Monsanto and Bayer project to Brazil! Shit overnment Destroys the Population to the Globalism
Monsanto closes first startup deal in Brazil
The biotech giant is backing Grão Direto, a platform digitizing the grain buying and selling chain.
Monsanto Growth Ventures (MGV) has made its first direct investment in Brazil in Grão Direto, a platform digitizing the grain buying and selling chain.
Alongside Canary and the creators of OpenVC fund, Monsanto will invest R$ 2.3 million in the development and growth of the Minas Gerais-based venture in what is the first direct investment for MGV since its inception in 2011.
Grão Direto offers a web platform for computers and smartphone applications, which helps farmers and buyers find the best deals with much more efficiency and security.
The main proposition of the platform is creating a more agile, practical and secure process for grain sales, currently done over the phone.
"Buyers currently contact farmers by telephone to trade grain. This process takes a lot of time and money. At Grão Direto, buyers and sellers with greater potential to do business are connected through the system and can directly negotiate their prices, delivery conditions, deadlines and any other important aspects for closing. The negotiation can be securely done through the system," says Alexandre Borges, founder at Grão Direto.
The startup launched its application about 18 months ago and the platform has more than 1,300 registered grain producers based in the Brazilian states of Minas Gerais and Goiás. On the buyers' side, there are more than 70 companies that have used the platform from cooperatives to feed factories and brokers.
With the new capital, Grão Direto wants to further accelerate the development of its products and services, in addition to setting up partnerships with other technology companies and financial institutions to enhance the business chain around grain with technology.

The funding will also be used to expand its operation into other key grain producing and purchasing regions of Brazil, which will in turn require more staff.
Back in 2016, Monsanto and Microsoft formed a partnership to invest in technology startups focusing on the agribusiness segment in Brazil.
Brazilian soil one more time will be the test for the population reduction, during the World Cup, the party of the alienated people about the sixth time championship of Brazil, there is a discussion about the new law of agrochemicals by the deputies that exposes the growing crack among environmentalists and ruralists, one of the many rivalries that mark the polarized Brazilian political and social scene. For some, the Chamber debates a "poison package", for others, the country is facing the "Safer Food Law".
The reality is that Monsanto is involved to it, and using other laboratories to create a form of it seems to be safe, the money invested on it is enough to get the deputy chamber pro the decision. Also, the moment is timely, in the World Cup and the investiment by local governments in public parties.
According to Huffington post, the discussion in the chamber is about the authorization of use of pesticides in Brazil. Currently, the Ministry of Agriculture is responsible for registering these products, but only if it has the endorsement of the National Sanitary Surveillance Agency (Anvisa), which assesses the toxic effects on human health, and the Brazilian Institute of the Environment (IBAMA). responsible for verifying the environmental risk.
It is not clear what can be an unacceptable risk, which made the opposition deputies request about what can be acceptable, if these new pesticides can cause risk of cancer of other malformation of new born, or the development of new generation.
"There is no safe limit to exposure, and risk assessment points to a probability that an event will happen." It will set boundaries, thresholds, numbers, but if we know from science that a pesticide is capable of causing a mutation, cancer, it is unethical to leave people exposed to this product, "said the toxologist Márcia Sarpa, of the National Cancer Institute (Inca). Scientific studies pointed that the exposure to pesticides is a risk factor for developing breast, prostate and brain cancer.
The change in the law is defended by the ruralist group shows that the bureaucracy and the lack of participation of the society in the legal proccess. The informal name of the Parliamentary Front of Agriculture (FPA), and also has the support of agrochemical manufacturers. Also, attending the lobby of the monopoly of the companies,among them are Switzerland's Syngenta, the US-based Dow Chemicals and Germany's Basf and Bayer - which has just joined Monsanto - whose worldwide results are significantly impacted by their performance in Brazil, started a marketing game to hide the negative impacts of the agrochemicals.
