New proxies in Syria - Ideological Mercenarism: Hybrid scenario - historic traditionalism
A great point of the new scale of mercenarism comes from the return of the ideological mercenaries involved with the business mercenarism, and the promotion of companies that work for the government by ideologies, nationalist companies that are proud on serve the nation as it's not a public force.
With ideologic bias, groups are forming together the benchmarking of ex companies' members and also the administration and publicity that Blackwater left in the world as a teaching.
It raised Turan, based with teachings of the new model of warfare business and the ideology built in pillars of Tamerlan, the Iron Conqueror with Turkish-Mongol ascendance, considered a barbarian with an enthusiast of the beauty and the peaceful conditions.
Also, a leader that used to promote the Islamic faith to the world based in ancient Molgol cults, with animals, nature, not only a military but a religious leader, Tamerlan became the pilar of this business company.

If you also check the logo and patch of the group, the raising AK-47 is the symbol of the liberty of many ideological parties, nations and groups, with the ability of the weapon to operate in every territory, with it's full range.
Turan is an exemple of the new mercenarism, promoting freedom of choise with muslims countries enjoying the case to promte small conflicts advantage in terrain, linked with Turkey or Russia, operating in Syria, a triple aliance of the new order in the Eurasia, promoting the use of the Afghanistan, Turkish, Iranian, and other muslim countries in Eurasia Territory, Turan is a kind of disambiguation of the Wagner Group, operating in full capability with full range.
The Syrian meeting with Baltic accent: "Estonian" group "Turan" - soldiers of President Assad
The military conflict in Syria, the reason is often still called a civil war. However, this definition is completely wrong. Indeed, in the clashes on earth arab republic actually clashed with the representatives of several states and peoples. On the one hand are fighting the syrian government forces and their numerous allies from lebanon, Iran, palestine, Russia. On the other — the terrorists, representing the various states of the globe: Afghanistan, Libya, pakistan, Yemen, morocco, tajikistan. And this list is far from complete. There is a third side of the conflict — the so-called international coalition led by the United States.
Without appropriate sanctions of the united nations and damascus in Syria are military personnel of several states representing primarily NATO. The other day also it became known that in the middle east will be created and units, including military of the baltic states. This was recently announced by the commander of the armed forces of Lithuania, major general jonas vytautas, zukauskas. To comment on this initiative, to share his thoughts on the conflict in Syria, and, of course, tell us about yourself agreed one of a party of foreigners — a Russian-speaking young people of Estonian origin who called himself ivan. Three months ago, he crossed the syrian-lebanese border to arms to protect from terrorists, civilians in Syria and beyond. Ivan, a few words about yourself! yes, in fact, the story is simple. My fate similar to the fate of millions of other soviet citizens. I was born in the Russian-Estonian family in pärnu.
Mother was a lady worked in a sanatorium, his father served in the soviet army. When the union collapsed, we moved to leningrad — st. Petersburg. Since 1994 i live in the city on the neva. - how did you end up in syria? — graduated from high school, then college.
In 2006, joined the army, served in the reconnaissance company. In 2008, signed a contract, took part in the defense of the ossetians from georgia's attack. Then went to work for the citizen: car loan, apartment mortgage. For thirty years.
At one point, i called a colleague and offered the opportunity to work on a rotational basis. According to him, in three months i would be able to close the loan for the car, but at the expense of the next "Mission" to extinguish the mortgage. - can you tell us more: how did you come to Syria, who pays you money? did you sign the contract? — all the details i won't tell you — it's a military secret, really do not know what state (laughs). In a nutshell: i arrived in Moscow, met Russian-speaking arabs who shamelessly wore camouflage uniforms with stripes "Hezbollah". They were talking about the amount of the fee at fifteen thousand dollars, said side-by-side with me will fight and the other Russian, as well as immigrants from countries of the former ussr, Iran and lebanon. At the end of the conversation one of them asked me a few days to think about it, i said i already thought about it and i agree — the good comrades i used to believe. The next day, our meeting took place in the presence of a mr.
East appearance, the suit mark is a famous italian brand. He held a "Briefing", which could be summarized in two words: "Do what you can and will get a lot of money. " after a while i handed the printout of the electronic plane ticket, and i flew to beirut. In lebanon we were given a military uniform, a minimum amount of money in future salaries (the advance was in syrian pounds and dollars), put in the old machine and sent to syria. In the arab republic, we left for their groups, where each person was assigned its own position. I, as expected, was in the group "Turan", where i identified the gunners of the artillery. - you said you are originally from Estonia.
And many more among the "Volunteers" of Estonians, latvians, Lithuanians? — i'm not Estonian, i'm Russian. And my mother, though it is considered an ethnic Estonian, very rarely remembers it. Although friends and i came up with the nickname "Estonian" (laughs). But seriously, it was not among our immigrants from these countries.
There were a couple of serbs, ossetians, one moldavian, but mostly kyrgyz, kazakhs, uzbeks, tajiks, turkmens and azeris are foreigners. - and on the other side? — among the "Donkeys" (the word is dais — ISIS - approx. Author), and the guys told us they met Europeans. Someone even talked about the Lithuanians. But no precise information was not, therefore, i will not lie. And yet, you still had a connection with Estonia? — in fact anything! is that grandma in parnu and lives.
The benefit of the resort city, go to it quite often. My mother a couple of years ago to the church in the street decembrists in st. Petersburg, led — where the event was organized by the local diaspora, something like organ concerts. In my childhood i tried to learn Estonian, read poems by lydia koidula. - do you regret that left states of the European union? could now serve in the armies of NATO. — no, not a bit! nature sure is beautiful there, good people meet.
