15 years of Killdozer
The reminds of a psywar in society, remember us to a fact that, reasonable man sometimes explode and do unreasonable things.
Fifteen years ago is the birthday of the Killdozer, legendary!
It all began when the administrators, deputies and major of Gramby, Colorado, decided to deny the petition of Marvin Heemeyer against a project to make a zone that obstructed the access to his property, limiting his driveway to his small store that he fixed his equipments to survive, in befenit of a concrete factory from 2001.
Marvin Heemeyer lived in the place since 1992, and went to his limit after lot of time fighting against the bureaucracy of the council of zoning and took a decision, but desperate: he decided to modify his D355A Bulldozer with steel plates, reinforcing the concrete and took the fight against the parasite state bureaucracy to a new level.
About Marvin, people said that he was a common man, that could never do anything wrong, religous and worker. Of thos ewho opposed the government, Marvin was the one who had more capability on argue and request for their rights.
In USA it's common to big companies to use the "Eminent Domain", requesting the State to expropriate private properties without paying ndemnity with just values.
About Marvin, people said that he was a common man, that could never do anything wrong, religous and worker. Of thos ewho opposed the government, Marvin was the one who had more capability on argue and request for their rights.
In USA it's common to big companies to use the "Eminent Domain", requesting the State to expropriate private properties without paying ndemnity with just values.

He started his opus in the middle of the 2003, with the armor, composed with steel and the concrete isolated completely the Bulldozer. The vehicle possessed doors to the use of weapons and he decided to go to a battle with no turning back.
Marvin drove way ahead to the city, destroying 13 buildings and causing damages of 7 million dollars in june, 4th 2004. His Killdozer was immune to small weapons of the local police and resistante to explisives, than all the trying of stop the tank failed. Heemeyer destroyed diverse places and the zoning comitee.
The devastation was so big that that National Guard decided to call aereal support by an Apache with anti-Armored structure missiles. This could happen but the Killdozer jammed in the attic of a store.
Marvin without have wherever to run, decided to shot himself with his 12 gauge shotgun, commiting suicide.
The final decision of the authorities was to scrap the Killdozer and bury it and its legacy too. disassemble in diverse parts distributed in sigil to diverse scrap deposites, with the intention of impeding possible admirers and triggers for a possible next upheaval.

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