The christian alt-right and the betray of tradition
Rock 'n Roll means satanism. Fuck it, and if it's right, Christian Rock 'n Roll bands are terribly shit. Pardon my manners, but to talk shit about Rock 'n Roll people mess with my moral and my ego.
Well, to justify Christianity by Evola or Guénon is hipocrisy. Now the alt-right claims for the perenialism but claiming that paganism or other non-christian creed is considered leftism. For the reality, the pusilanimous blame is the self glorification of the wicked, hoping for the salvation in front of the nature and in front of their cowardice.
Rock 'n Roll is Satanism and christianity has nothing to put their noses into this cultural movement, it's a movement of adversareal ideology, a skeptical feeling for opposition of the culture, of a culture of enslavement and a scream for liberty of opinion, of old traditions and for spiritual apotheosys, not only fun like other music styles.
Ethcaly, rock 'n roll promoted equity into people, put and end to racial wars and aided starve countries while churches were promoting cultural war and ethnic cleansing in Europe and Africa, for raise of new christian nations.

Recently, politics used Rock 'n Roll to justify christianity as a salvation and a right ideology, promoting that Rock 'n Roll is communism, and is with other religions or ideologies they would put as wickling. No hope for the wicked, and sinners comes from the desert, not from the pagan people, pre-christians.
No christian government shall shup the Rock 'n Rollers, it's wicked to a Rock 'n Roll self glorify as a proud protestant christian, or listen to christian heavy metal. But anyway, belive that Rock 'n Roll is not accept under the chrisocracy because this is another form, like socialism, to enslave people under their fictional heroes, and lies, blinding the society to their truth and break the knowledge, manipulating news and blocking paralel media to talk the truth.
If these bastards learn more about history, christianity is the religion that most abused children, the religion that mostly benefited with wars, the religion that spread mysoginy and persecution to women in history, torture and they always justified it at their god's will.
If these bastards learn more about history, christianity is the religion that most abused children, the religion that mostly benefited with wars, the religion that spread mysoginy and persecution to women in history, torture and they always justified it at their god's will.
Alt Right movement betrayed the Right movement, and betrayed the society with radical thoughts insert into cultural actions, and absorbed cultural marxism as a way of life, transforming opposition into a kind of demons, using victimization to get accepted into society and raised virtual militias, or social militias to monopolize the thought, transforming the tradition to what they want. Evola was never christian, there is no reason to use Evola to justify liberal capitalism christianity Against the Modern Society, because in natural world and history, christian couldn't ride the tiger, but feed the tigers...

Brazilian government official claims rock music is connected to abortions
'At the same time, the abortion industry feeds into something much more serious which is satanism,' says Dante Mantovani
The head of a Brazilian government agency dedicated to culture, has claimed rock music leads to abortions and hit out megastars Elvis Presley and John Lennon.
Dante Mantovani, who was appointed as the head of the National Arts Foundation (Funarte) earlier in the week, made the comments in an 11-minute YouTube video.
Mr Mantovani, who is one of the far-right Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro’s top officials for culture, said: “Rock music leads to drugs, which leads to sex, which leads to abortions.”
He added: “At the same time, the abortion industry feeds into something much more serious which is satanism”.
He also hits out at Presley, who is often referred to as the “King of Rock and Roll”, and Lennon, a Beatles star, in the clip which was shared on 30 October.
“Lennon openly said, more than once, that he made a pact with the devil – with satan, in order to be famous and successful,” Mr Mantovani, whose channel has over 6,000 subscribers, said.
He added: “In the 1950’s this so-called Elvis Presley emerges with rock music that makes everyone bounce and shake their hips. This is when certain behaviours start being introduced – Elvis Presley, for instance, died of an overdose.”
Mr Mantovani was picked to run Funarte, a government agency with a mission to “promote and incentivise the production, practice, development and diffusion of the arts throughout the country”, on 2 December.
The agency was set up in 1975 and always came under the jurisdiction of the ministry of culture until Mr Bolsonaro’s government disbanded the ministry and it became part of the ministry of citizenship.
Mr Bolsonaro launched a new political party called Alliance for Brazil (APB) in an attempt to strengthen power. Its statutes include pledges to defend life from the moment of conception and pass legislation which gives people the right to carry firearms to safeguard private property.
The populist president, a former army captain who overtly admires ex-dictators, has been criticised for making racist, homophobic and sexist remarks.
He publicly abused a female politician, shoving her and telling her she was “too ugly to deserve rape”. While crowds at Mr Bolsonaro’s rallies have chanted they would feed feminists dog food.
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