Is Right Sector really illegal? what about Azov?
The right militancy comes strenghtening but we blame the left movements that broke the limitations between tradition and post-modern society.
The modern society came from the idea of liberty of choose, but the post-modern imposed this idea as a new paradigm, in an endless experience of divide and conquer, minimizing the capability of resistance and utilizing corruption of youth to maintain the power in the hands of a few group of politics, that will changing the position and leaving the tradition behind.
As ever, Ukraine became a scenario of a paramilitary nationalism into society because of the shock of interest between Russia and USA in the country. Ukrainian blood bolds on hands of weapons of gods and carries the extreme active will of the Slavonic tradition, between the non-Christian pagan orthodoxy.
Ukraine shall rise and in a vaccuum of power between a new Cold War, transforming Ukraine in a proxy, political and military, that made Ukraine creating a new position of a militarized state, ultra nationalist, anti-globalist and forced to face up the new politics, between the Russian right and the New Right, comming from the west.
In order, the demonization of the group as a criminal is to force the government to turn the paramilitary activities illegal, to make an easy method of military action, direct clash, with a more regular warfare scenario, forgetting the idea of hybrid scenario and small conflicts, that puts the west in disvantage!
The Ukrainin proxy comes from the armed conflicts in backup to military personal, forming new small fronts from Azov Batallion and other small units of paramilitaries, like Right Sector, that turns their heads to the ultra nationalism and the anti-Russian instigation for claiming and remaining for the ex-.U.R.S.S. destruction in Kiev, the group promotes propaganda and cultural terrorism, based in ultra right manifesto.

Evola translate it very well at the Pagan Imperialism when: "A civilisation, in the true and higher sense 0 with reference both to individuals and peoples - arises only where the totemic level is surpassed, and where the race element, also understood mystically, is not the last resort; where, beyond blood, a force of higher, metabiological, spiritual, and “solar” type manifests itself, which does not lead outside of life, but determines life, transforming it, refining it, giving it a form which it initially did not have, freeing it entirely form every mixture with animal life, and opening the various paths for the realisation of the various personality types. When this occurs, the ethnic tradition is not destroyed: it remains exclusively a base that possess a spiritual tradition as inseparable verification - and here, in the order of the relationship between the biological factor and the spiritual factor, it is the latter which should be used as support for the former, and not vice versa."
The Kolovrat is the symbol of the religous Slav, when the identity is defined by not a physical character, but by a metaphysical and spiritual translation of the ancient wisdom. The Kolovrat manifestation of the nation comes under a divide world of a bipolar or tri-polar world, divided into east, west and another nation that runs from the core of the world, close to Ukraine, to find the gro-strategic position to rule, than Ukraine raised a level of hybrid war, promoted by propaganda, mercenarism, paramilitary and ultra nationalism in back up to the political, economic and military expression.
The expression of chaos and nihilism take the position when the ilegitimacy of the government will raise through the anti-patriotic feeling and interception of world politics, NGO's, philantropy and other problems that will selling the tradition, and the ends will justify the means, when a group uses criminal activities and illegality to promote a kind of identity, like the ultra national militia in Slovenia or satanic right wing groups in west, as Black Order Pan Europa.
Question is that Ukrainian government legalized the paramilitary activities and militias to fight in the front with Russia and promote border guards and assetments. The reality is that, in criminal activities, they cannot act witha coup d'etat, than Azov promoted a national party, like Golden Dawn in Greece, but they are able to fight as a paramilitary unit and act in small local wars, deffending local geographic position as proxies, supporting the public military sector. To be honest, to turn it illegal is the same of the International Comunity proceeds against the French Foreign Legion and denounce the military activities of the FFL in the name of the French Government.

Ukraine’s Right Sector paramilitary battalion is illegal – Judge Advocate General
February 4, 2016
The volunteer battalion of the ultra-nationalist Ukrainian Right Sector group is illegal, according to Ukraine’s Judge Advocate General, who slammed the group for its failure to integrate into Ukraine’s military.
The Right Sector battalion has over the past two years failed to decide whether it wanted to join the ranks of Ukraine’s army or of National Guards, the Judge Advocate General said in an interview. “According to all juridical norms and practices, and to the Ukrainian Constitution, speaking in meager legal terms, the Right Sector volunteer battalion is an illegal armed group,” Judge Advocate General Anatoly Matios told Ukraine’s Public Radio.
Matios has condemned certain incidents when the Right Sector volunteer battalion militants violated Ukrainian legislation.
“It is unacceptable that a [military] unit, even acting under the slogans of patriotism, should be lurking well-armed in rearward areas, playing firing on police checkpoints. Whether police is right or wrong is a question of law and its application,” Matios said.
In July 2015 the Right Sector militants clashed with police in western Ukraine’s Mukachevo. Kiev called the incident an “act of terror,” while the group said its forces would stand against the authorities across the country. The incident left four civilians and three police officers injured. One civilian was killed by Right Sector gunmen. The ultranationalist group said two of its fighters were killed and four injured in the incident.
If Ukrainian authorities go on with covering up general crime with patriotism, “chaos will devour Ukraine,” Matios said.
He however described Right Sector as “extreme patriots of the state” and their fallen fighters as “heroes, the country’s elite”.
Members of the Right Sector group took an active role in events on Maidan which resulted in a government coup in Ukraine in 2013 that led to the deposition of President Viktor Yanukovich.
In Russia the group’s activities were banned under a Supreme Court decision in January 2015. In addition, Russia’s Investigative Committee started criminal cases against several members of the radical Ukrainian group over charges of fighting against the Russian military in the Chechen wars of the 1990s.
On January 19 Ukrainian nationalists, largely represented by Right Sector, marched through the center of the Ukrainian capital of Kiev to commemorate the two year anniversary of Ukraine’s Euromaidan events. The crowd marched with Ukrainian flags and the flags of the far-right Right Sector group and gathered piles of tires setting them ablaze in front of the governmental buildings.
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