Azov - The Ukraine Response to Globailists
About the most efective paramilitary groups, the one that deserves attention is the Ukraine Fist and Muscle, the Azov Battalion, spawned in 2014, founded as a voluteer paramilitary group, have became the most prominent paramilitary groups, maybe more than Mexican Los Zetas, with the full power capabilit of make front with Russian army and paramilitaries. Despite of this, the group are into patrolling the borders.
The Group was founded by Ultras from the Soccer Club Futbolniy Klub Metalist amd the Hooligans that make the paramilitary activity in urban guerrilla and front against the Russian occupation in the Euromaidan, fighting the pro-Russian separatists in Ukraine East and Dombass. The group raised till become a paramilitary group, becoming a part of the regiment of the National Guard and than after the government approved the law that incorporates the paramilitary factions pro-government to the armed forces, it became a Paramilitary Group with legal activities. This law was criticized by the Russian government and UN and Human Rights NGOs.
In 2017 the group started a political party, an ultranationalist party that oposes both to the Russian government as NATO and UE about the entering ot Ukraine to the organisms.
Because of the political activities the international focus, pointing as negative politician started to blame on Azov, since from accusations to war crimes to the neo-nazist ideology.
The war crimes that international conventions blame on Azov is the executions out-of-court, kidnap, destruction of religious places, torture and persecution. The group denies the accusations. Some of the groups point also recruitment of child soldires.
The use of the Kolovrat as a symbol of the batallion makes the international media blame the Azov as a Neo-nazist group, but the Kolovrat is a symbol of the Slavonic Paganism, returning the traditionalism to the Ukraine, symbolizing the ideology of the batallion against the internationalism, globalization, and evoking the traditionalism and nationalism.
The Battalion affirms the recruitment of foreign paramilitary and ex-militaries from Russia, Georgia, Romania, Germany, English, French, Lebanese and other ex-Sovietic Republic country citizens.
The group is being in a vacuum of power in Ukraine of the ultranationalist members and anti-globalisation that want the return of the nationalism to Ukraine, out of NATO and EU, starting a self-sustainable economicaly and military country.
The ideology that raised on Ukraine is that the international bankers financed the paramilitary groups against the Russia, to promote the disrupt of the Russian influence geopoliticaly and can insert the international banks in Russia, indebtedness the region, if Russia loses the leadership in Eurasia, will be very difficult to take on USA position in Eurasia projection, and Turkey and Middle East will become weak to guard their autority.
Ukraine has the capability on promote the autonomy and a military capability to secure the Eurasia together, both countries not being allies, but close political relations, but the historical ex-Sovietic Republic has made it difficult to assure that Ukraine and Russia being closed to the internaional treat.
Returning to the Azov Battalion, the group has the capability of Long Range conflict, capable to ensure victory in fronts with Russian Army and Russian Paramilitary groups, as Wagner Group, that acts in Donbass. The irregular conflict makes the full capability of the group act in small battles that are done by influence of ideology, recruitment of local people, propaganda and nowadays, the groups has a higher number than the Ukraine Army of soldiers and combat cars.
The capability of action in hybrid conflicts, to the total disruption of the order in a traditional battle, from small paramilitary activites, the group acts in technologic way, insurrection, infantry, artillery and special operations and Anti-Terrorist Operations the (A.T.O.) and also, has a division they call Misantrhopic Division, to promote the recruitment of ultranationalists to go to Ukraine, with pagan ideology and symbology.
The post-Blackwater era became marked to the irregular conflicts, and the Azov is, again, in the vaccuum of power, with lack of involvement to international order, they are fighting against Russians but they are isolated from NATO and EU, becoming a solitary group with extreme ideology and capability to make, also, a coup d'etat, to promote the Ukraine total independence.
This extreme point, is hard to happens, but they have this capability, becaus they treated to direct the fight to Kiev, returning to the principal city, the fight could affect directly the government.

Neo-Nazi groups recruit Britons to fight in Ukraine
Neo-Nazi groups involved in the fighting in Ukraine are actively seeking to recruit British far-right activists, a leading anti-fascist watchdog has warned.
At least two Britons are thought to have travelled to the war-torn eastern European country in recent months after encouragement by people linked to the Azov battalion, a notorious Ukrainian fascist militia, according to Hope Not Hate.
The warning comes only four days after the outgoing head of UK counter-terrorism policing, Mark Rowley, revealed that four far-right terror plots had been foiled in 2017 and extreme right groups were seeking to build international networks.
According to Hope Not Hate, a group named the Misanthropic Division, which is linked to the Azov battalion, is working with representatives of UK-based far-right groups, including the proscribed terror organisation National Action and a London-based Polish ultra-nationalist group, to recruit activists to travel to Ukraine.
