Putin and Orban: The Stompers... Law anti-Soros and the International Warrant! Amazed! New Iron Curtain...
I loved this: New Iron Curtain. Every return to an old imagery of order in chaos is fantastic.
The world wide media supports Soros. He is the financer of the principal journals and media corporations, that manipulates the information and being called as philantropist when he could be called 'son of a bitch' is very sassy, harsh to our ears.
Well, the restore of an international order is under the control of some government representative like Viktor Orban, that is not the savior of the world, but he is the one against every globalist politician of destruction of the order, implementation of a global state, chaos and anti-nationalism.
Let's just regret to one ancient concept that is being inverted by the leftists and neoliberals. Neoliberalism was never nationalist, leftism was never a politic of freedom, as liberalism was never a politic that was worried about values. The neoliberals and the leftists were always worried about economics. One part was worried about how the economy can flow, the old ones were worried how to legalize abortion, drugs, sterilization to produce capital and make the economy run. The restore of values is new into the neoliberalism, but in a part.
Other side is worried about these subjects in other way, how the state can be favored with the investments and how to control population with the demands of them.
The start of a few demands, goes into more problematic stuff, like poor education, lack of security, privatization of strategic sectors and statization of secondary companies. The lost of the the credibility on State as the identity or the Leviathan is the great goal of the globalists. The agenda of chaos.
Well, migration is one of this subjects. Migration generated money in old eras, when the population needed people to work in industries. Once the people were changed to machines, and the poverty grew, the lie about restore values is used to manipulate some. And the other part, demands the migration because they use the excuse of war, and they invest in laws to promote social equality and destroy a local culture, because when people don't know about their culture, they lost the capability of understanding what is better to them and their country.
Viktor Orban together Putin, and Erdogan, Salvini, Kolinda and others are trying to restore the tradition in their countries. The law anti Soros is a part of that government that is being closing their borders to the global chaos that the globalists are trying to implement to justify their politics of social assistance.
This lie is the thesis that they use to the manipulate their own society and politics and make a politic of synthetise a politic of their onw interest, there is no more plebiscite, only a minority of bankers, philantropists, businessman and politicians that form rules and laws telling that is better to the majority.
In this case, Viktor Orban and Putin, rhetorically and with a mediatic wrong use of the term "New Iron Curtain" with pejorative of the term, dressed so well, because they really are interested on a national politician, with the banner of a historical values and restore of the economy by their companies, their capital and with a restor of the traditionalism. And the promotion of a law anti migration, doesn't mean that they are anti muslims, or anti poors, means that they request to the international organisms, that defend this migration polictics, to take care of what they defend. If UN defends this, keeps it to the UN. George Soros is one man that destroys the economy of every country, with his 'philantropist' maneuvers and absorb the natural resources and finances of the country, and ultimately, he is not under the total control of the Europe's economy.
The problem is that the closure of the countries those are into anti-global agenda makes them look like international villains, when they, for sure, are the ones going to the right way. See the case of Romania, the whole politics and companies are named with indicated ones by international bankers. Hungary, Turkey, Iran, Russia, Croatia are going against the order in force of these organizations that control the most of the international relations.
This backlash against the immigration financers makes Hungary goes as vanguardist into a politic of order and create a new bloc of countries that economicaly can sustain within the new politics, without international funds, making they make their own laws without the intervention of global organisms.
After all this absurd of globalist politician, Soros and media attacks them as they are anti-semite... a rethoric use for those who don't have answer for the blame they suffer...
Funny how media defends this bulshit of globalism...
Soros starts the problem. Soros gives the solution. Soros finance the solution. Soros charge influence for the solution. Soros destroys the tradition and rebuild what he wants, stealing money from the countries. Media is payed by him to defend him and attacks Viktor Orban. Soros victimizes himself because he is a coward...
