Daesh is calling for new holy-endemic war over Europe
The callinf for holy war is not new. ISIS threatens Europe's tourist points since 2017, attacked Paris, and other places, menaces Big Ben constantly and the previous fearless provoking is always with the intention to recruit revolted youth.
The socio-cultural corruption is usurping and enjoying the new paradigm of economy break and country failing economy. This have the engaging to break Europe's core and destry the eurocentrist model paradigm that still rules the international relations, based in christian model of moral, universalism, diplomacy and return to middle east politics of nation and individual conservadorism.
Daesh's lost battle promoted a e-mmigration for the nationstate countries of the warriors, like Sri Lanka, India, many in European East as ex-U.R.S.S. republics and the Syrian Daesh fighters are trying to hide themselves into immigrants, that are fighting to impose Sharia's laws to Europe, to live in society together multiculturalist nationals.

It's not working after the right take back the governments in constant steps, like Russia, Hungary, Turkey, Italy, and in west with Trump's victory over democractes and Brazil also.
The new Daesh paradigm is to promote a red-revolution with socialist countries, to be accepted their politics of immigration, as the Obama's administration felt down and with no credibility.
The attack over England sounds strategically good to Daesh, because Great-Britain is the door to Europe and an inflet group that operates in shadows, controling virtual money, can control the criminal activity, finance Islamist-Jihadists supporters in government, finance muslim politics and laws to protect the muslim culture in Europe, promote election of muslim-jihadists, and also control criminal activities like sexual exploitation, money laundering in small business, gun traffick, women traffick and drug traffick.
Also exploit illicit games, moneylenders, lightening kidnaps, bank robery, etc.
Daesh is no ordinary group, it's a virtual state that has it's own constitution, money, leaders and hierarchy, with a military power that can fight small wars into a hybrid scenario, promoting irregular warfare and scholars, promoting formation of islamic interest professions, with logistics, history and military schools.

'We will destroy your country': ISIS threatens terror attack on London in chilling propaganda poster showing a crumbling Big Ben in flames
Latest ISIS online propaganda poster threatens an attack on London
It shows an ISIS fighter firing a rifle next to a burning Big Ben and Union Flag
Propaganda has threatened attacks on Christmas markets in Europe and US
Security at German Christmas markets upped after last year's terror attack
Islamist terrorists are threatening an attack on London and the Queen in their latest ISIS propaganda posters shared online.
One image, released on encrypted social media channels, shows an ISIS fighter firing an assault rifle next to a burning Union Flag.
An ISIS flag flies from the top of a burning Big Ben, which also has a large crack running across the building.
Running down the side of the image is a message, reading: 'We will destroy your country, as you destroyed our country'.
The other shows a bloody knife over an image of Queen Elizabeth II, with the message; 'Under observation... soon'.
ISIS appears to be revving up their propaganda machine ahead of the holidays, producing a series of graphic posters threatening attacks on Christmas shoppers in Europe and the United States.

The feeling of avenge is all the time spread in Daesh's soldiers and lone wolves.
The leftist propaganda all the time spread is focused on revolt of the youth in the fail of capitalism. The gaps of a failed system, promoted the easy corruption of the youth by drug lords, video gamers, and revolutionary groups of socialists and terrorists, that find in them the point of scalation for new conflicts, with antagonist thinkers in schools, universities and with the web net in virtual forums to promote a trigger for the attack.
Communal societies are well capable of escalation to all-out wars of annihilation between tribes. That perpetual animosity is showned in Daesh against the insuflating for muders and inflamation of Takifiri terrorism. The fundamentalism of warfare in tribes are based on total extermination, enslavery and conquest. "Wars between different tribes are in principle wars of extermination", and the terrorism nowadays promotes this psywar, raising the possibility of total extermination, with the acceptance of warfare in military operations, civilian upheaval and murdering agenda.
Communal societies are well capable of escalation to all-out wars of annihilation between tribes. That perpetual animosity is showned in Daesh against the insuflating for muders and inflamation of Takifiri terrorism. The fundamentalism of warfare in tribes are based on total extermination, enslavery and conquest. "Wars between different tribes are in principle wars of extermination", and the terrorism nowadays promotes this psywar, raising the possibility of total extermination, with the acceptance of warfare in military operations, civilian upheaval and murdering agenda.

Under the influentiable propagandas, the Daesh promotes constant spread of revenge, destruction, new paradigms of universalism, equality, going into the speeach of what the youth wants to hear. Revolting against the non-legitimate government, eployment, financial stability and belonging feeling into a society with freedom of thinking.
ISIS was raised to disrupt the Eurocentrist paradigm and put the control under a dome of elitist model, of enslave the world based in debts, and justifying the horrorific government of newborn control, warfare to crowd controling with religious warfare, that is the base for each justifying warfare, as humans are god's fearing, that's the only law humans can understand to a fight, and governments use it's way of psyops to promote this unconditional and eternal warfare.
It's a promotion of Endemic warfare, that consists in a ritual of perpetual continuals or frequent warfare, that formed in tribal societies, and is promoted by now. Based on metaphicical paradigms to justify a constant phisical conflicts.
This warfare consists in rituals, that permits courage, masculinity and expression of emotion while the causes of death is constant. This is a program that Daesh constant uses, with war songs, praying for going to a Hareen and keep on the practice of warfare. Feeling that conflict resolution or psycho-social exercise, the exchange of war to diplomacy is not good for the self.

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