George Soros, the Cannabis Lord... Oops, I did it again!
Months ago I wrote about vegan diets and how George Soros is financig this bulshit and instigating people to mental retardation constantly and subsequently. And how the Soros Fundations is financing other groups like drug legalization world wide, new refineries to produce new aditives for drugs and new synthetic drugs for a new industry of drug spread.
Well, it happened. Together Monsanto and Bayer, with the capital of the philanthropists and world bankers, like Rothschilds, Soros Funds, Morgans, et seq. are making the society divided and raising new fool generations, fighting for equality and demanding illegal drugs for the going against the legality and the conservative past generations, making the revolting against the tradition and culture and creating a generation of uncapable people, also crowd controlling, with abortion, uncapability of reproduction and sterilization.
Well, guess what? I was right again! Later there was an intoxication of many people with synthetic cannabis, a K2 new drug, that causes impact directly in the brain, making the body goes high in few moments, and going into overdose and coma.
It was predictable because of the components and the action of the natural drug in the organism.
Monsando and Bayer did it and started a monopoly on the drug pharmacs and trafficking, financed by Soros money, beyond the information collected from Avaaz and from the new informations that he gained when he became the bigger shareholder of Facebook, investing money directly on what people want.
Legalize drugs nowadays is not a dream or utopia, it's investments, it's a maneouver on legislation and government interest on money laundry, receive investments, and intensificate the crowd controlling, social engineering.
Soros became the new Drug Lord and Monsando and Bayer the Oligopoly of the drug industry.
Monsanto Marijuana? Say it isn't so! George Soros, Bayer, and Monsanto attempt to monopolize and kill the weed industry.
Many of you have likely heard of the notoriously corrupt George Soros, Monsanto, and Bayer so I'll spare you the history lesson on these three gems and just get to the information I wanted to share about the recent threat to the freedom of the cannabis industry.
Apparently, George Soros who I think deserves the nickname "Sith Lord George Soros Master of Chaos" has been working with Monsanto who's well known for their weed killer "Round Up Ready" along side with Bayer Pharmaceuticals. Anyone who's done their research on these enemies of humanity knows that anything these "three amigos of destruction" touch ends up being toxic and damaging to the health of the population. Now they want to corrupt, manipulate, and attempt to monopolize and poison the worlds truly natural medicine.
Here's an article from that covers more information along with some information from the article below.
UPDATE to the original post. Apparently some parts of the original article were not entirely true about the GMO strain of marijuana. I still wouldn't put it past them with trying to sabotage or monopolize the weed industry in the future.
Taken from article above. "Leading the charge is George Soros, a major shareholder in Monsanto, the world’s largest seed company and producer of genetically modified seeds. Monsanto is the biotech giant that brought you Agent Orange, DDT, PCBs, dioxin-based pesticides, aspartame, rBGH (genetically engineered bovine growth hormone), RoundUp (glyphosate) herbicides, and RoundUp Ready crops (seeds genetically engineered to withstand glyphosate).
Monsanto now appears to be developing genetically modified (GMO) forms of cannabis, with the intent of cornering the market with patented GMO seeds just as it did with GMO corn and GMO soybeans. For that, the plant would need to be legalized but still tightly enough controlled that it could be captured by big corporate interests. Competition could be suppressed by limiting access to homegrown marijuana; bringing production, sale and use within monitored and regulated industry guidelines; and legislating a definition of industrial hemp as a plant having such low psycho-activity that only GMO versions qualify. Those are the sorts of conditions that critics have found buried in the fine print of the latest initiatives for cannabis legalization."

More information at this link.
I've been trying to spread the word and figure out other ways to inform the cannabis industry so they may take action against this from happening. The importance of keeping our cannabis and our food clean for the long term and avoiding corrupt corporations monopolizing it is in all of our best interests even for those who don't use it. I thought sharing this information on steemit and getting the conversation started would be a good start. I'll be researching and adding more information to this topic as I find out more so please follow, comment, resteem, and upvote to help spread the word.
