What if... nuke terrorists?
The vaccum of power over the international anarchy is being filled with networking organizations which complete the psychossocial needs with the beloinging feeling and the tribal-nationalism feeling. This promotion of a embrace of loneliness and people around is making criminal or terrorist organizations - between them gangs, international drug traffickers, guerrilla warfare groups, mercenaries, etc - to search for a intern cooperative social advancement, like a statutory advancement for security, military hierarchy, nationalism feeling and economic activities.
These economic activities are an important form for capital gaining and bank accountability, that make the virtual (or pseudo) state act as a player in international scenario. Scenario on which these players fight for lands, business gaining and geopolitical influence. In the case of a non-Statal agent to have mass destruction weapons, this state could deter a real statal player. Formed a public army, states have these armed forces to promote national soverreignty, diplomacy and national/international security. In a world of equal actors, symmetrical, those actors could negotiate and keep their dialogues, and non-Statal organizations would be under the international laws and Statal bias. But in an asymmetrical world, the organizations can have their model of economy and military paradigm. Some State have nuclear weapon, some others have other kind of mass destruction weapons, thermobaric, intercontinental ballistics, uranium bombs, hydrogem bombs. These kind of weapons are good for negotiation and deterrance.
Power demonstration is under control of supra-national organs and superpower states, capable to dissuade others with their power. But in case of a networking, non-linear, organization have these kind of weapons, it has no real laws to regulate them. In this case, the persuade strategy or the decapitation strike can be common at this problematic, seem that State actors don't have clear information. Than the intelligence and clandestine operations are common, to infiltrate, assassinate and persuade the criminal activities with direct attacks and destruction of structures.

But, in case of any of these organizations have a power for a clash over world's economies, States could stay under constante vigilancy of blocs and slain the para-military organizations with force. Use of force don't need to be mediated with non State organization, while they play at marginality of world's anarchy, promoting chaos and filling in vaccuum of power, imposing their identity and implementing the statal order on they are fundamented, as religious, criminal, terroristic, political, tribal, etc.
These kind of weapons are cheap in international scenario, black market and use of biological weapons can help on depopulate and cause terror, infiltrating in a geographical place and taking control of a political district. It's technicaly simple to manage and the recent conflicts with the generation of Private Military Corporations and Merenarism, the capability of contract someone to consultancy, operation or direct clash is easy.
NUCLEAR TERRORISM 101 – Weapons So Simple, Cheap & Clean Everyone Can Own and Use Them
Why do depleted uranium anti-tank rounds produce temperatures in excess of 4000 degrees centigrade if they are only made of depleted uranium U-238?
Because the depleted uranium is not pure U-238 it contains a certain amount of U-235, PU-239, PU-240/241 usually in less than 7% purity but still enough to undergo fission when impacted on a metal target at supersonic speeds producing temperatures in excess of 4,000 deg. centigrade.
Basically they are low grade battlefield micro nukes.
In 5th generation nuclear weapons we are talking about a new class of small nuclear weapons that use hydrogen and or deuterium charging of heave metals producing metal-hydrogen compounds called nuclear reactive composite materials for short or hydrides. They are metals that have very high surface to volume ratios for the absorption of hydrogen atoms such as deuterium.
In other words if uranium is charged with enough hydrogen it can trigger a nuclear process. This was discovered by Dr. Bridgman way back in 1947 with his experiments on very high compression of metals. It is called the Bridgman effect or S.B.E.R for Structural Breaking Energy Release. Physicist Ted Taylor called it the secret of the binding curve. So by charging uranium with deuterium beyond a certain level a fusion process is triggered.
This is basically how the second stage of a hydrogen bomb works but on a much smaller scale for mini nukes. Released Binding Energy produced in this manner takes on the form of gamma rays that can induce fission on the nuclei that make up the crystal lattice of the fissile metal.
In short it eliminates the problems of critical mass,fissile yields and in general the need for large amounts of fissile material itself. Even milligrams of uranium can be used to make weapons the size of bullets with this process.
In conclusion if a conventional 1st generation nuclear weapon releases about 20 kilotons of energy using as little as 8 KG of U-235 or about 1,000 KG of natural uranium. Then the new 5th generation fission process that are independent of critical mass will only require about 100 grams of U-235 to produce an explosive power of about two tons of TNT.
