More murder in Brazil than Iraq - Nothing new...
The Brazilian security politics and legislation for population protection is trashed. The corruption raised to a level that the effects over population is beyond the normal, even for the countries that the paradigm is assumed terrorism. Also the Brazilian legislation is very failed to promote a civil security problems to a level of terrorism, that raises Brazil to a criminal vaccuum of how to jsutify the meanings to confront the violence.
In the country the money laundering is promoted by socialist parties that promotes the marginality as the figure of the opressed and screaming for their liberty, and the activities of NGO's and human rights promote a legal clash between the security actions and criminal activities, with the media acting always against the extreme violence promoted by security forces, and promoting the figure of the criminals as the good guys, belive that, it's abusive.
The Brazilian youth are into a clash of polarized opinions and the violence between them, from the teenagers to 29 years old is bigger than failed countries like Haiti or Iraq, that poist by the Atlas of Violence 2019, by the IPEA (Institute for Applied Economic Research) and the Brazilian Forum of Public Security, with collected database from 2017.

The funds of invesments are not well divided between the penitentiaries, public security, health system and educational and the lack of capability on receive the basic rights like security and education and public health make the youth to militate to another kind of politics, and get involved with extreme measures of where the money is. The figure of the criminal activities raising funds from drug traffick, robbery and general crime, instead of study and work, promote the youth to involve in the level of violence and also, with lo expectations of living.
Brazil comes from a reality of more than 65 thousand deaths in 2017, and more of the half between the ages of 15 to 29. The cause of it is the lack of assistance of government, the ilegitimate governments and corruption that never invested on social politics of character formation, educational system failed, historicy roots denial, and the failed security politics.
Between these deaths, the murders raised to a scalation of almost 70, per 100.000 inhabitants, the Haitian reality is the same. Honduras counts in 85,7 and Venezuela 81,4 according to international organs.
As Brazil is a medium social level, the similarities to the failed country can have explanation on corruptive governments and the fragile institutions, that are corruptive and the legal system that promotes a protection between the leaders and public figures, that are beyond the law. The polaritazion in poltics that promotes a pro and anti government reality by parties and not by the national police and also the difference between the riches and the poors, that they are economicaly unequal. The rich is very rich and the middle class and poors has a vaccuum of aquiring capacity.
About a strategic raising by the Strategic Subjects Secretary by the Federal Government, the economic prodution loses almost half million to each young that dies vicitm os homicide, from the costs and expenses, taxes and the prodution through a decade, working capacity, healthy costs, legal and burial.
According to the statistics 91,8% are men and in this number, 77% are by fire weapons, illegal ones. The politics of prohibition of weapons affects more the citizen who wants to legalize the guns, because there is a vaccuum on how to control the illegal weapons, and the weapons are with high fire capability, like assault rifles.
75,5% of the victims are blacks and the top is the 21 years old. The highest numbers has the fundamental capability of education, functional illiterates and the highest nubers are in the poorest states, in North and Northeast.
The boiling point of this violence are the actions and warfare between criminal fractions, that the members are in general recruited in youth, like the Prime Capital Command and the Red Command, and other criminal activities, like Militias, disputing drug points, and local payment and international drug routes to Europe and Africa.
These disputes are evident in the prisons, like happens in Amazonia, where at least 55 prisoners died inside the prison by the intern disputes, by the third biggest fraction, the North Family.
The violence in 2018 was figured by the demografic transaction which Brazil lives, in the proccess of the youth is decreases in the numbers of the old people, there is no newborns numbers increasing. That can explain a new promotion of violence, with no dispute for life, nor robbery followed by murder.
The difficulty to support a war between the fractions by a long time, the tendency is that the criminal grups decreases the numbers of the combat between them, but this virtual proccess of warfare accomodation between the fractions have a isntable equilibrium, can being reversed at any moment.
The politics of anti and pro gun control are polarizing the situation as the opposition accuses the government program on punctual situations that the aquiring of a gun can raise the violence level, like feminicides, family muders, neighboors murdering, and in a case of robbery the situation that the criminal will 'shoot first' before rob.
The opposition promtoes a level to make up the numbers and point the racial question, atributing to the police a extensive action for murder black population. A paralel statistic done by NGOs make up the numbers to prompts to stagnate the government actions, detouring the funds from the Security to a scalation of drug liberation, homossexual rights and criminalize the coservative politics.
The failed legal system promoted a the law Anti Terrorism 13.260/2016 that tryed to explain what is the phenomenon, but this failed law didn't explain exactly what can be terrorism. If the ends of the politics is to persecute and hunte police men and murder them, or raise a politics of muder the middle classes and a possible jusficitation of the equality, this in other countries can be considered terrorism, but these countries have the Term well defined.
The police coercion model is being criticized but the opposition and statistics international experts cannot understand that the country lives in a constant fight that the criminal activities are done by long range weapons and capability of direct confront with military personal. The economy of these groups can contract direct combatants to fight police.
The changing of this paradigm to a model based in investigation and intelligence is imoprtant, but to justify the means, the polcie must act and use the police power to confront the fractions direct. But the investigation system is obsolete.
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