But i don't like nazis (the source probably meant the legionaries waffen ss and their supporters — ed. Ed. ) in the streets marching, Russian language is banned. Well i'm glad my parents made the choice back in 1994 and moved from Estonia! - recently it was reported that the military from Lithuania, latvia and Estonia will come to the middle east, particularly in Iraq, to participate in the international coalition. What do you think about this? — i've not read. Well, i'm happy for them.
Only here on what grounds they go, for example, in Syria, and for what purpose?! i do not think that the governments of these countries received the official invitation of the authorities of Syria or Iraq. And so it turns out: they wanted their soldiers to the desert to drive, took put them on a plane and sent to a foreign country. And here no one is waiting. And for what purpose. Let's think logically.
The war comes to an end, the syrians left to finish, with only remnants of the terrorists ISIL, deal with the "Dzhebhat en-nusra" and to solve the kurdish question. Who are going to fight, for example, the latvian soldiers? and most importantly for what? just imagine how much it will cost to send, and their content in the middle east! (as reported in the media, the number of representatives of latvia in the operation against ISIS will grow to 20 people. They will not participate directly in military operations against the terrorists, and will receive the status of the instructor and will conduct training for local military — approx. Ed. ). Moreover, as far as i know, in the baltic states, though not massively, but refugees from the middle east. Sure, most of them decent people, but 100% — there are those who are in any way associated with terrorists.
I do not think that the ordinary people of vilnius or any other city will say thank you to your authorities for a couple of attacks to be organized in retaliation for this is absolutely mindless decision. Or maybe i don't know something and the baltic states have their political interests in the region (laughs)?! - what are your interests? and how legit your being here? i mean the Russian legislation. Well, firstly, according to the laws of my country, a mercenary, and thus the criminal is the person who not being a citizen of a state involved in the conflict, taking part in combat operations for money. Russia is officially present in Syria, so that i — an ordinary soldier who performs specific tasks, though not serving in the military. Secondly, let's be honest: here i get paid a lot of money. And that is important too. Thirdly, terrorists must be destroyed wherever they were. Once said our president, and i fully agree with him! - thanks for agreeing to an interview and successful return home.
A Battalion Of Turan — Blackwater Russia!
The soldiers of the battalion "Turan", consisting of representatives of the Turkic peoples in Central Asia, was captured in Syria. A battalion of mercenaries "Turan" is likened to the Blackwater forces, which the US uses in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Members of the battalion "Turan", in whose ranks reportedly include specially trained troops sent by Russia to Syria, was seen in Deir-ez-Zor on the North of the country. Battalion, about which little is known, and even in the Russian media call it "mysterious", for the most part consists of Kazakhs, the Saki, the Yakuts, Kyrgyz, Uzbeks, Tajiks, Azeris, Turkmen. It is reported that a battalion of mercenaries were planted in Syria to fight ISIS (banned in Russia — approx. ed.), unconventional methods of warfare.
Former members of the special forces
The number of group "Turan", which are former Russian "special forces", is estimated at 800-1200 people. In addition, the battalion filled up by ex-military that for eight months of intensive training in methods of "guerrilla warfare". Members of the battalion "Turan", which, as noted, consists of ex-military Muslims aged 30 to 50 years, reported in social networks about their successes in the war against ISIS. Russian media noted the high contribution of this group in the fight against terrorists.
They have NATO weapons
The unit, which in the first stage are assumed to have arrived in the region of Hama, composed of 400 people, later were seen in HOMS, Palmyra, and other areas of Syria to support the forces of the Syrian regime. It is reported that the group that uses not only such Russian weapons as the Kalashnikov rifle, but a weapon of the NATO countries, is a private military company. Fighters of the battalion "Turan" was also seen carbines of American manufacture, the M-4 and M-16. Experts liken this battalion security company Blackwater, which hired military, used US in many places, especially in Afghanistan and Iraq. Some Russian Newspapers write about the inadmissibility of the methods of the battalion "Turan", which do not differ essentially from the methods of ISIS.
Their idol — Tamerlane
The blue and red and black stripes on the sleeves of soldiers of the paramilitary battalion there is an inscription "Turan", the hand in which the rifle and three points. On a conventional image of the rifle — attributed to Tamerlan saying "strength is in justice" and the three dots are supposed to symbolize the flag of the Timurid Empire, which existed from 1370 to 1507.
Receive 150 thousand rubles a month
In Russia attract the attention of two companies like Blackwater. One of them is "Wagner", created by a native of Ukraine, Lieutenant Colonel Dmitry Utkin, the second battalion of Turan. It is reported that the "Wagner" has about five thousand mercenaries, including in Syria, there are Muslims-Chechens, and the strength of the battalion Turan reaches 1.2 thousand people. Russian newspaper "Moskovsky Komsomolets" interview with an ex-military mercenary, who until recently served in one of these companies. The newspaper wrote that the mercenaries in Syria receive 150 thousand rubles a month (about two thousand 600 dollars). And the salary of commanders is more than four thousand dollars a month.
The dark army
One of the largest private security companies in the world, Blackwater, receiving tenders of the state Department, Pentagon, CIA in the amount of hundreds of millions of dollars, provides support for the operations of the American army, primarily in Afghanistan and Iraq. Founded in 1997, the company, which employs thousands of mercenaries, since 2006, also provides services for the protection of American diplomats. As a result of indiscriminate shooting in 2007 in Baghdad by a group of Blackwater employees who believed that they got ambushed, killed 17 civilians. In addition to this incident, known as the incident at nisour square, in respect of employees of the company, there are many other complaints and lawsuits on charges of torture, ill-treatment, killings. The company, through which, as expected, workers ' party of Kurdistan passed the American-made weapons to conceal notoriety in 2009 changed its name to Xe Services and in 2011 at the Akademi.
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