The Crusader and the Pretorian - Orban and Salvini aliance against the Global Dictatorship
There is an order in the world following the idealistic politicians that request the State in the control of the social ways of media, thinking, the public opinion is constantly condemned legaly by the politicians that request their government in a eternal cycle of succession.
Contrary to democracy, the non-alternating government is being very explored by the bankers and philanthropical insitutions, like the Soros funds and others, not excluding Rotry or Freemasonry also, and the populist leftists governs are in evidence and governance for decades and the social politics, economic politics are being controled by the media, controled by the bankers and institutions, formed in social democracy and Fabian Society models.
The break of the order becomes a start of a Chaotic politic of isolationism and control of the borders, and a kind of censorship to fake news, the once credible to promote matrix in the population, now are being exposed.
One of this politics is the assistance for the immigration, with health care, economic assiatance, job offer and the possibility to live the culture of the people. But there is a problem in this that is Europe is broken, Greece for exemple didn't have job offer to the Greeks because of the wellfare state promoted by populist leftist and Fabian governs, Spain once broke also, and promoted a politics for job lottery, etc. Italy and Hungary both countries started a politics of denying the receive of immigrants to the country.
Following the steps or Russia that restored the order of promotion of assiatance but not liberty of everything, like promotion of self representation in a country with adverse cultural behavior, like occours in many countries, as Deutchland.
Hungary started a politics for promotion of tradition and cultural values and Italy is following the same way with Salvini, now promoting a restore of traditional Italian culture and limitation of investiments and influence of media and philanthropy.
This politics protects the national values and culture and the economy start to circle in the society, the criminal activities are easy to control and there is no need on change the legal machines to promote social assiatance and new legal punishments.
The control of economy is promoted by international banks and the break on this order promotes a national crisis, so there is a new bloc on non-aligned with this world globalist politician and promotion of one world government, supranational with limitation of inside-borders politics...
The victimization on the other side is treating this as racial questions, or radical governments, the restore of tratidion is blamed as fascism or xenophoby, when its in real a politic of preservation of cultural values and economy, and the mutual assistance between the country in protectionist police and the countries that are in civil war problem, with international support, but not necessary to open the borders to receive everyone.
Again, the hybrid scenario and psywar is a war explored by the bankers and philanthropists that promote chaos and terrorism in failed countries. To open the borders, there is infiltration of criminal activities and terrorists with sleeping cells, also lone wolves in potential...
The potential lone wolves action are based in psycho-social problems of acceptance in the new society and the restore of personal values, denied in the new culture, the difficult and uncapability to adaptation. The falling economy on the countries that don't follow the order, makes the investments on propaganda and extreme action of revolt against the society and when the murder of the lone wolf occurs, the course of the media is to blame the new government that restore the nationalism and tradition, with accusation of xenophoby.
The infiltration of terrorist cells is a problem that is hard to solve because the cell can be asleep till the time of action. The group start a small wars causing panic and disrupt of a social security politics and the constant fear of new attacks, following the exemple of France that lives under constant terror.
These terrorist groups infiltrated are financed by international politics of global destablization, promiting chaos and solution at the same time, there are big war companies businessman, philanthropists interested in promotion of social politics as legalization of drugs, promoting the politics against guns, interested in private security, interested in natural resources and interested on indication of politics of promotion of ecumenism in every way, cultural, social, etc.
Salvini and Orban together are in a politician of nationalism promotion and limitation of action of these international organisms and international groups that promote this lie of globalization and a supranational government.
Contrary to democracy, the non-alternating government is being very explored by the bankers and philanthropical insitutions, like the Soros funds and others, not excluding Rotry or Freemasonry also, and the populist leftists governs are in evidence and governance for decades and the social politics, economic politics are being controled by the media, controled by the bankers and institutions, formed in social democracy and Fabian Society models.
The break of the order becomes a start of a Chaotic politic of isolationism and control of the borders, and a kind of censorship to fake news, the once credible to promote matrix in the population, now are being exposed.