Monsanto, Big Pharma, George Soros, and the Push to Legalize Marijuana
By Carolanne Wright
Contributing writer for Wake Up World
When it comes down to it, corporations have just one purpose: turn a large profit for shareholders. So it should come as no surprise that corporate America has turned its eye toward the wildly successful recreational cannabis movement. In 2015 alone, legal pot sales in the United States jumped 17% to $5.4 billion and are expected to grow 25% this year — an estimated $6.7 billion in U.S. sales. And, of course, corporate interests want their share.
But it’s not simply a modern day gold rush, many feel there is an underlying agenda at hand — with a few very wealthy individuals pulling the strings.
Exploding cannabis market
The numbers behind legalized pot sales are astonishing considering the first recreational dispensaries opened for business in Colorado a mere two years ago. And this is only the beginning.
According to ArcView Market Research, the legal cannabis market will be worth a staggering $21.8 billion total sales by 2020. To put this in perspective, when the legalized marijuana market hits that point, it will surpass the National Football League, which is estimated to reach $25 billion by 2027.
“I think that we are going to see in 2016 this next wave of investors, the next wave of business operators, and people who’ve sort of been watching or dipping their toe in, really starting to swing for the fences and take it really seriously,” said ArcView CEO Troy Dayton.
Four states and the District of Columbia have legalized recreational marijuana to date, with a total 23 states having legalized medical marijuana. A half dozen additional states are considering opening up legalized recreational use with ballot measures in autumn 2016. California is one state that is being watched with great anticipation, where a large portion of the total industry is accounted for with medical marijuana sales. If the state legalizes recreational marijuana this November, the sky is the limit for industry sales. Add to this the revamping of recreational cannabis legislation in Colorado, Oregon and Washington — which will allow investors from around the U.S. to finance the legal marijuana industry — and it’s no wonder corporate heavy hitters are attentive.
But it’s not all glory for the movement, there are those who feel there’s a hidden agenda, one that is controlled by corporate interests and a few exceptionally wealthy individuals who have ties to the biotech industry and Big Pharma.
Hidden motives for legalized cannabis
Portrayed as a grassroots movement, you may not realize that the driving force behind legalization of both medical and recreational marijuana is none other than billionaire George Soros. Along with a cadre of other wealthy donors, Soros has spent at least $80 million in the quest of legalizing cannabis. Through his Foundation to Promote an Open Society, he has funneled donations to the Drug Policy Alliance — a non-profit organization with “the principal goal of ending the American “War on Drugs.”’ He’s also donates annually to the American Civil Liberties Union, an organization which funds marijuana legalization efforts, and gives to the Marijuana Policy Project, which supports state ballot measures.
In the official paper, “DEA Position on Marijuana” the agency points out that “a few wealthy businessmen — not broad grassroots support — started and sustain the ‘medical’ marijuana and drug legalization movements in the U.S. Without their money and influence, the drug legalization movement would shrivel.”
Moreover, Soros was instrumental in Uruguay becoming the first country to legalize cultivation, sale and consumption of marijuana. He sits on the board of the Drug Policy Alliance (DPA) — the world’s most powerful organization regarding the legalization of marijuana. The DPA is not only extremely influential in the United States, but also in Uruguay and other Latin American countries.
George Soros appears to be a hero of the cannabis movement — helping states (and even an entire country) pass legislation for medical and recreational use. But he also has strong ties with the pharmaceutical industry and Monsanto as a major stock holder — the same chemical corporation and biotech giant that developed Agent Orange, DDT, PCBs, toxic pesticides, rBGH, Roundup Ready and genetically engineered Frankenfoods. While the widely circulated urban myth that Monsanto is currently developing genetically modified cannabis is false, if you dig a bit deeper, it turns out the corporation quietly conducts research projects on tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) found in marijuana for the apparent purpose of genetically modifying the plant at a future date.
