Hybrid Aforism - The Amok proclamation of a Hybrid Warfare
The warfare that includes, into the military strategy, political wafare and blends of conventional warfare, irregular warfare, the tactics of RAM and technological warfare, including the capacity of Total War, devastation, insurrection, civil unrest, non linear agents, psycholocal warfare, media, fake news spread, terrorism, guerrilla and non direct combat like diplomacy, legal appliance and ideological clash.
The Hybrid Warfare can be used to describe a flexible and complex dynamics of the battlespace requiring an adaptable and resiliente response with the asymetric scenarios, including academic literature that promotes theoretics of the combat. Since Sun Tzu and Clausewitzian warfare, the irregular size of the forces can be described with hybrid conflics, as the technics of infiltration, assassination, destruction of the enemy and use of unequal capability of weapons were always used. The Punic Wars there was an irregular use of the force while Rome and Cartage were both in unequal sizes and unequal strategic capabilities.
The post Cold War resulted, with the Russian complexity of the warfare system of the Revolution in Military Warfare, with the a new paradigm of warfare, after the unipolar conventional hegemony and the rise of the new politics of USA with the idea of PNAC, the Conventional Western concepts of war are incompatible and fundamentally misaligned with the new realities of cyber warfare conceptions, new irregular agents into battle.
The linear conflicts can be defined by a sequential profress of the planned strategy by opposing sides, with (almost) equal forces and with the geographical position as essential to the maintenance of the conflic, while the NONLINEAR is the simultaneous deployment of multiple, complementary military and paramilitary agents and instruments at the long range conflicts, with the geography not so essential to the maintenance of the conflict, and the usage of cyber stape, air space with use of non tripulated aircrafts, use of media, etc.
Linear conflcits are defined by sequential progress of a planned strategy by opposing sides, whereas nonlinear is a simultaneous deployment of multiple, complementary military and non-military actors at these warfare tactics.
The NON-linear is fought when a state uses the conventional and irregular military in conjunction - completing each other - with psycholocigal, economic, political and cyber assaults, raising confusion and disprder and the use of weaponised information - about data, OSING, HUMINT and disinformation - exacerbating the perception of insecurity in the population as political, social and cultural identities, polarizing the society.
This 'blurring' dividies teh population, creating interest groups and powerful political organizations, exploiting their identities - the tactic of divide and conquer - additioning, nonlinear warfare tactics as deterrent towards as a more powerful ally of the besieged state.
The Ukrainian conflict can be described with the use of military force to the annexiation of Crimea followed by a subsequent civil war and use of civilian militias to direct conflict. The use of ideological schools can be described as essential to promote xenophobia, russophobia, contract of foreigners to support the conflict, use of militias and media was essential to this proccess.

The conventional Western concepts are incompatible to the twenty-first century, emerging of an unipolar post-Cold War world order, resulting a new paradigm. This change requires that U.S.A., NATO and allies to adopt a new legal, psychological and strategic understanding of Warfare and use of force, based on technology use and irregular actions, using small local conflicts in change of long range and direct clash.
The term "hybrid war" connotes that the use of conventional military force is supported by these irregular and cyber warfare tactics, in practical application. The Russian concept of 'nonlinear conflict' is an exemple of this HYBRID WARFARE Strategy.


A intersection between the total war, the hybrid warfare and the technological warfare is the core point that determines the hybrid scenario. The strategies goes for a complexity of the political usage to promote the direction which war can be drove.
The non-standart complexity of new adversaries, promotes a conflict between state or non-state action. The use of private companies at the combat zones and the civilian use for military intelligence, the drones and technology to promote interception of data is an exemple of how hybrid warfare level goes.
The adversaries are a combination of conventional and irregular methods and tactics, including conventional capabilities of artillery, aircrafts and infantry to irregular tactics of mercenaries, armed civilian, civil unrest, gangs, information, terrorist tactics, guerrilla, criminal activities and indiscriminate violence. The use of clandestine actions avoiding the attribution or aspirations, blended tactics, infrastructure damage and psychological terror.
Mass communication for propaganda and spread of fake news, raise of psychological operations and raise of psychological terrorism, promoting unconstant fear and uncertain attacks over the population, creating false flags and fake stories of an element of a hybrid warfare.
The raising chaos is a non-linear possibility that makes a constant conflict in the social organism, becoming a part of the nature of the natural proccess of the social dynamism.

Russia, Bosnian Serbs Dismiss ‘Paramilitary Unit’ Claims
By Mladen Lakic and Danijel Kovacevic
The Russian embassy and the office of the Bosnian Serb president have dismissed reports of a Russian-trained Bosnian Serb paramilitary unit as scaremongering.
The presidency of Bosnian Serb’s entity Republika Srpska and Russia’s embassy to Bosnia in separate statements on Saturday dismissed as “dangerous” reports that Bosnian Serb paramilitary units are being formed under the joint auspices of the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, and of Moscow.
