Daesh promotes terror propaganda for Big Ben
Istalmic State Daesh promotes terror under the internet community and spreading previous fear to actions. It was first in World Cup in Brazil, than World Cup in Russna and now it's in England's society, with photoshop images promoting tourist points to chaotic places, with collages and visual effects.
The propaganda has the motive to promote enlistment of individuals who are out of borders of society, lonely youth to promote the recruitment of lone wolves and revolted youth that will simpatize to the causes and, if they do some action, the group will claim the authority of the terror action.
Other point is the psychologica propaganda, based in psyops principles of media and propaganda to spread fear in population, with a non-precise time of the action of even if the action will happen, but put the socity in constant fear.
Daesh is promoting the migration to other scenarios to promote this fear, because Syria and Iraq it's also lost the geographical position of influence.
The migration to south of Sri Lanka to attack christians and Bhuddists is an exemple of that 'returning home', with the conclusion that Daesh fight in their own soil was lost to the national governments and alieds, as Russia and Turkey. So, now, with the return to the starting point, ISIS claim back to offer Europe a new level of terror propaganda, as the Obama's administration finished, they have to turn back their activities to a new strategy to keep disrupting Europe, with no real support.

Daesh is promoting a fearless battle against the western coutnries, Europeans to be more precise, and the support for the anti-American feeling. That support the anti-Western politics against Israel and USA, but focussed in Europe, by global elite bankers to insuflate the migration crisis, the break of paradigm of nationalism returns and the new paradigm of the right wings returning to governments, the group is supporting this unstoppable fight.
The focus is not only Europe, but western Europe, that has the NATO's presence.
The idea is to support the holy war, justifying their actions in the great Islam nations, returning their presence to Europe's middla ages and medieval migration of muslims over the continent.
Now, the support for the holy warfare is beyiong the metaphysical fight, it's a territorial fight to control the drug routes, control the monetary funds over virtual money, gun control, sex traffick and geopolitcal presence. England is geographicaly strategic to the Daesh control over the borders of Europe from criminal activities.

ISIS supporters threaten to blow up Big Ben and attack New York in chilling new series of propaganda posters
ISIS has threatened London and New York using their online propaganda unit
One image shows a terrorist with a rocket launcher on Westminster Bridge
A second image shows a US soldier following an attack on Brooklyn Bridge
Terrorist Khalid Masood murdered five people on Westminster Bridge in 2017
In the first image, a terrorist is shown on Westminster Bridge looking northwards towards the Palace of Westminster.
It features a quote form the Koran, saying: 'Kill them wherever you find them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush.'
But conveniently excluded from the quote is the next verse: 'If any of the idolaters seeks of thee protection, grant him protection till he hears the words of God; then do thou convey him to his place of security.'
The second shows a US soldier fleeing from the site of a terrorist attack on Manhattan. The image shows Manhattan under attack.
ISIS has previously used online magazines to recruit terrorists and relay instructions about how to launch attacks.
The latest publication was uncovered by Site Intel Group, who investigate extremist organisations such as ISIS.
Westminster Bridge has already been the subject of an ISIS terrorist attack which led to the deaths of six people, including the terrorist Khalid Masood.
Among those murdered during the Westminster attack in March 2017 was PC Keith Palmer, who was stabbed 12 times with two knives by Masood.
An inquest into PC Palmer's death showed how the unarmed officer had bene let down by security procedures which stationed armed support too far away form him to provide sufficient backup.
Kurt Cochran, 54, Leslie Rhodes, 75, Aysha Frade, 44, and Andreea Cristea, 31, were also killed after being hit by the Hyundai being driven by Masood.
Masood crashed his car before stabbing PC Keith Palmer, 48, to death at the gates to the Palace of Westminster before being shot three times by police on March 22, 2017.

New ISIS Poster Flies Jihadi Flag Atop Big Ben
"The poster is captioned with a quote from the Quran (9:41) urging Muslims to engage in jihad: ‘Go forth, whether light or heavy, and strive with your wealth and your lives in the cause of Allah. That is better for you, if you only knew,'" according to MEMRI.
The latest propaganda poster is meant to galvanize radicalized individuals across the globe, particularly in London, which has been beset with terror attacks in recent months and years.
"The use of the image of Al-Adnani is a clear call to ISIS supporters to follow the orders he famously issued in several of his speeches, urging Muslims worldwide to carry out terror attacks in their own countries and by any means available to them," according to MEMRI. "Ash-Shaff Media has lately become one of the most prolific pro-ISIS producers of threatening posters."
While ISIS's so called caliphate across the Middle East has been vastly degraded by the Trump administration, the group continues to enjoy the support of radicalized individuals across the Middle East, Europe, and the United States.
With the group's strength diminished, it is relying on what are called "lone wolf" attackers to carryout continued operations.

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