Writes William Engdahl, author of Seeds of Destruction: The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation:
“David Watson of the Dutch company Hortapharm has since 1990 created the world’s largest collection of Cannabis seed varieties. In 1998, the British firm GW Pharmaceuticals signed an agreement with Hortapharm that gives GW Pharma the rights to use the Hortapharm cannabis for their research.
In 2003 the German Bayer AG then signed an agreement with GW Pharmaceuticals for joint research on a cannabis-based extract. In 2007, Bayer AG agreed to an exchange of technology with… Monsanto. […] Thus Monsanto has discreet access to the work of the cannabis plant and its genetic modification. In 2009 GW Pharmaceuticals announced that it had succeeded in genetically altering a cannabis plant and patented a new breed of cannabis.”
Engdahl believes it doesn’t take a large stretch of the imagination to see that Monsanto could very well be laying the groundwork for a future controlling patented cannabis seeds, especially since Uruguay’s president Mujica has expressed a desire to create unique genetic codes for marijuana within his country in order to undermine the blackmarket. Monsanto could easily step in and accommodate Mujica’s wish, considering the history the biotech corporation has had in Uruguay over the decades growing GMO soybeans and maize.
Back in the United States, it’s interesting to note that the criminalization of both industrial hemp and marijuana has been financially lucrative for a range of industries, like the prison system and military-industrial complex, along with the banking, fossil fuel, timber, cotton and pharmaceutical industries. In light of this, Conrad Justice Kiczenski warns:
“The next stage in continuing this control is in the regulation, licensing and taxation of Cannabis cultivation and use through the only practical means available to the corporate system, which is through genetic engineering and patenting of the Cannabis genome.”

Billionaire activists like Sean Parker and George Soros are fueling the campaign to legalize pot
Activist billionaires Sean Parker and George Soros and companies hoping to profit from legalizing marijuana in California have helped this year’s campaign for Proposition 64 raise close to $16 million, about four times the amount spent on a failed effort in 2010.
With a week left before voters go to the polls, the campaign to legalize recreational marijuana use is leading in surveys and has a massive fundraising lead over the opposition, which has brought in a little more than $1.6 million.
Observers say the outpouring of cash for the initiative is, in part, due to recognition by the national movement against marijuana prohibition that this may be the best chance in years to pass legalization in California, which could spark similar changes in other states.
One reason: The presidential election may draw more younger, liberal voters. In addition, legalization proponents who have differed on approach in the past have come together this year to support Proposition 64.
"We have broad support from a generous coalition of donors who care deeply about social justice because they know you can't end the failed war on marijuana in America without ending it in California first," said Jason Kinney, a spokesman for the Proposition 64 campaign.
But money is also flowing to the campaign because legalization in California would generate large profits for the industry, according to Jack Pitney, a professor of politics at Claremont McKenna College.
"Legal marijuana is no longer a pipe dream: It's an investment," Pitney said. "Public opinion has shifted strongly in favor of legalization, and the smart money is following the people."
Proposition 64 would allow Californians who are 21 and older to possess, transport and use up to an ounce of cannabis for recreational purposes and allow individuals to grow as many as six plants.
The measure would also impose a 15% tax on retail sales of the drug. Similar legalization measures are on ballots this year in Maine, Massachusetts, Nevada and Arizona.
A web of eight campaign committees, including New Approach PAC and Californians for Responsible Marijuana Reform, has emerged to support Proposition 64, with millions of dollars from out of state moving from one account to another in a way that makes it difficult for voters to track who is bankrolling the effort.
The biggest individual donor, by far, is former Facebook presidentParker, who has contributed $8.5 million to the cause through various committees. Parker has declined interview requests, but Kinney said the tech entrepreneur sees the initiative as a social justice issue and California as a key state in which to end criminalization.
"It's never been about him — it's about the thousands of lives ruined and the billions of dollars wasted by the failed war on drugs," Kinney said.
