Ukraine and the western alt-right
Alt right usurpates the modus operandi of Cultural Marxism and destroyed the tradition, western tradition and the eastern cultural/spiritual ellevation.
There is no real point on what it began, but to promote christian to an Evolian tradition, search in the far right ideologies of paganism a justificative to christian neoliberal capitalism.
Ukraine was in the core of the cultural warfare of the far right. The cradle of Slavonic culture, one of the most important countries in culture and political advance, the country was sold to zionism and to western capitalism, and the far right nationalist - pagan - movement was adapted to the western wicked revoltings in Brazil and USA, absorbed by Trump and Bolsonaro movements, blaming a movement as a neo-nazi christian liberal capitalist movement.
It's a sad point to this, because the western civil upheaval is promoting this clash of culture and usurping a movement of freedom to their people, that is a strong point to the affirmative culture of warrior in Crimea, against socialist movements, Russia geopolitical presence and NATO.
The use of this far right wing flags to promote viral chaos in Brazil is supposed to be international crime and usurpation of culture, while Brazil should answer criminaly in international tribuinals, to condemn one country to a faillure procces of its personal and pagan culture, criminalizing the country fron the world's views.

Ukraine is not only the cradle of the Svalonic culture, but also the most important proxy war in Eurasia, and the liberal capitalist party and pro-Israel used the far-right groups to self-promotion and alliances with Trump in west.
Alt Right is one ideological point which has no fundaments, basis or philosophy, they work stealing the core points of each movement - from marxism to far right of Spengler or Evola - and adapt itself to a christian holy war, justifying racial conflicts, minimizing the female agression and promoting MGTOW movements.

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