R.I.P. Genesis P. Orridge
Feb. 1950 - Mar. 2020

Lot of wheight I receive the news that Mr/Ms Genesis P. Orridge, pandrogenic and varguardist performer of Throbbing Girstle, Psychic TV and many other projects that influenced directly the lifestyle, created a movement inside the underground culture, arts and music, former power electronics, experimental and industrial style, and giving a prediction to the post-punk scene and visual, heavy metal and industrial artists.
Born Neil Andrew Megson, a.k.a. Genesis Breyer P-Orridge, born in Manchester was early interested in occultism, avant-grade sci-fi, changed his name to the artistic name, lately founding the COUM Transmissions, together Cosey Fanni Tutti, early porn actress performer, when relocated to London creating a controverseal performance to work with music mixing the avant-garde style with sex, pornography, serial killers and occulsitm.
The importance of Genesis to music was beyond the understanding, with the idea of humanity wracking, founded the Tee Temple ov Psychick Youth, the informal order for occultists and chaos magic and artists involved in experimental music. A decade later he left the satanic group accused of sexual performance and pedophilia that he denied. Lately in 1995, Genesis got involved with the Pandrogeny Project, with his body modification becoming lately a transvestite with androgenic characheristics.
Before everything, in 1975, exactly at the 36th birthday that UK joined WWII, he founded Throbbing Girstle, choosing that name according to a term for a dog erectic penis. COUM Transmitions continuated operating alongside TG performing with neo-modern style of nudism, provocative images of the queen, soft core porn, that take him to jail some times.
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Early Throbbing Gristle |
Their show called Prostitution included images of Cosey Fanni Tutti pornographic images, featuring strippers, tampons, transvestite soldiers. It counted with the Punk scene, local skinheads, prostiitutes, people in costumes of german soldiers, scatological style, BDSM. This made the government consider COUM too agressive and orrensive, that made end COUM and they started only TG band.
The first Throbbing Gristle performance was at Air Gallery in London in July 1976. The band released "Discipline" in 1980, considered the most controverseal song of them. Than they got identified with the founder of the industrial music.
Alongside many other projects, Genesis released Psychic TV, when s/he was introduced to David Tibet, attracting his attention to TG music. Than s/he became acquainted with Anton LaVey and the LaVeyan Satanism, that appeared in Psychic TV songs later.
Too much more to say about Genesis, personal life, but I only must claim his/hers legacy to the modern world thinking mood, the adversareal style of confronting social behavior and promoting the chaotic skepticism, where always claimed non-political beliefs, disturbing human disgust for nature and spiritual transmission of energy through music. This genious artists, beyond his time, world's visions, made world emptier, but eternaly will have his/her name wrote in history.
May you rest in the chaotic cosmos, where you met and could understand which you introduced the poor minded humanity.
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