Parker has "no current nor future interest in the commercial marijuana industry," the spokesman added.
Another $4 million has been contributed by a nonprofit called the Fund for Policy Reform to a group called Drug Policy Action in support of Proposition 64.
When asked where the money originated, Drug Policy Action confirmed that it came from Soros, the New York hedge fund billionaire. Representatives declined a request for comment from Soros.
"Our marijuana laws are clearly doing more harm than good," Soros wrote in an op-ed for the Wall Street JournaI in 2010, the last time California considered legalization.
Others opposed to criminalization of marijuana possession and who have contributed to Proposition 64 include Henry van Ameringen, a New York-based heir to fragrance company International Flavors & Fragrance, and Daniel Lewis, a retiree tied to the Progressive insurance company. Each donated $1.25 million to Proposition 64.
Lewis and van Ameringen contributed through a committee called New Approach PAC, which is also active in other states, and have no other investments in the marijuana industry, according to Graham Boyd, head of the political action committee.
"These are philanthropists who have been involved in social justice work for years," Boyd said. "They come from a place of really believing that regulating and controlling and taxing marijuana is a better policy than arresting and incarcerating people."
The initiative campaign is also getting large amounts of money from companies that may profit from legalization.
They include:
— $1 million from a committee funded by Weedmaps, a website that helps marijuana users find cannabis storefronts, doctors and deals.
— $250,000 from Nicholas Pritzker, who is chairman of Tao Capital Partners, a major investor in MJ Freeway, a firm providing software to help the legal marijuana industry track and report on its product. He is also former CEO of the Hyatt hotels firm.
— $50,000 from Privateer Holdings, a Seattle company that invests in marijuana products and services, including the official Bob Marley brand of cannabis, and Leafly, which provides news articles on the cannabis industry and information on strains and products.
Those donors appear to be investing contributions now in hopes of cashing in on a new industry later, said Andrew Acosta, a spokesman for the campaign against Proposition 64.
"Much of the money coming into Prop. 64 is not about social justice," Acosta said. "It is a business investment for the industry to crack into the California market."
Kinney, the spokesman for the initiative campaign, disputed the opposition.
"As the opposition well knows, the vast majority of our funding comes from organizations and individuals who care deeply about social justice and ending the failed war on marijuana and have zero interest whatsoever in the marijuana industry," Kinney said.
California's measure has such strong support and is so flush with cash that the campaign here recently transferred $35,000 to the effort to legalize pot in Nevada.
The opposition has largely been funded by a Virginia group called Smart Approaches to Marijuana Action Inc., an anti-legalization group founded by former Rhode Island Rep. Patrick Kennedy and others.
The group has collected $1.3 million so far from Pennsylvania activist Juliet F. Schauer, a retired art professor, to fight drug legalization measures in various states and has spent $971,730 in California so far.
Schauer, whose family made money in the banking industry, declined to be interviewed, but a representative said she is concerned about the effects of strong marijuana and the industry's resistance to cap its potency in Colorado.
"She certainly is concerned with the harm of marijuana," said Kevin A. Sabet, president of SAM.
Schauer has said on social media that she believes marijuana is linked to paranoia, psychosis and violence. The National Institute on Drug Abuse says studies have linked marijuana use to "increased risk for psychiatric disorders, including psychosis (schizophrenia), depression, anxiety, and substance use disorders, but whether and to what extent it actually causes these conditions is not always easy to determine."
Law enforcement groups concerned about the spread of drug use and drugged driving have made up most of the rest of the money for the opposition campaign.
Those giving $25,000 each include the California Assn. of Highway Patrolmen and the Peace Officers Research Assn. of California, while the California Police Chiefs Assn. has contributed $20,000.
Even so, Pitney said it is not surprising the opposition campaign is not getting more financial help from those who oppose marijuana legalization.
"They read the polls, too," he said.
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