The world wide media supports Soros. He is the financer of the principal journals and media corporations, that manipulates the information and being called as philantropist when he could be called 'son of a bitch' is very sassy, harsh to our ears.
Well, the restore of an international order is under the control of some government representative like Viktor Orban, that is not the savior of the world, but he is the one against every globalist politician of destruction of the order, implementation of a global state, chaos and anti-nationalism.
Let's just regret to one ancient concept that is being inverted by the leftists and neoliberals. Neoliberalism was never nationalist, leftism was never a politic of freedom, as liberalism was never a politic that was worried about values. The neoliberals and the leftists were always worried about economics. One part was worried about how the economy can flow, the old ones were worried how to legalize abortion, drugs, sterilization to produce capital and make the economy run. The restore of values is new into the neoliberalism, but in a part.
Other side is worried about these subjects in other way, how the state can be favored with the investments and how to control population with the demands of them.
The start of a few demands, goes into more problematic stuff, like poor education, lack of security, privatization of strategic sectors and statization of secondary companies. The lost of the the credibility on State as the identity or the Leviathan is the great goal of the globalists. The agenda of chaos.
Well, migration is one of this subjects. Migration generated money in old eras, when the population needed people to work in industries. Once the people were changed to machines, and the poverty grew, the lie about restore values is used to manipulate some. And the other part, demands the migration because they use the excuse of war, and they invest in laws to promote social equality and destroy a local culture, because when people don't know about their culture, they lost the capability of understanding what is better to them and their country.
Viktor Orban together Putin, and Erdogan, Salvini, Kolinda and others are trying to restore the tradition in their countries. The law anti Soros is a part of that government that is being closing their borders to the global chaos that the globalists are trying to implement to justify their politics of social assistance.
This lie is the thesis that they use to the manipulate their own society and politics and make a politic of synthetise a politic of their onw interest, there is no more plebiscite, only a minority of bankers, philantropists, businessman and politicians that form rules and laws telling that is better to the majority.
In this case, Viktor Orban and Putin, rhetorically and with a mediatic wrong use of the term "New Iron Curtain" with pejorative of the term, dressed so well, because they really are interested on a national politician, with the banner of a historical values and restore of the economy by their companies, their capital and with a restor of the traditionalism. And the promotion of a law anti migration, doesn't mean that they are anti muslims, or anti poors, means that they request to the international organisms, that defend this migration polictics, to take care of what they defend. If UN defends this, keeps it to the UN. George Soros is one man that destroys the economy of every country, with his 'philantropist' maneuvers and absorb the natural resources and finances of the country, and ultimately, he is not under the total control of the Europe's economy.
The problem is that the closure of the countries those are into anti-global agenda makes them look like international villains, when they, for sure, are the ones going to the right way. See the case of Romania, the whole politics and companies are named with indicated ones by international bankers. Hungary, Turkey, Iran, Russia, Croatia are going against the order in force of these organizations that control the most of the international relations.
This backlash against the immigration financers makes Hungary goes as vanguardist into a politic of order and create a new bloc of countries that economicaly can sustain within the new politics, without international funds, making they make their own laws without the intervention of global organisms.
After all this absurd of globalist politician, Soros and media attacks them as they are anti-semite... a rethoric use for those who don't have answer for the blame they suffer...
Funny how media defends this bulshit of globalism...
Soros starts the problem. Soros gives the solution. Soros finance the solution. Soros charge influence for the solution. Soros destroys the tradition and rebuild what he wants, stealing money from the countries. Media is payed by him to defend him and attacks Viktor Orban. Soros victimizes himself because he is a coward...

George Soros foundation leaves Hungary amid government crackdown
By Judith Vonberg, CNN
Updated 1123 GMT (1923 HKT) May 16, 2018
(CNN)A foundation founded by Hungarian-born billionaire philanthropist George Soros is moving its Budapest operations to Germany following the right-wing Hungarian government's crackdown on civil-society organizations and targeted attacks on Soros.