With efficiency improving as you add more uranium to the mix. Remembering from your nuclear weapons training books; one gram of enriched uranium will produce an explosive yield of about 20 kilograms of TNT. Its like replacing a cannon with an M-16 or an AK-47; or replacing a squadron of B-52’s with one modified Israeli F-16.
The bang for your buck is so profitable that it make all previous warfare no longer economical to fight.
The secret of this has been hidden away for over 25 years starting with the cold fusion mess of the mid 1980’s. Now you know why they killed cold fusion. How do you spell micro nuke.
A weapon so simple that any one with a good High school level automotive machine shop could build.
- The first generation nuclear weapons are now over 70 years old and were the solid core Uranium / Plutonium implosion types used during WW2. Very dirty and very inefficient.
- The second generation weapons were the gigantic megaton sized two stage hydrogen bombs. Too big to ever use.
- The third generation weapons were the newer miniaturized weapons of the 1960 and 70’s using hollow core designs and minimal fissile materials. Used on the Trident and Minuteman missiles.
- The forth generation weapons were the neutron bomb and the small enhanced radiation weapons of Star Wars. Circa 1980’s.
- Fifth generation weapons introduced to the battlefield after 1990 no longer need the extra uranium surrounding the weapon’s core that basically acts as a neutron multiplier only and does not add to the final explosive yield. This greatly reduces the secondary effect of fallout and a critical mass is no longer needed to create a small nuclear explosion.
- So these newer small 5th generation nuclear weapons have a very limited radioactive fallout effect. Making them the weapon of choice for all modern armies or state sponsored terrorists etc.
They are just too easy to make and too easy to use and dirt cheap.
No nuclear reactor needed, no heavy chemical processing plants. No toxic waste byproducts to deal with during manufacturing. Low cost start up and production on a mass scale is fast.
The Bridgman theory states that when a critical threshold of pressure is reached all solid matter is shattered and ionizing radiation is released.
Each substance has a critical value but usually as low as 50,000 atmospheres of pressure will produce a shear stress in most metals. Bridgman got the Nobel prize for this discovery. So the disintegration of a uranium projectile producing ionizing radiation IE Gamma-rays is determined by the Bridgman effect.
Shaped charge warheads today can easily produce pressures in the order of millions of atmospheres.
Sam Cohen the inventor of the neutron bomb states that when hydrogen concentrations in heavy metals increase beyond a certain point internal atomic resistance begins to decrease due to the added free electrons of the hydrogen’s presence in the metal.
This indicates that the hydrogen has split into free nuclei and free electrons. The free electrons join other free electrons producing an electrical current and the free nuclei are absorbed by the presents of the other nearby atoms. This is called the Cohen effect, also called cold fusion.
However if the heavy metal is fissile it will undergo a spontaneous nuclear chain reaction and split. No critical mass is needed and no minimum free means path is needed due to the extreme high compression level existing in the fissile material.
This effect was first discovered by Nobel Laurette; German physicist Walther Hermann Nernst way back in 1929 and it was published in “Zeitschrift fur Electrochemie” volume 35, page 676, 1929. It was the basis of WW2 German research into their small tactical nuclear weapons program that did not need a Manhattan sized project to complete it. Based on the enriched uranium that was captured at the end of the war and wound up being used in little boy on Japan they were doing something but ran out of time.
70 years later their discovery is now being widely used in clandestine style all over the world from Yemen to China to Syria to Iraq to Afghanistan and other places unknown. So it’s just a question of time before it comes knocking on your door.

Pakistan's nuclear weapons stockpile could be STOLEN by ISIS terrorists
PAKISTAN'S nuclear weapons arsenal could fall into the hands of terrorist groups unless the volatile South Asian state bolsters security at strategic military bases, a high-ranking US official has warned.
The country has been developing a new stockpile of smaller battlefield weapons aimed at repelling threats from neighbouring India, which holds a larger, conventional nuclear arsenal.
But Pakistan is now being urged to beef up security around its nuclear bunkers amid increasingly bold threats from Islamic State to buy or steal atomic weapons or the material with which to make them.
The warning comes as world leaders meet for the Nuclear Security Summit, which for the first time will include a simulated nuclear terrorist attack.
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