However, Hope Not Hate said it believed only two or three people had so far left Britain to fight in Ukraine, “and it appears none came via the ranks of the established far right”.
But Rowley underlined the threat posed by such links in a speech on Monday, saying of National Action: “For the first time we have a home-grown, proscribed, white supremacist, neo-Nazi terror group, which seeks to plan attacks and build international networks.”
Releasing its annual State of Hate report on Friday, Hope Not Hate put membership of UK far-right groups at 600-700 people, significantly lower than at times in the past, and said “traditional far-right parties like the British National party and the National Front are now almost extinct”.
“There is a paradox to the far right in Britain today. Organisationally, the movement is weaker than it has been for 25 years,” the watchdog said. “Yet, at the same time, the far right poses a bigger threat – in terms of violence and promotion of its vile views, particularly anti-Muslim views, than it has in many years.
“The threat is evolving. As traditional British far-right groups collapse, far-right-inspired terrorism is on the rise. Replacing old-fashioned racial nationalism is anti-Muslim hatred. Today’s key activists tend to be younger, operate online and have little of the obvious ‘Nazi’ baggage of their predecessors.”
The Hope Not Hate report identifies an “emerging younger generation of far-right activists who are tech savvy, avoid the stereotyped ‘looks’ of the past, and are growing in size and influence”.
The watchdog’s chief executive, Nick Lowles, said: “Coupled with the collapse of the British National party, which has convinced some hardliners that there is now no parliamentary route to fascism, and the Islamist terrorist attacks last year which led directly to four terrorist attacks or attempted attacks in response, and a worsening public perception of British Muslims and Islam generally, we must be prepared for more terrorist plots and use of extreme violence from the far right for the foreseeable future.”
In his speech on Monday, Rowley said: “The rightwing threat was not previously organised. Every now and then, there’s been an individual motivated by that rhetoric who has committed a terrorist act. But we’ve not had an organised rightwing threat like we do now.”
In February, Darren Osborne was jailed for life after being convicted of carrying out a terror attack on Muslims in Finsbury Park, north London, in 2017. The jury heard he had become radicalised over just a few weeks by content posted online by figures such as the former English Defence League leader Tommy Robinson, as well as Britain First and other groups.
In a statement, Ben Wallace, the UK’s security minister, said: “This government did not hesitate to proscribe a neo-Nazi group, National Action, when the evidence was enough, and we will not hesitate to take further action. We have continued to enforce this by proscribing National Action’s known aliases, Scottish Dawn and NS131 as well.
“Through our Prevent strategy, we are successfully fighting back against the terrorist recruiters and safeguarding vulnerable people who are being preyed upon – whether by Islamists, neo-Nazis or other violent extremists. At its heart, this report shines a light on the growth of intolerance across the UK and Europe and we should all take a stand against extremism, whether it is expressed by far right, Islamist groups or other movements.”

Azov fighters are Ukraine's greatest weapon and may be its greatest threat
"I have nothing against Russian nationalists, or a great Russia," said Dmitry, as we sped through the dark Mariupol night in a pickup truck, a machine gunner positioned in the back. "But Putin's not even a Russian. Putin's a Jew."
Dmitry – which he said is not his real name – is a native of east Ukraine and a member of the Azov battalion, a volunteer grouping that has been doing much of the frontline fighting in Ukraine's war with pro-Russia separatists. The Azov, one of many volunteer brigades to fight alongside the Ukrainian army in the east of the country, has developed a reputation for fearlessness in battle.
But there is an increasing worry that while the Azov and other volunteer battalions might be Ukraine's most potent and reliable force on the battlefield against the separatists, they also pose the most serious threat to the Ukrainian government, and perhaps even the state, when the conflict in the east is over. The Azov causes particular concern due to the far right, even neo-Nazi, leanings of many of its members.
Dmitry claimed not to be a Nazi, but waxed lyrical about Adolf Hitler as a military leader, and believes the Holocaust never happened. Not everyone in the Azov battalion thinks like Dmitry, but after speaking with dozens of its fighters and embedding on several missions during the past week in and around the strategic port city of Mariupol, the Guardian found many of them to have disturbing political views, and almost all to be intent on "bringing the fight to Kiev" when the war in the east is over.
The battalion's symbol is reminiscent of the Nazi Wolfsangel, though the battalion claims it is in fact meant to be the letters N and I crossed over each other, standing for "national idea". Many of its members have links with neo-Nazi groups, and even those who laughed off the idea that they are neo-Nazis did not give the most convincing denials.
"Of course not, it's all made up, there are just a lot of people who are interested in Nordic mythology," said one fighter when asked if there were neo-Nazis in the battalion. When asked what his own political views were, however, he said "national socialist". As for the swastika tattoos on at least one man seen at the Azov base, "the swastika has nothing to do with the Nazis, it was an ancient sun symbol," he claimed.