One of this politics is the assistance for the immigration, with health care, economic assiatance, job offer and the possibility to live the culture of the people. But there is a problem in this that is Europe is broken, Greece for exemple didn't have job offer to the Greeks because of the wellfare state promoted by populist leftist and Fabian governs, Spain once broke also, and promoted a politics for job lottery, etc. Italy and Hungary both countries started a politics of denying the receive of immigrants to the country.
Following the steps or Russia that restored the order of promotion of assiatance but not liberty of everything, like promotion of self representation in a country with adverse cultural behavior, like occours in many countries, as Deutchland.
Hungary started a politics for promotion of tradition and cultural values and Italy is following the same way with Salvini, now promoting a restore of traditional Italian culture and limitation of investiments and influence of media and philanthropy.
This politics protects the national values and culture and the economy start to circle in the society, the criminal activities are easy to control and there is no need on change the legal machines to promote social assiatance and new legal punishments.
The control of economy is promoted by international banks and the break on this order promotes a national crisis, so there is a new bloc on non-aligned with this world globalist politician and promotion of one world government, supranational with limitation of inside-borders politics...
The victimization on the other side is treating this as racial questions, or radical governments, the restore of tratidion is blamed as fascism or xenophoby, when its in real a politic of preservation of cultural values and economy, and the mutual assistance between the country in protectionist police and the countries that are in civil war problem, with international support, but not necessary to open the borders to receive everyone.
Again, the hybrid scenario and psywar is a war explored by the bankers and philanthropists that promote chaos and terrorism in failed countries. To open the borders, there is infiltration of criminal activities and terrorists with sleeping cells, also lone wolves in potential...
The potential lone wolves action are based in psycho-social problems of acceptance in the new society and the restore of personal values, denied in the new culture, the difficult and uncapability to adaptation. The falling economy on the countries that don't follow the order, makes the investments on propaganda and extreme action of revolt against the society and when the murder of the lone wolf occurs, the course of the media is to blame the new government that restore the nationalism and tradition, with accusation of xenophoby.
The infiltration of terrorist cells is a problem that is hard to solve because the cell can be asleep till the time of action. The group start a small wars causing panic and disrupt of a social security politics and the constant fear of new attacks, following the exemple of France that lives under constant terror.
These terrorist groups infiltrated are financed by international politics of global destablization, promiting chaos and solution at the same time, there are big war companies businessman, philanthropists interested in promotion of social politics as legalization of drugs, promoting the politics against guns, interested in private security, interested in natural resources and interested on indication of politics of promotion of ecumenism in every way, cultural, social, etc.
Salvini and Orban together are in a politician of nationalism promotion and limitation of action of these international organisms and international groups that promote this lie of globalization and a supranational government.
Nasce l'asse Salvini-Orban: "Così cambieremo l'Europa"
Il ministro dell'Interno e il premier ungherese si sono sentiti al telefono. Salvini: "Al lavoro per modificare le regole Ue"
Matteo Salvini e Viktor Orban. I due leader definiti "populisti" oggi si sono sentiti al telefono. Ad annunciarlo è stato il ministro dell'Interno da un comizio a Fiumicino.
Per Salvini il governo Conte non rischia l'isolamento all'estero. Certo, oggi c'è stato la dura polemica con Tunisi per quelle parole sull'"esportazione di galeotti" che non sono piaciute all'ambasciatore tunisino. Ma il segretario del Carroccio è certo che c'è "tanto apprezzamento all'estero" per la maggioranza giallo-verde. E se dalla Germania e dalla Francia sono arrivati segnali di disgelo (ma da qui all'apprezzamento ce ne passa), di sicuro il leghista non avrà difficoltà a trovare intese con l'Unghera del premier Orban.