The Budapest branch of Open Society Foundations (OSF), which works to combat authoritarianism and promote human rights around the world and has outposts in more than 100 countries, will move to Berlin because of the "increasingly repressive political and legal environment in Hungary," according to a statement Tuesday.
"The government of Hungary has denigrated and misrepresented our work and repressed civil society for the sake of political gain, using tactics unprecedented in the history of the European Union," said OSF President Patrick Gaspard.
Responding to that accusation, a spokesperson for Prime Minister Viktor Orban said the foundation "is fleeing from transparency." In an emailed statement Wednesday, the spokesperson said, "They don't want the public to know exactly what they are engaged in and in what way and thanks to what financing they are supporting immigration."
The announcement by the foundation came one day after Orban pledged to submit a new legislative package known as "Stop Soros" to parliament as soon as the new government is formed. Parliamentary elections last month saw Orban's Fidesz coalition win a supermajority, giving it the power to make sweeping changes to the country's laws and constitution.
During an official visit to Poland on Monday, Orban described the "Stop Soros" package as one of the most important issues in the election.
The bill would tighten an existing law adopted last June that imposes restrictions on nongovernmental organizations receiving foreign funding. It's almost identical to Russia's Foreign Agent Law, which has been used to crack down on opposition voices and independent media.
Claims of 'national security risk'
Hungary is currently being investigated by the European Court of Justice over last year's legislation, which could breach European Union laws on the free movement of capital and violate freedoms enshrined in the EU's Charter of Fundamental Rights.
The law was one of a slew passed during Orban's past eight years in power that tightened regulations on the media, central bank, constitutional court and NGOs. European Union leaders have warned that these laws would undermine the country's democracy.
According to Reuters, the updated legislation would also allow Hungary's interior minister to ban NGOs working in the area of immigration that are considered to pose a "national security risk." Last year, Peter Szijjarto, the country's foreign affairs minister, accused Soros himself of posing such a risk, claiming the philanthropist wanted to "settle hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants in Europe and Hungary." Soros' spokesman said at the time that his views had been misrepresented.
Soros' support for refugees fleeing Africa and the Middle East in recent years has made him a target for Orban's right-wing coalition, which is now entering its third consecutive term and campaigned on a virulently anti-immigrant and anti-refugee platform.
A Fidesz billboard used during the election campaign features Soros among opposition figures and says, "They would dismantle the border fence together."
The official campaign included posters and billboards depicting the billionaire next to the slogan, "Let's not allow Soros to have the last laugh," and accusing him of supporting illegal immigration and plotting to take control of the country. Soros supporters argued the campaign also had anti-Semitic overtones, a claim the government rejected.
In the emailed statement Wednesday, Orban's spokesperson accused the foundation of wanting "to create an immigrant continent and an immigrant country."
Addressing the "Stop Soros" legislation, the OSF's Gaspard said that it had "become impossible to protect the security of our operations and our staff in Hungary from arbitrary government interference."
According to the OSF statement, the organization will continue to support Hungarian civil-society groups on issues such as education, transparency and media freedom following the move to Berlin.
Move follows $18 billion investment in OSF Soros fled Hungary for Britain in the 1940s to escape Nazi occupation. His family later immigrated to the United States, where Soros became one of the most successful investors in the world.
He launched OSF in 1979, with the Hungarian office opening five years later. Since then, according to its website, OSF and its predecessor the Hungarian Soros Foundation have funded breakfasts for schoolchildren, supported programs to modernize the country's healthcare system, provided $8.6 million for Hungarians hit by the 2008 financial crisis and donated more than $250 million to help fund the Central European University in Budapest, which is also facing threats from recent legislation.
Last October, Soros moved $18 billion -- the majority of his estimated $24.6 billion fortune -- to the Open Society Foundations.
More than 100 staff members will be affected by the move to Berlin, 60% of whom are Hungarian nationals, according to OSF. "The Foundations are taking appropriate steps regarding the safety and well-being of those affected by the office relocation," the organization said in a statement.
