Fake News - The clandestine operations for parallel bureau
Brazilian govenrment is raised a disrepute of the president Jair Bolsonaro for his clandestine bureau and the borderline of personality, creating a nepotism scenario and hide of corruption cases involving his family. The parallel bureau is considered a clandestine operational sector created by him and formed by his sons and supporters which use the contract of bots to raise disinformation and fake news bias internet social networking. The program is about to raise murdering of reputation of opposition, banner the opposition as socialist infiltrated and victimization. These operations also have the intent to advance self promotion.
These bots are used to be out of the coutnry, specially in Ukraine, and European East, where this servers are located, and they raise an information here where is reproduced in thousands fake profiles during the day while the news are put on trandings and update constantly. The spread of fake news is common advancing a disrupture in political credibility. Bolsonaro is becomming a pariah in international scenario, which prejudiced the international commerce and diplomatic relations to Russia, Ukraine and USA - these three directly involved with his lack of capability. Also China with the constant xenophobic speeched by his sons, turning Brazil to a country which lost the acceptance in international level.

Clandestine Operations
The term clandestine activity is not defined by statute. DOD doctrine defines clandestine
activities as “operations sponsored or conducted by governmental departments in such a way as to
assure secrecy or concealment” that may include relatively “passive” intelligence collection and
information gathering operations.20 Unlike covert action, clandestine activities do not require a
presidential finding, but they may require notification of Congress.
This definition differentiates clandestine from covert, using clandestine to signify the tactical
concealment of the activity. By comparison, covert activities can be characterized as the strategic
concealment of the United States’ sponsorship of activities that aim to effect change in the
political, economic, military, or diplomatic behavior of an overseas target. Because clandestine
activities necessarily involve sensitive sources and methods of military operations or intelligence
collection, their compromise through unauthorized disclosure can risk the lives of the personnel
involved and gravely damage U.S. national security.
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