowy government' wants to promote, governments that use this religion of preaching salvation, to promote elections, based on values that save the population, make them identify themselves to a cause, that before it was under a simple life of autonomy, but now, a collective salvation. Christian governments are puppets of the world government that promote enslavement of population, and this government machine is acting as lobbyst to recive a parcel of environmental usurpation, bank accounts, legal systems and a place at the pyramid as a member of the dome.
And the Haka, the intimidation scream of warfare of Maori tribe, if Might is Right, shall fear the christian demons, because when christian came to any land, implement the idea of sin and crimes, the before was considered an extreme natural action to be finished and now is an illegal action to be judged.

This terrorist attack will promote a world protential arms control, who will win is the Police State and the World Government that promotes by the shadows these kind of actions and use stupid people as pawns, making them belive that they are revolionaries as they are just acting as government wants.
The rapidly spread of information is making people not to think before actions, and the search for lone wolves attacks are a program, old program, implemented by a government that promotes actions beyond the legal government. The ones who finance the global warfares and the ones who implement the solutions pre-determinated by them, before the war begins.
The structure of society will be re-built in a form on promote pacifism and psychological warfare. People will be afraid on urban terrorism, and intern terrorism, promoted by christian fundamentalism as a tool of a government with coercitive intention. This power will be promoted by the legitimacy of this new legislation, to distort the weapons laws, impose arms control, impose the coercitive force in society, control the data of internet users.
This new legacy of a government will be seen in eletions, with the oposition proposing that the terrosit attack came from weak measures politics taken by this government, in a table of chess promoted by the same player gaming in two sides of the table and the society can be brainwashed easily, because the society will be feared of new terrorist attacks.
The structure of society will be re-built in a form on promote pacifism and psychological warfare. People will be afraid on urban terrorism, and intern terrorism, promoted by christian fundamentalism as a tool of a government with coercitive intention. This power will be promoted by the legitimacy of this new legislation, to distort the weapons laws, impose arms control, impose the coercitive force in society, control the data of internet users.
This new legacy of a government will be seen in eletions, with the oposition proposing that the terrosit attack came from weak measures politics taken by this government, in a table of chess promoted by the same player gaming in two sides of the table and the society can be brainwashed easily, because the society will be feared of new terrorist attacks.
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