“The [claim] that appeared on certain websites that President … Dodik with the support of Moscow is forming paramilitary units are extremely dangerous and are not in the function of informing citizens,” the presidency of Bosnia’s Serb-led entity said in a written statement.
“This is also confirmed by the fact that the author of the controversial text did not invite any verifiable facts that would indicate the accuracy of his allegations of the formation of such units in the Republika Srpska,” the statement added, noting that the cabinet of the Republika Srpska leader discarded such speculation.
On Friday, the local website Zurnal reported that a militia called “Serbian Honour”, which it said had been trained in the Russian-funded centre in Nis, Serbia, was in the process of setting up a paramilitary group that would used if need be against Dodik’s opponents.
The report included a picture of the group reportedly taken on Bosnian Serb entity’s “Statehood Day” on January 9 in Banja Luka, says one of the group’s leaders, Bojan Stojković, is a former Serbian paratrooper who trained in Moscow and had been awarded a medal there by a Russian general.
The report on the news site comes at a time of mounting concern in the West about Russian efforts to destabilise the Balkans in order to slow NATO enlargement in the region.
On Friday, Dragan Mektić, Bosnia’s security minister and member of the Serbian Democratic Party, the main opposition party in Republika Srpska, said the intelligence and security services were aware of the presence and activities of the group.
“There is information about this whole matter; we even managed to document certain things. In the end, you saw people in uniforms in the pictures; that it is enough for it to be taken seriously,” Mektic told BIRN on Saturday.
“I do not expect the Prosecution to work on this case, based on their previous work, but will send them documentation at the beginning of the next week, that is the only way we can work,” Mektic added.
He could not comment further on details in the report, he said. Last year, Mektic accused Dodik of being involved in different criminal affairs, but none of the accusations ended up in a court case.
Russia’s embassy to Bosnia on Saturday meanwhile dismissed the accusation as nonsense and fabrication.
“We do not consider it worthwhile to comment on this stupidity and series of ridiculous fabrications that have been transmitted by some media,” the embassy said in a statement.
Srdjan Puhalo, Banja Luka-based political analyst, told BIRN that whether true or not, any reports about paramilitary units would raise tensions in the country, especially ahead of general elections due in the autumn.
“This can also be seen as part of the election campaign. Above all, it is about creating a climate of distrust and fear, which is the result of the calculation of domestic politicians,” he said.
“Information about alleged paramilitary units often appears in Bosnia, but without any concrete evidence,” he added.
“Not so long ago, we had a similar story in the Federation [entity] when a member of the Bosnian Presidency, Bakir Izetbegovic, was accused of creating a private army,” he noted.
In November, the Serbian newspaper Vecernje Novosti reported that Izetbegovic is forming a secret military unit which also created tension even though no evidence for it emerged.
It turned out that the story was based on the activities of the Airsoft Club in Bosnia. Members said that a TV station based in Banja Luka had used pictures of their members to publish lies.
Turning to the group alleged formed in the RS, Puhalo continued: “This group in the RS is marginal. They have no influence; they do not matter except they look scary. However, they have now become famous.”
U.S. Military use civilian contractors in combat zones
In 2014 American troops began returning to Iraq. By early 2015 there were over 3,000 American troops in Iraq and about as many contractor civilians. Most of the contractors take care of supply and service tasks, in effect running bases used by American troops and government officials. Some of these civilians are armed. Then there are the PSC (Private Security Contractors).
A lot of them were used in Iraq after 2003 and continued to be used in Afghanistan and Iraq to guard bases, convoys, embassies, and anything or anyone the Islamic terrorists want to attack. In Iraq PSC strength peaked in 2009, with 15,279 PSC personnel. By 2013, after nearly all American troops had left, there were still over 3,000 PSCs there, mostly protecting embassy personnel and foreign aid officials. Another 3,000 such civilian contractors were doing non-combat jobs.
At that time the U.S. employed about 18,000 PSC personnel worldwide. The 11,000 or so in Afghanistan not only provide security but also train Afghan police and assist in destroying opium and heroin production. All this PSC activity gets little media coverage and even less interest by reporters regarding the ancient origins of PSCs (and military contractors in general) and how the United States had been using them for centuries.
Instead the media and entertainment industries decided that military contractors were the new bad guys and expended considerable effort inventing and publicizing anything evil about contractors that could be passed off as plausible. This led politicians to demand that many contractor jobs be given back to government employees. This was called "insourcing" and once the implications of this were clearly explained (more expensive, less competent), calls for it to happen disappeared.
The problem, from the beginning, is that the media either didn't understand the use, and history, of military contractors or just ignored that reality. The fact of the matter is that contractors have been around for thousands of years and have become more common in the last fifty years for the simple reason that they are cheaper and more effective than using troops or government employees. Ordering insourcing didn't change that fact of life, as the politicians quickly learned.