CNN's Angela Dewan, Ivana Kottasova and Jackie Wattles contributed to this report.

Brussels opens legal proceedings over Hungary's 'Stop Soros' law
European commission sends letter of notice saying Hungary is in breach of rights charter
The Hungarian government is in breach of the EU’s charter of fundamental rights over a law that criminalises people who help asylum seekers, the European commission has said.
The commission, the guardian of EU law, announced on Thursday it had sent the Hungarian government a letter of formal notice over the “Stop Soros” law. The letter is the first step in a legal process that could lead to Hungary being taken to the European court of justice (ECJ) and told to change the law.
Separately, the commission said it was referring Hungary to the ECJ for breaking other EU asylum rules, linked to the country’s detention camps for asylum seekers.
The announcements are a sign of the deepening standoff between Brussels and Viktor Orbán, who was re-elected in April for a fourth term as Hungary’s prime minister, after a campaign dominated by charged rhetoric against migrants.
Weeks after Orbán’s resounding victory, Hungary passed laws making it a criminal offence for individuals and non-governmental organisations to help asylum claimants and migrants. Known informally as the Stop Soros law, the government wants to draw a link between migrants and the Hungarian-born billionaire philanthropist George Soros, who is demonised by the ruling party, partly for his funding of NGOs.

Enemy of nationalists: George Soros and his liberal campaigns
Last month the Council of Europe’s Venice committee of constitutional experts raised the alarm about the law, saying it lacked precision and meant organisations were at risk of prosecution “even if they acted in good faith” in line with international law.
The law was also deemed contrary to the European convention on human rights on the grounds of freedom of expression, because of provisions that criminalise “preparing or distributing informational materials”.
Following this negative opinion, the commission’s decision was a foregone conclusion. It found the law in breach of several EU laws and the EU’s charter of fundamental rights.
Hungary’s government has two months to respond to the charge sheet and it could be referred to the ECJ if the dispute is unresolved.
That outcome looks very likely, underlined by the commission’s announcement that it was referring Hungary to the court over a separate dispute on asylum law. It said the majority of its concerns had not been met.
Hungary has built a steel fence along its southern borders and has kept asylum seekers in converted shipping containers while they wait for their cases to be heard.
EU law does not ban such centres, but the commission said Hungary was breaching the EU’s maximum processing time of four weeks and failing to provide effective asylum procedures. Asylum seekers risk being returned to their country of origin even if they face persecution there, in breach of the non-refoulement principle of international law.
Hungary approves 'STOP Soros' law, defying EU, rights groups
BUDAPEST (Reuters) - Hungary’s parliament on Wednesday approved a package of bills that criminalizes some help given to illegal immigrants, defying the European Union and human rights groups.
The legislation narrows the scope for action by non-governmental organizations (NGOs), making their workers liable for jail terms for helping migrants to seek asylum when they are not entitled to it.
Prime Minister Viktor Orban has led eastern European opposition to EU quotas that aim to distribute asylum seekers around the bloc, criticizing the open-door policy that German Chancellor Angela Merkel proclaimed at the height of the European migrant crisis in 2015.
Orban’s right-wing Fidesz party tightened its grip on parliament in April elections after campaigning on an anti-immigration platform. Fidesz also demonized Hungarian-born U.S. billionaire George Soros and the liberal NGOs he backs, naming the new legislation the “STOP Soros” law.
Orban accuses Soros of encouraging mass immigration to undermine Europe, a charge he denies.
“The Hungarian people rightfully expect the government to use all means necessary to combat illegal immigration and the activities that aid it,” Interior Minister Sandor Pinter wrote in a justification attached to the draft legislation.
“The STOP Soros package of bills serves that goal, making the organization of illegal immigration a criminal offense. We want to use the bills to stop Hungary from becoming a country of immigrants,” he said.