"Oggi ho avuto una telefonata lunga e cordiale con il primo ministro ungherese - ha detto Salvini - che ci ha fatto gli auguri di buon lavoro e con cui lavoreremo per cambiare le regole di questa Unione europea". Ecco, l'Ue. Nel discorso di domani al Senato in occasione del voto di fiducia, il presidente del Consiglio italiano dovrebbe cercare di rassicurare i partner Ue e al tempo stesso segnare la strada per le riforme che i grilloleghisti vorrebbero imporre a Bruxelles. E non è da escludere che per mettere i paesi del Nord europa il governo Conte, o almeno Salvini, possa tentare di stringere un forte legame con i Paesi governati da presidenti euroscettici. E in cima all'elenco non c'è proprio l'Ungheria di Orban, che da tempo si scaglia contro quel Soros (e le sue Ong) che in questi giorni - guarda caso - è in polemica proprio con Lega e M5S. Ma non solo. "Parlerò probabilmente già domani con il ministro degli Interni francese, austriaco - ha fatto sapere il leghista - oggi ho contattato l'ambasciatore tunisino, ho incontrato poco fa l'ambasciatore israeliano, l'ambasciatore statunitense. Stiamo cercando di costruire una rete della tranquillità e della sicurezza, della pace e della lotta al terrorismo".
"Noi vogliamo far parte di questa comunità di popoli, difendendo i diritti di tutti e l'Italia, come dice la presidente Merkel, non può essere lasciata sola di fronte a un fenomeno epocale come quello dell'immigrazione - ha attaccato il leghista - Purtroppo domani in Lussemburgo proporranno un passo indietro e non un passo avanti. E noi diremo 'nò al regolamento che tratterebbe per più tempo i migranti irregolari in Italia. E' un appello che voglio fare con il cuore: vogliamo fare parte di questa comunità ma con pari diritti".
Poi Salvini, assicurando di avere "piena sintonia" con Conte ha parlato anche degli altri temi nell'agenda di governo. Sui migranti, ovviamente, il leghista è tornato a ribadire che "chi non scappa dalla guerra deve preparare le valigie e andare a casa. Chi scappa dalla guerra avrà accoglienza. Il mio dovere è dare prima una casa agli italiani. Prima gli italiani". Qualche frase anche sull'omicidio di un migrante in Calabria, assassinio che oggi ha provocato la rivolta dei lavoratori immigrati al grido "Salvini razzista". "Non si risolve nessun problema sparando - è la condanna del ministro - Ci sono delle indagini in corso e prima di dare una sentenza voglio capire alla fine il nome delle bestie che hanno compiuto questo gesto. L'immigrazione senza controllo, le tendopoli, i ghetti portano inevitabilmente allo scontro sociale. E piano piano perché non abbiamo la bacchetta magica porteremo la legalità in Calabria".
Sulla flat tax, invece, tema su cui oggi gli economisti della Lega hanno avuto uno scontro sui tempi, il leader ha provato a chiarire: "La flat tax è quella scritta nel contratto - ha detto - e prevede primo intervento la pace fiscale, la chiusura delle liti tra italiani ed Equitalia che porta in cassa soldi". Il secondo intervento, invece, sarà "realizzabile sulle imprese fin da subito dall'anno prossimo si interviene sulle famiglie".
Orban and Salvini are redefining democracy in Europe
The deplorables are finally taking back power from cosy elites
Stephen K. Bannon
By 25 May the world was learning of the Italian populist parties’ plans to form a coalition government. This would ditch the ideological divide of left vs right while unifying the country’s north and south and its populists and the nationalists against a long history of technocratic governments and European Central Bank demands.
Over the next 48 hours, a combination of foreign politicians, foreign capital and foreign media descended upon Italy to demand the Italian people’s choices in voting for the right-wing League and the left-wing Five Star parties were dismissed. And indeed they were dismissed. The Financial Times called the coalition ‘the modern barbarians’, while the German press called the Italian people ‘less grateful than beggars’. I was reminded of the moment when Hillary Clinton first called Trump supporters ‘deplorables’. We see the same thing happening all over the world.
Against this backdrop, President Sergio Mattarella batted away the coalition government’s plan to appoint an outspoken Euro-sceptic, Paolo Savona, as finance minister — it was too much for the European Central Bank to swallow. Mattarella received plaudits from the likes of Emmanuel Macron, without irony, for defending ‘democratic stability’ by rejecting the will of the Italian people.
Meanwhile, the Italian populists were cobbling together new plans to thwart Matterella’s attempt to install yet another technocratic prime minister in the form of International Monetary Fund executive Carlo Cottarelli, nicknamed ‘Mr Scissors’ for his obsession with austerity measures.
