Theoretics of right and their loutish schizofrenia and Communism is a teleologic religious process
The fact of nowadays philosophers is that, right wing are searching for explanations to consider the only right movement is the neoliberal conservative capitalism, puting all other - including Third Position - as leftist ideals, promoting a confusion in mind of the new scholars. This loutish conclusion comes from the ideology that promotes the christianity as the end of the religions, and re jewish religion as a way of save the soul, for considering the christians the decendants of jews and being, too, the chosen people.
Well, this article is about communism and the communism couldn't be capable without a religious process of condemnation by fear.
The theologists and right wing christian philosophers are giving explanations on communism as being an antichristian process, satanic ideology of enslavement, etc. A very poor explanation and conclusion on a political ideology that began promoted into judeo-christian religious process.
There is no philosopher giving a good explanation on how communism grew and became so accepted, except these stpid authors that explains it as satanic process.
There is no author that explains communism as most simple as it really is, and people prefers to polemize as it's a sin, but no one tells it's simple a Teleologic process.
Even in the conclusion of capitalistic process, the communism can also be foreseen as a cyclic process, being an end for an elitist politician interested on communism be the main ideology in society.
Communism is a Teleologic process of judeo-christianity to maintain people under constant fear, but, beliving that the society must be equal, adapting the social process and basis to it's needs. The communism adapts to society in its reality and can put on the desire of the governor, like in the case of Venezuela and/or Soviet Russia.
Christianity, talking about catholicism, promoted the idea of equality on it's faith, being everyone at the same level, promoting an hierarchy on society between civilian equals, the chevalry with it's military capability and the priesthood, with hierarchical pyramid that ruled the population, and condem them to death those who opose.
This proccess is same of the communism, to promote a dictatorship and take the production methoods to the State, and distribute them to the chosen to each proccess, and create a legal proccess against the society. Also, the intention on adapt itself to the society's pathology and start a politician of liberation, implementation of a psychological and social engeneering, promoting a form of crowd controling in by manipulation of media, epidemy of some diseases and pro-homossexuality legislation.

In judaism, is the same of catholicism, with the idea of the one god above everything, the idea of god creator and the ruler of everything, with one leader that can 'talk' to god and the equality of every single individual in the proccess.
The low capability of the right wing nowadays is to divide the theoretics on what is this proccess of control of society, not done by Satan, but done by a religious elite to spread fear of unfollow the rules, and a political elite, plutocratic, that promotes a control of environment, and these leaders write the legislation to them.
Also, these philosophers and theoretics cannot understand the whole proccess, natural and metaphisical, and adapt the philosophy to their faith, even if it's completely adverse, and this loutish stupidity (being redundant), creates new ideologies completely far from the seed, like they use Julius Evola's philosophy to their christian faith, and promotes christianity, as they justify christianity as an end by Guénon.
Some of them use Parvulesco and Spengler to promote christianity as an end. Completely adverse, also, use these authors to promote an anti-pagan reality. Really impressed the hipocrital form of manipulate the extreme right, once into a non religious proccess of social behavior and now following christianity to justify that right is christian and left is atheist-satanist-pagan ideology.
This abjuration of the natural proccess to a christian affirmative is for sure the unconstant political moment of two decades of socialism, that destroyed the economies of many countries.
These same authors cannot give a reasonable form of think that, the dialectic on a haegelian proccess can promote the causes and effects of the communism, implementing the questions and giving possible rational answers, justifying the meas.
Also, the teleologic process that the religious philosophies promoted, to intensify the proccess of equality on society, and the political intention to maintain an elite, destroy the oposition by legal process and promotes a complete control of everything.
The cyclic process of the communist uprise is very well explained by the a procedure that the accumilation of capital and the capitalistic failure is cyclical. These 'eras' are completed by an uncertain behavior that promotes a social disruption and illegitimation of the government to control the economic system. This crisis are being prevent and in the cyclic methood of analysis can be found these answers.

The Arrighi cycle of the procedure of accumulation of capital and the hegemonic creation of the financial system can explain and also, much more explained, the Kondratieff cyclic process that can prevent the capitalistic crisis and implement preventive measures.
Kondratieff analised the proccess that every 50 years the capitalism can suffer a crisis and these preventive measures implemented can postopone or avoid the crisis.
But when the theoretics can adapt their needs to society's reality, the crisis can pass unnoticed, because the failure at the proccess is maked up by the economic politician and the leftist politic of socialist implementation adapts to the social pathologies, like pro-homossexuality programs, and the multiculturalism, drug legalization and the Frankfurt Scholars theoretics, of decriminalization of the marginality and the figures of the social 'heroes' to promote illegitimation of the right state and raise a new oposition, now in society, that are searching for an alternative identity of the drug addicters, homossexual marriage, transgender childhood, etc.
Kondratieff when analysed the capitalistic crisis identified the weaken points of the economic system, and the notorious right wings philosophers didn't still understand that economic proccess is the maing key of it, but also, didn't understand that the philosphy between the social control could be used in society to it's means at social behavior. These authors neglected the society for decades and now they came with solutions of a Satanic proccess of left... this is one of the biggest stupidity they could say, to unblame their own fault, to outsource their blame to some one who were never involved into a politician of a control and condemnation, but with a human politician of liberty and social respect.
The uncapability of right wing to promote the proccess of restore of social values, are going to a new politician of fundamentalism of christianity and affirmation of the christianity as the only religion that can subjulgate and legislate, with a new christian political bench on congress and ministry and not undersanding that the systemic chaos is implemented yet, by it's social politician of the left of divide and conquer, creating minorities and embrace them as the only savior, raising right wings as the oposition of liberty, when the truth is that these polices weakens the capability of population to a uprise.