Parliament, where Fidesz has a two-thirds majority, also passed on Wednesday a constitutional amendment stating that an “alien population” cannot be settled in Hungary - a swipe at Brussels over its quota plan.
Germany’s Europe minister Michael Roth expressed regret that Hungary had not waited for the Venice Commission, an expert body, to issue a report on the issue along with the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe.
“We share the concerns of the Venice Commission regarding the criminalization of the activities of non-governmental organizations in the area of refugee aid,” he said.
Immigration has become a major concern for voters across the EU, helping to propel anti-migrant parties into power in Italy and Austria and threatening to fracture Merkel’s three-month-old coalition in Germany.
Orban has played on Hungarians’ memories of large numbers of mostly Muslim migrants fleeing war and poverty who surged into the country in the summer of 2015.
Most moved on to wealthier western European countries, but Orban has branded the migrants a threat to Europe’s Christian civilization and built a border fence along Hungary’s southern borders to deter more from coming.
Hungarian statistics show 3,555 refugees living in Hungary, a country of 10 million, as of April. Only 342 people were registered as asylum seekers in the first four months of this year, mostly from the Middle East, and 279 were approved.
The Hungarian Helsinki Committee, a rights group, said on Wednesday the narrowing definition of who counts as a refugee essentially means nobody entering Hungary by land would be entitled to such treatment.
“Instead of giving protection against persecution, the Hungarian government has decided to join the ranks of the persecutors,” Helsinki Committee Co-Chair Marta Pardavi said.
The Orban government expects possible legal action by the European Commission, the EU’s executive arm, over the new law.
The Venice Commission had asked Hungary to refrain from approving the new law until its report is published.
Orban has also tightened state control over the media, major business sectors and the courts since taking power in 2010.
Parliament also agreed on Wednesday to set up a new judicial branch for administrative cases that critics say may increase political influence over judges. Another change narrowed the right to free expression and assembly.
Reporting by Marton Dunai; Editing by Gareth Jones and David Stamp
The Plot Against Europe: Putin, Hungary and Russia’s New Iron Curtain
There was a spring chill in the air on April 8, but tens of thousands crowded around the Danube River in Budapest, Hungary, waiting late into the night to hear their hero speak. When he finally emerged, around midnight, they were jubilant, “We have won,” Prime Minister Viktor Orbán declared. “We have given ourselves a chance to defend Hungary.”
Voters had just handed him a landslide victory, a historic third term in office and a supermajority in the parliament. Orbán had run a staunchly anti-immigrant campaign and denounced the European Union as an “empire.” And most voters had loved it. So did Russian President Vladimir Putin. For more than a decade, he has done everything in his power to help Orbán succeed, spreading his divisive brand of anti-EU sentiment across the continent—a process that RT, the Russian state news agency, hailed as “the Orbánization of Europe.”
For years, Russia tried to weaken and divide the EU, supporting groups ranging from Catalan separatists in Spain to British Brexit activists. The Kremlin had offered loans to France’s National Front and used its propaganda channels to whip up fake news about the persecution of Russian minorities in the Baltics. According to Political Capital, a Budapest-based think tank, Russian-based trolls, Twitter bots and social media sock puppets have been put to work, boosting exaggerated stories of crimes by immigrants and “selling pro-Kremlin narratives within a tabloid, conspiracy package.” In the neighboring Czech Republic, the populist, pro-Moscow president, Milos Zeman, was re-elected in February after his pro-EU opponent, Jirí Drahos, fell victim to a concerted smear campaign accusing him of being a pedophile and a Communist collaborator. Most of the stories originated with some 30 Czech websites that Kremlin Watch, a unit run by the Prague-based European Values think tank, has linked to Moscow. The goal? To help pro-Putin sympathizers and sow doubt and discord across Europe, making it harder for Brussels to collectively punish Russian aggression in places such as Ukraine.
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