The battalion has drawn far-right volunteers from abroad, such as Mikael Skillt, a 37-year-old Swede, trained as a sniper in the Swedish army, who described himself as an "ethnic nationalist" and fights on the front line with the battalion.
Despite the presence of these elements, Russian propaganda that claims Kiev's "fascist junta" wants to cleanse east Ukraine of Russian speakers is overblown. The Azov are a minority among the Ukrainian forces, and even they, however unpleasant their views may be, are not anti-Russian; in fact the lingua franca of the battalion is Russian, and most have Russian as their first language.
Indeed, much of what Azov members say about race and nationalism is strikingly similar to the views of the more radical Russian nationalists fighting with the separatist side. The battalion even has a Russian volunteer, a 30-year-old from St Petersburg who refused to give his name. He said he views many of the Russian rebel commanders positively, especially Igor Strelkov, a former FSB officer who has a passion for military re-enactments and appears to see himself as a tsarist officer. He "wants to resurrect a great Russia, said the volunteer; but Strelkov is "only a pawn in Putin's game," he said, and he hoped that Russia would some time have a "nationalist, violent Maidan" of its own.
On one afternoon earlier this week the Guardian travelled with a group of Azov fighters to hand over several boxes of bullets to Ukrainian border guards. During an artillery attack outside Mariupol in the days before, the border guards had come to the rescue of a group of Azov fighters, and the bullets were their way of saying thank you. "Everything in this war is based on personal links; Kiev does nothing," explained the Azov's Russian volunteer, as we sped towards a checkpoint in a civilian Chevrolet; the boot full with the boxes of bullets and rocket-propelled grenade launchers; one of the windows shot out by gunfire during a recent battle.
"This is how it works. You go to some hot spot, they see you're really brave, you exchange phone numbers, and next time you can call in a favour. If you need an artillery strike you can call a general and it will take three hours and you'll be dead. Or you can call the captain or major commanding the artillery battalion and they will help you out straight away. We are Azov and they know that if they ever needed it, we would be there for them."
For the commanders and the generals in Kiev, who many in Azov and other volunteer battalions see as responsible for the awful losses the Ukrainian army has suffered in recent weeks, especially in the ill-fated retreat from Ilovaysk, there was only contempt. "Generals like those in charge of Ilovaysk should be imprisoned for treason," said Skillt. "Heads are going to roll for sure, I think there will be a battle for power."
The Ukrainian armed forces are "an army of lions led by a sheep", said Dmitry, and there is only so long that dynamic can continue. With so many armed, battle-hardened and angry young men coming back from the front, there is a danger that the rolling of heads could be more than a metaphor. Dmitry said he believes that Ukraine needs "a strong dictator to come to power who could shed plenty of blood but unite the nation in the process".
Many in the Azov battalion with whom the Guardian spoke shared this view, which is a long way from the drive for European ideals and democracy that drove the protests in Kiev at the beginning. The Russian volunteer fighting with the Azov said he believes Ukraine needs "a junta that will restrict civil rights for a while but help bring order and unite the country". This disciplinarian streak was visible in the battalion. Drinking is strictly forbidden. "One time there was a guy who got drunk, but the commander beat him in his face and legs until he could not move; then he was kicked out," recalled one fighter proudly.
Other volunteer battalions have also come under the spotlight. This week, Amnesty International called on the Ukrainian government to investigate rights abuses and possible executions by the Aidar, another battalion.
"The failure to stop abuses and possible war crimes by volunteer battalions risks significantly aggravating tensions in the east of the country and undermining the proclaimed intentions of the new Ukrainian authorities to strengthen and uphold the rule of law more broadly," said Salil Shetty, Amnesty International secretary general, in Kiev.
Fighters from the battalion told the Guardian last month they expected a "new revolution" in Ukraine that would bring a more decisive military leader to power, in sentiments similar to those of many Azov fighters.
Despite the desire of many in the Azov to bring violence to Kiev when the war in the east is over, the battalion receives funding and assistance from the governor of Donetsk region, the oligarch Serhiy Taruta. An aide to Taruta, Alex Kovzhun, said the political views of individual members of Azov were not an issue, and denied that the battalion's symbol had Nazi undertones.
"The views of some of them is their own affair as long as they do not break the law," said Kovzhun in written answers to questions. "And the symbol is not Nazi. Trust me – some of my family died in concentration camps, so I have a well-developed nose for Nazi shit."