I was there to watch the drama unfold at the Raphael Hotel in the heart of Rome. My colleagues and I turned the rooftop restaurant — from which Bettino Craxi effectively ran Italy’s socialist government in the 1980s — into our offices for a week. Populist-nationalist leaders from across Europe came to visit as we immersed ourselves in a stare-down between the democratic forces of the League and Five Star and the democratic rejectionists of the political elite.
We held meetings with representatives from the Alternative für Deutschland party, the League, Five Star, the Brotherhood of Italy, the Catholic Party for the Family, and Louis Aliot from the Rassemblement National in France (formerly Front National). All the brothers came to Rome. It’s hard not to feel like we’re on the right side of history.
These are the real figures driving change across Europe. People like Beatrix von Storch and Alice Weidel in Germany. People like Armando Siri and Matteo Salvini in Italy. And people like Viktor Orban and his team in Hungary. They are redefining democracy in Europe. It is a contagion that has spread across to the United States and come back around again.
These ten days shook the world. But they were precipitated by the ten years that came before. It has been a decade since the catalyst of all this: the 2008 financial collapse which directly led to the 2010 Tea Party Revolt in the United States. The everyman was getting crushed, losing everything, while the political and financial elites who had brought about the crisis were subjected to almost no repercussions.
You have to be wilfully blind not to see it. The 2014 midterm elections in the USA, the European Parliament elections of that year, the Brexit movement, the election of President Trump: the same thread runs through all of these events. Those who own stocks or assets have experienced an epic ten-year run since, built upon the backs of those who haven’t had a real-terms pay rise in a decade, whose communities have been fundamentally changed by the mass importation of cheap labour and deportation of factories and jobs, and whose sons and daughters have served on the front lines of thankless foreign wars.
From my recent European trips across Switzerland, France, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Italy, one thing is clear: people on both the ‘left’ and ‘right’ feel that they have been the punchline of a long-running joke by the Party of Davos.
In Budapest, I met Orban, who has repeatedly rejected the European Union’s notion of ‘liberal democracy’ or, as some have begun to recognise it, democracy without the demos. He is a towering figure in Europe right now: the Hungarian prime minister effectively chased George Soros and his Open Society Foundations out of Budapest. After years of malign influence on European and US politics, Soros’s chickens are coming home to roost, and where better than in his birthplace of Hungary to watch it all go down?
Orban himself recently achieved a huge election victory in his nation, campaigning on what he calls Christian democracy. Of course, the charge is always made, per Trump and per Brexit, that Orban is somehow a ‘Putin stooge’. And sure enough, right on cue, on the tenth day after Italy’s new populist government began to come together, George Soros went on stage to insist that the League leader Matteo Salvini was himself a Putin stooge. There is a great chasm of difference between being a ‘Putin stooge’ and recognising, as President Trump does, that there are far more urgent and malign influences in the world that need immediate redress: China, Iran and Turkey to name but three.
At the invitation of its director Dr Maria Schmidt, I visited Budapest’s Terror Museum — a testament to the horrors of torture, war and political oppression committed in the names of two totalitarian ideologies: Nazism and Communism — which Orban himself opened in 2002. Everything about this places screams: ‘We know how bad the Russians can be’ — something I also understand from serving in the US Navy in the 1970s and 1980s.
I return now to Washington DC, where the Russia bogeyman still looms large. But I am secure in the knowledge that whether in France, Germany, Italy, Hungary, Sweden, and most recently in Slovenia, the ‘deplorables’ are fighting back — and winning.
Stephen K. Bannon is a former chief strategist to Donald Trump.
Matteo Salvini and Viktor Orban form unlikely alliance over EU migrants
Italy’s new interior minister, Matteo Salvini, has pledged to form an allegiance with the Hungarian leader Viktor Orban, suggesting that Rome will join eastern European nations challenging Brussels over migration rules.
“I have had a long and cordial phone call with Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orban,” said Mr Salvini, who leads Italy’s anti-migrant League party. “We will be working with him to change the rules of this European Union.”
Mr Orban has refused to accept EU resettlement quotas of migrants and is passing a law that may outlaw charities that help asylum-seekers.
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