Check the Lenin politician, the marxist politician is to promote a 'pacific' society by the equality and distribution of capital and natural resources, beneath a 'uncorruptive' leader that can promote this peaceful conditions, with no police state and weapon control.
The teleologic proccess of christianity as a charlatan politician, involvind an apolitical ideology inside the political proccess taking the men to a direction of servitude and the adaptation of it's politician to the impoverishment and a dictatorial proccess is the basis of the communist state. Marx was a jewish and he had adapted the Calvinist ideology to it's judeo concept of enrichment and capital accumulation and directed the communism to an elite, that could implement it concrete.
The Frankfurt scholars were into judaism, and raised it's ideology as a proccess of destruction of capitalistic and anarchical proccess, implementing the idea of marginality in society, adapting the ex-militarized Soviet State to a libertarian ideology of consumption, crowd controling and destruction of the self. But see that the christian elite and the jewish elite don't blend with other social scaled religious and don't accept other religious groups - these ones targeted to the marginality programs of Frankfurtian theoretics.
See that South America is the playground of the Frankfurtian, with the Bolivarian politician and the Foro São Paulo controling the political actions, they could promote almost two decades of leftist government and made South America a chaotic geopolitical system, next stage to a geopolitical warfare between elites who want to control the geographical envirionment and test the local as laboratories - as great corporations, pharmaceutical industry, etc.
Also, the Fabian society creating a theoretic of the capitalistic socialism, promoted a social democracy, with assistential system and raised society to the previous marxist State. The Kondratieff cycle explained this system. The failure of the capitalistic system promoted a level os social democracy, with the Clinton adminsitration, in South America the Foro São Paulo and the Cardoso's government, Tony Blair in England, raised the next stage of socialism post Fabian Social Democracy. Later on the globalist governments in Europe and South America socialist governments and George Bush plutocratic system, that implemented the cultural marxism.
Cultural Marxism is the base for the pathologies and the Hegaelian dialect for the divide and conquer proccess of rape the educational system, spawning a youth of dumb people, drug addicted and sexual pandemic liberation. The political parties has an important paper on it, to subvert the educational system at the university and when in power, to promote a basic education of political indocrination and use the legislation to disrupt the paternal influence at the child and adolescents.

The churches has an important paper too, on the promotion of fear and indocrinate a need of protection, influenting the mind controling and the denounce of knowledge of a scientific proccess and natural proccess of evolution of humanity.
This model inserts not only a Plutocratic government, of those who have economic capability on spawn a pro-socialit society, as it forms a criptocratic government, a kind of shadow government, making an elite capable to rule behind the curtains, like a freemason government, Skulls, Bilderberg and others, like NGOs with hidden proposals, as for exemple a fraudulent virtual monetary quotation, or a virtual ambient of social networking, where can control the information exchange and monetary transactions, making speculative attacks and a legal form of tax charging.
Proposals that induce a common wealth and limitate the capability of gains and promote a bureucratic system of great corporations, legislators, bankers and politicians with unlimited resources and limitation of capability of growing. The very well explained system at the Limits to Growth book of Club of Rome and the Reports from the Iron Mountain.
This model inserts not only a Plutocratic government, of those who have economic capability on spawn a pro-socialit society, as it forms a criptocratic government, a kind of shadow government, making an elite capable to rule behind the curtains, like a freemason government, Skulls, Bilderberg and others, like NGOs with hidden proposals, as for exemple a fraudulent virtual monetary quotation, or a virtual ambient of social networking, where can control the information exchange and monetary transactions, making speculative attacks and a legal form of tax charging.
Proposals that induce a common wealth and limitate the capability of gains and promote a bureucratic system of great corporations, legislators, bankers and politicians with unlimited resources and limitation of capability of growing. The very well explained system at the Limits to Growth book of Club of Rome and the Reports from the Iron Mountain.
So, communism rises into a dystopian movement, raised by the economic system failure and the implementation of social behaviors that promotes the destruction of the society itself. Social manipulation and media control helps this procedures. This proccess is a freedom proccess that was based on judeo-christianity teleologic proccess of control everything by fear, not by a Satanic mean, as the right wing philosophers affirms.
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