The presence of so many civilian contractors in the combat zone was first noted by the mass media in Iraq. There were a lot of contractors there and by 2009 there was one civilian contractor for each member of the military in Iraq. Thus half the American force was civilians. Yet this is not the first time this has happened. In the 1990s, half the American peacekeeping force in the Balkans was civilian contractors. No one noticed it back then. In past wars the percentage varied. During the 1991 Gulf war contractors were only about two percent of the force. That was because the U.S. troops came to liberate Kuwait and leave. Moreover, Saudi Arabia, and other Gulf States, had bases and plenty of civilian workers they allowed U.S. forces to use for the operation. The American troops basically lived "in the field" as they would in a conventional war while local civilians took care of many support tasks.
In the Vietnam War, where U.S. troops were there for a long time, contractors were 16 percent of the force. In the Korean War civilians were 28 percent of the force. During World War II it was 12 percent, it was 4 percent in World War I, during the U.S. Civil War it was 17 percent, during the Mexican-American War it was 15 percent, and during the Revolutionary War it was 18 percent. It was not just the U.S. that was using contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan but many other nations around the world have been doing the same thing. It's particularly popular in Europe, but even Russia and China are picking up on this. And this has been going on everywhere for a long time.
This current trend is actually a return to the past, when many of the "non-combat" troops were civilians. Another major change in modern times is the shrinking proportion of troops who actually fight. A century ago most armies comprised over 80 percent fighters and the rest "camp followers (support troops) in uniform." Today the ratio is reversed and therein resides a major problem. Way back in the day, the support troops were called "camp followers," and they took care of supply, support, medical care, maintenance, and "entertainment" (that's where the term "camp follower" got a bad name). The majority of these people were men and some of them were armed, mainly for defending the camp if the combat troops got beat real bad and needed somewhere to retreat to. The military is using a lot more civilians now. In an age when most troops are highly paid volunteers, it's cheaper to hire additional civilians, on short term contracts, than it is to recruit and train more troops.
The U.S. military has actually been hiring contractors, more and more, since the 1960s, but does not give a lot of publicity to the program. This was mainly because of some of the contractors, especially those in medical jobs, get paid far more than someone in uniform doing the same job. But most of the civilians, hired to do what was previously done by soldiers, are making as much, or less, than the troops (including benefits).
Some American generals have suggested dispense with expensive contractors because they believe these people are much more expensive than soldiers would be, doing the same work. That is not always possible, as some of these contractors are technical specialists (as in electronics and communications) for which the military has no counterparts. This has always been the case with medical personnel and with the explosion in new tech in the last half century the need for highly skilled personnel has grown enormously.
The military has always had a lot of civilians around but more of them are now doing jobs in combat zones or out in the field. Many of the PSCs are retired military or have served for a few years. They know the drill and what they are getting into. There is not as much of this in Afghanistan but there is widespread use of armed contractors for convoy escort and base security. You could try to replace some of these because not as many troops are needed in Afghanistan as in Iraq. But this would require more American troops to serve overseas, at a time when the military is trying to give the troops more time at home. Most American active duty and reservist troops have served at least one 12 month tour in Iraq.
One of the great revolutions in military operations in this century has been in the enormous increase in support troops. This came after a sharp drop in the proportion of camp followers in the 18th and 19th centuries. Before that it was common for an army on the march to consist of 10-20 percent soldiers and the rest camp followers. There was a reason for this. Armies "in the field" were camping out and living rough could be unhealthy and arduous if you didn't have a lot of servants along to take care of the camping equipment and help out with the chores. Generals usually had to allow a lot of camp followers in order to get the soldiers, especially the officers and key technical people (who handled artillery and engineering) to go along with the idea of campaigning.
Only the most disciplined armies could do away with all those camp followers and get the troops to do their own housekeeping. The Romans had such an army, with less than half the "troops" being camp followers. But the Romans system was not re-invented until the 18th century, when many European armies trained their troops to do their own chores in the field, just as the Romans had. In the 19th century, steamships and railroads came along and made supplying the troops even less labor intensive and more dependent on civilian support "troops." The widespread introduction of conscription in the 19th century also made it possible to get most of your "camp followers" cheap by drafting them and putting them in uniform.
In the last half century conscription has fallen out of favor, but volunteer troops are too expensive to be used for a lot of support jobs, so more and more of these chores are contracted out to civilians. Even if you're in Iraq or Afghanistan you often won't even notice a lot of the contractor civilians. They often wear army combat uniforms, without any rank insignia. Some are armed. They work for the army without being in the army. But the truth of the situation is that the military has been going back to the past to find the future.
Generals who try to get rid of civilian contractors soon face resistance from subordinate commanders who will point out that more troops assigned to support jobs will mean fewer available for combat.
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