Viral Psyops - Governments are taking advantage on Virus

The viral promotion is doind the obliteration of the social scenarios of peaceful conditions. To number the positions that the Covid-19 is causing chaotic scenario, the governments are taking advantage and media is helping to spread chaos and fear in society.

Political parties are using the chaotic scenario to promote their politics for new elections, promoting healthy programs, security, attack opponents and doing philotropic politics to use their names and receive some advantage on it. Governments PsyWars are promoting the disturbance on economy and society, spawning prospective scenarios as bankrupt economy after the quarantine, slow decadence of social programs, economic faillure, healthy systems are getting overloaded, constant fear in population.

The numbers of criminal activities increased, as the security services are promoting state police programs to restrict the social rights and sometimes abuse of force. Some communities are in control of militias and criminal organizations. Home crimes are increasing the numbers, as rape, violence against women and children. Some communities are plundering and stealing markets and stores, promoted by chaotic scenarios of possibility of misery, unemployement and using the state of need to break laws. It prejudices agriculture and permaculture and will promote starvation. The high number of beggars will be exposed to the failure and the population will be under government programs, maintaining the society under the same system that keeps controling the politics and economy.

Politics want to force their agenda to the global and social control. They forced the restriction order but none of the politics are creating the economic and financial answer to the society, making the chaotic crowd controling.

This political psyops are promoting also studies in data for increasing of sucide, home crimes, divorces, child abuse, pornography addiction, and increased birth for a new generation. And this biochaotic scenario, spreaded as a biological warfare, to promote economic warfare, will promote a crowd controlling, venting the healthy system and retirement. Coronavirus was a mood for goverment implement the politics on social control and make government policy. 


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