The Conquerors - The Age agains the modernity reborn
When we talk about the tradition, remembering the old historic values, we can remember the conquerors, those who fought for the honor of their beliefs, bringing to the humanity a history of values, conquests, adventures, that made the history full of romantic and dramatic histories, making more beauty the history. Rejecting the history books in schools and universities about the conquerors history, the reality is that, those brought to the humanity a vast number of literature, exploring romances, mapping what we call the nations, diversificate the cultures, spreading the diverse mathodos of behaviors and military tactics to the ancient world.
Redbeard in the Might is Right book exalted the conquerors in the past, at the Logic of Today he sais about this gospel in the ancient world, explanating the rulers, the advocates of the laws, those who limited the actions, reconizing that the tradition is what makes the people reconizes its identity.
"Here, then, is opportunity on a colossal scale.
Here is the goal of Caesars, Nebuchadnezzars and Napoleons in the days that are coming.
All is ready and prepared for them, even as in olden times.
Caesar carried off the treasures of Egypt, Greece, Gaul and Rome.
Napoleon looted the money vaults of Venice, Vienna, Madrid, Berlin and Moscow. London only escaped him.
Nebuchadnezzar plundered the Temple of Zion, where the Jews kept all their deposits and drank his beer and wine out of Jehovah's pots of gold.
Napoleon, Caesar, Nebuchadnezzar! There were three great men, were they not? And in this their greatness consisted — they seized their opportunities."
Ragnar Redbeard - Might is Right
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The Conquerors by Pierre Fritel, 1892 |
About the conquerors, the great art of Pierre Fritel, in 1892, called "The Conquerors", exhibited at the Paris Salon. This genius artists brought together a scene of the heroes of the ages marching together in a procession, through the Valley of the Shadows os Death.
This painting explored the imagination of the future of what could happen in the next centuries of war, upon the aroused minds of the leaders who changed the course of the world's destiny through ages, writting the history and transforming the world on what we have nowadays.
Through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, they mached ahead, advancing through the obscure darkness, remorseful, with circle eyes, the leaders keep their cavalry between the bodies of the sinners, in a double row of corpses being received like in a carpet, in the center of the vanguard is Julius Caesar, whom Shakespeared described as the "roremost man of all of this world". The first and the last lord of Rome, the eternal.
On his right side (left for us), the Egyptian who was called by the Greeks Sesostris, known by us as Ramses II. Together him is Attila, "the Scourge of God", Hannibal, the Cartaginian and Tamerlane, the Tartar, known as Timur, the Turco-Mongol Conqueror.
On Caesar's left side, marches Napoleon, the last world-conqueror, Alexander 'The Great' of Macedon, Nabuchadnezzar of Babylon, that "head of gold" of Babylon in vision as interpreted by the Prophet Daniel, and Charlemagne, Charles the Great, who restored the fallen Roman Empire.
Behind them, the banners of the Roman Legions are followint the lords of the world.
The apparition is supposed to show the sadness and remorseful expressions of the conquerors, not the pride of each victory, but the remorse, and the absent of authority is explored, like they are in a terrible procession of a unbroken linear walk, from the depths of valley of death, to an infinite circle of guilt and darkness.
Straight ahead to the eternity, theiy mounted on horseback, riding on chariots and their legions are marching following them with their banners, and we see at the horizon into the dim distance. Their side lies prostrate the naked bodies of those who died, in the eternal scream of pain and shame of defeat. And the darkness taking the whole scenario, showing that everything - the Conquerors, their victims, their soldiers, their nations - all belong to the World of the Dead, yet their power and glory made a fearful reality and they wrote the history as we know, they created the nations, created the modern world, they wrote the history!
"Straight ahead to the vast unknown, storming the field
Raising their banners and torches, fearless
For the valley of darkness they come to conquest
a new world order, history needs these names
Against the modernity ethos
the blood falls from their swords
The order is now reborn from chaos
Proclaiming screaming the victorious words
And the great arkhons now recites the new rule
forgotten in desert, those weaks
In the shadows riding their mules
And the earth will not be conquered by the meek
Odoacre showed the might, and the order once restored
The new rule of might was proclaimed
Rome once fall down because She weakened
And from ashes - like Phenix - Rome raised again!
Nimrod, Eric, the Red, Gengis Khan, Attila the Scourge
With the whip they punish the world
Caesar, the forever man, and Bismarck, the Chancelor of Iron
From Iberia to China, their roar loud as a Lion"
Blackbearded Szandor Southgate - Experpt of the poem "Ode to the Pugnator's Triumphant"
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