As well as their frontline duties, the Azov battalion also functions as "a kind of police unit", said a platoon commander who goes by the nom de guerre Kirt. A medieval history buff who takes part in Viking battle reenactments and once ran a tour firm in Thailand, Kirt returned to east Ukraine to join the Azov. He took the Guardian on an overnight patrol through the outskirts of Mariupol and the villages around the front line.
Part separatist hunters, part city cops with no rules to restrain them, they travelled in a convoy of three vehicles, all heavily armed. As midnight approached we set off across the bumpy tarmac roads to the outskirts of Mariupol, and soon came across a parked car by the side of the road that the men found suspicious.
Fighters dashed from the front two cars and rushed at the vehicle pointing their guns at it. A startled man got out of the passenger seat, then a sheepish looking woman in a cocktail dress and holding a half-smoked cigarette emerged, smoothing her hair. The Azov fighters apologised, but only after demanding documents and thoroughly searching the car.
As we edged closer to the front line, Kirt and the others scanned the skyline with binoculars, on the lookout for snipers and separatists. Later, fighters sprinted towards a suspicious jeep parked on the beach while the sea was scanned for hostile support vessels, but it turned out that again the men had stumbled upon people just trying to have a good time: a group of women drinking sparkling wine out of plastic cups on the beachfront.
The Azov have been partially brought into the military and officially function as a special police unit. There are discussions that Azov and other battalions could be integrated into the army or special forces when the conflict is over.
Some of them, however, are hoping Ukraine will look very different in the not-so-distant future. And while they may be a tiny minority when it comes to Ukraine as a whole, they have a lot of weapons.
President Petro Poroshenko will be killed in a matter of months, Dmitry said, and a dictator will come to power.
"What are the police going to do? They could not do anything against the peaceful protesters on Maidan; they are hardly going to withstand armed fighting units."

Ветеран "Азова" отказался пожать руку Порошенко. Видео
Ветеран полка "Азов" Национальной гвардии Олег Толмачев отказался пожать руку президенту Украины Петру Порошенко во время вручения наград победителям национального отбора на "Игры непокоренных". Видео инцидента 14 мая в Facebook разместила партия "Национальный корпус". Бывший боец поприветствовал всех участников торжественной церемонии, однако главу государства проигнорировал. Порошенко в ответ попытался похлопать его по плечу.
В комментарии интернет-изданию UA1 Толмачев объяснил, что его возмутило "скучное выступление Порошенко, во время которого он хвастался тем, что инициирует создание отдельного министерства помощи ветеранам и участникам боевых действий".
"Уже четыре года идет война, и он давно должен был заняться этим. Еще совсем некстати рассказывал о своем визите в Германию и еще о каких-то недодостижениях", – сказал он.
По мнению ветерана, если бы Порошенко "не затянул войну", количество раненных на Донбассе бойцов могло быть значительно меньшим.
Толмачев во время нацотбора стал дважды бронзовым призером в гребле на эргометре на дистанциях в одну и четыре минуты. Ветеран родом из Черкасской области. Один из первых добровольцев полка "Азов". Летом 2014 года был ранен в бою под Мариуполем, у поселка Сартана Донецкой области.
"Игры непокоренных" (Invictus Games) – международные спортивные соревнования в паралимпийском стиле среди военнослужащих и ветеранов, основанные принцем Уэльским Гарри в 2014 году.
Ukrainian PM: Only the Azov Battalion has the capability of organizing a coup in Ukraine
The People’s Deputy of Ukraine, Volodymyr Parasyuk, stated on Ukraine TV Channel 112 that only the Azov Battalion, which is a part of National Guard of Ukraine, could possibly organize a coup in Ukraine. Parasyuk clarified that the assertion is only theoretical, and not an indication that Azov battalion has any intention of staging a coup.
“We had power to organize a coup in Ukraine and this is a fact. I can say that there were many more organizations in 2014 that were able to do this. However, now, there is only one left. It is my colleague in Parliament who created Azov Battalion. It is powerful, well-structured and a primarily ideological organization that is capable of organizing a coup. I can’t tell you whether they would go for it. It depends on their ambitions, their vision,” the People’s Deputy said.
Parasyuk noted that the rest of the volunteer battalions were deliberately weakened or taken under control in order to reduce their danger to the government. “Poroshenko has done all in his power to make volunteer battalions so inefficient that now the rest of battalions no longer pose a threat. Only Azov remained independent of the Presidential Administration. Its survival probably depends on Avakov but he doesn’t have a good dialogue with Poroshenko,” Parasyuk said.
The People’s Deputy noted that the Right Sector (Pravyi Sektor) would have more difficulty staging a coup. “There is also the Right Sector that is now experiencing information war and being discredited every day. The Right Sector has capabilities, it’s a possible option but they don’t have centralized supply of resources like Azov,” Parasyuk stated.
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