The New Rules of War
Paradigm became the irregular, once it was considered clandestine.
Skorezeny promoted the idea of Kommandos, acting irregular at a linear warfare. English Commandos did illegal missions. Germany had the Dirlewanger Brigade, acting irregular, following the Admiral Canaris strategy of infiltration, enlistment of fireigners and downfall, assassination.
During Cold War Russia started the Revolution in Military Affairs, promoting technology to a complex scenario of battlefield, updating the land, airspace, sea and civilian scenarios to one core point of warfare.
The idea was to fight the Maoist Guerrilla warfare, and during this era, USA was financing Contras at Nicaragua, when NATO financed the Extreme Right Nationalist Greywolves in Turkey to finish the communist parties in Italy, at Gladio.
The Irregular became the new paradigm of warfare, and the contemporary scenario added the cybernetic warfare and the economic logic.
The geographical position is important, but act for financial warfare, increasing taxes or promoting anti-immigration proccess can break an economy of a country, and far distant, hackerism can destroy the defenses of a military complex.
Future of warfare is uncertain, but this discussion is not new. Strategy of irregular warfare is old, since punic wars, Hannibal showed to Romans first what Guderian proved it at Second World War.
Gengis Khan could rule the world without globalization, with force and a complex system of monetary equality and international laws.
Vostok 2018 was a complex exercise that showed that there is no real hegemony of west in world as the oberservers say. Wagner Group is acting to show that Blackwater era had an update, and hybrid scenario can support more complex systems of war than just what the analysts said about asymmetric warfare.
Van Creveld had this vision at 80's and the Revolution in Military Affairs keep updating the theoretics and new tactics.
The scenario is more complex than observers sometimes can affirm.

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