The marketing of terrorism - ISIS Cells in Sri Lanka - Outsource of Terror
The terrorist attack that happened on Sri Lanka the Easter 2019 showed how the outsourced of terrorism can work with good marketing and strategical media industry.
The group that claimed on being the authors of the attack is called National Towheed Jama'ath. A small group, little-know local, only reconized for being vandalizing the Buddhist temples and statues, and practice racist acts and hate speeches against other ethnicities in Sri Lanka.
After the attack, April, 21st, the group became world wide reconized, with all media focusing on them, and rose the level of security to the highest level since the end of civil war against the Tamils. International media is focusing on them and the possibilities of new attacks. U.S. Departments of Defense allerted to possible new attacks and Trump, also, offered help on investigations. Putin, himself, told that he is a trustable partner on fight to terror in Sri Lanka.
The country is in emergency state. President cut down the internet connection to make difficult the communications between terrorists and international supporters. Also, the spread of fake news and the possibility of ignite new attacks.
The focus is totally on the group.
After the September, 11th, the focus was on Al-Qaeda. The group rose the level of terror to a level never seem before. The plane passages were all canceled, and the level of flight security raised to highes, promoting the idea of the plane traveling was the most dangerous manner of traveling, at those following weeks.
Now, Sri Lanka is on focus, and what have happened? The group received all notoriety. It became respected on the Jihadist inners and the supporters of the Islamic terrorists are searching kind of partnership. The ISIS reconized them as a local branch. Islamic supporters are enkindled to new attacks, and this kind of action incitates new attacks in other parts of the globe, in support of the group.
The group is formed by local Sri Lankans and the government were afraid of ISIS returns to the country. Few members of the group joined ISIS in Syria and Iraq in the past years to fight for their causes, and they really returned to the country, with training, expertises and tactical/operational capability on fighting and promote small/local guerrillas.
The asymetric capacity goes through the difficulty of government to confront information and the failing media on spreading information, also the capability of police to investigate and transform the information on preventive action. The promotion of a hybrid scenario in a disruptive order, that will joint international terrorism, local guerrillas, ethnic genocide facing police, intelligence and military capability.
The proximity to India can be a point to be explored. The country has many groups, including Lashkar e-Taiba, a very agressive group that planted terror during years in India, and the remmants of these groups can be there to the logistics and weapon traffick to island and use to hit-and-run strategy.
The training and real scenarios that ISIS ofered to them, made the group to raise from a vandal gang to a terroristic armored group and the tension they could spread showed that the group is operating in full capability.
This promotes the terrorism to a marketing level and also, outsource new terrorist attacks that can use their name, contract as mercenaries, and raise the investments to the group to help them to promote enlistment and buying of new weapons.
Group is now an international terrorist organization and this is now their marketing.

What can happen now?
The group is a minority Islamic in the country and the muslims were persecuted and exterminated by Tamils in the past, during the ethnic cleansing at the civil wars. The remmants of Tamils can rouse again to promote revenge end new era of civil war and terror, to free the land of the minorities and promote a Buddhist and Hindu country, the majority.
Not under the same name, but promoting punishment end revenge to the country, fighting for a new secessionist party, as the actual couldn't prevent the terrorism of outers agents.
The Sri Lanka can become a strategic place for power demonstration between the superpower countries, as Russia and USA that will promote a local strategic place to demonstrate their military capability.
ISIS Cells in country
In January 2019, ISIS claimed the attack that killed at leas 20 people in a church in Philippines. The attack was on sunday, during the mass. ISIS claimed, in 2018, the attack to three churches in Indonesia, that killed at least 12 people. And in Egypt in 2017, in two churches in Egypt.
The logistics and targets are the same. After the collapse of ISIS Caliphate in Iraq and Syria, the foreigh fighters returned to their home countries since October, 2017 and many of them were Sri Lankans. Also the complacency of the country about terrorism since the end of civil war. The fear of the terror attack is that a new wake-up for new confronts.
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