For the ruralists, the text brings changes capable of "modernizing" the way the country deals with agrochemicals. The central point of complaint is the bureaucracy involving the registration of such substances.
The real question is that there is a lobby in between the government that rules for the giant enterprises, that are trying to control the environment and make the population as slaves and starting to promote the the control of the formation of the new generations, for some generations, not only malformation, but sterility and infertility can be seem, also the new vegetarian way of life will be totally affected. The other option will be organic food, but it's more expensive to get, making another lobby grow and raise more money.
Monsanto is trying to promote the control of the most part of environment, together Microsoft and Bayer, they are promoting the new usage of agrochemicals and the other companies are billing in the factory of antibiotics, promoting the lobby of pharmaceutics and laboratories.à-copa-deputados-discutem-mudança-na-lei-de-agrotóxicos/ar-AAz8PAfóxico-com-novo-nome-mas-batizado-pelos-de-sempre/ar-AAxntyD
Brazil approves Bayer's global move to merge with Monsanto
A total of 29 countries and international market-regulation entities
Publicado em 09/02/2018 - 16:06 Por Pedro Rafael Vilela reports from Agência Brasil Brasília
Brazil's antitrust agency CADE (Administrative Council for Economic Defense) voted 4-2 to approve the merger of the two biggest agribusiness corporations on the planet—the acquisition of US Monsanto Company by German Bayer. The transaction, announced in 2016 as costing $66 billion, creates a conglomerate of agricultural pesticides and seeds with over 140 thousand employees, active in at least 75 countries, and business adding up to a yearly $25.8 billion.
To approve the move, CADE accepted Bayer's proposal to divest assets and soy and cotton seed businesses, as well as the sector of non-selective glufosinate-ammonium-based herbicides, which will be transferred to another giant in the sector, Basf, in an operation estimated at $7 billion.
Under the tie-up, Bayer and Monsanto have proposed “behavioral commitments” like transparency in commercial policies, as well as the banning of exclusivity in sale channels, product tying, and bundling. They also agreed on the broad, non-exclusive licensing of their products.
Deals must be monitored by independent watchdogs, CADE reported.
A total of 29 countries and international market-regulation entities have been notified of the merger. Half of them are yet to issue a statement, including antitrust agencies in the US and the EU.
Translated by Fabrício Ferreira
Fonte: Brazil approves Bayer's global move to merge with Monsanto

Brazilian antitrust agency approves Bayer-Monsanto tie-up
BRASILIA (Reuters) - Brazilian antitrust agency Cade on Wednesday approved Bayer AG’s (BAYGn.DE) proposed takeover of U.S. seeds company Monsanto Co MON.N without requiring further asset sales beyond a global proposal announced last October.
Cade’s commissioners voted 4-2 in favor of the tie-up under an agreement, negotiated between the companies and global antitrust agencies, that included the sale of several of Bayer’s assets to BASF SE (BASFn.DE).
Approval of the transaction in Brazil, a powerhouse producer of grains and other agricultural commodities, clears a crucial hurdle for the deal, which the companies initially aimed to have approved by the end of 2017.
The transaction, valued at $66 billion when announced in September 2016, would create the world’s largest seeds and pesticides company. The value of the deal has since been revised to $63.5 billion as Monsanto reduced its debt load. [IFR3fvQLn]
The companies are waiting for approval of the deal in jurisdictions including the European Union and the United States, where final rulings are still pending.
In Brazil, the transaction faced fierce opposition from soy and cotton growers as well as seed producers who thought it would give the combining companies excessive market power.
Rachel Mendonça, an attorney who represented three associations against the deal, highlighted Cade’s imposition of limits on licensing and sales practices by the new company, but conceded she had lost the argument for more asset sales in Brazil.
Earlier this week, Bayer said in a statement it had proposed solutions to allay antitrust concerns in the EU. Bayer had agreed to sell seed and herbicide businesses to BASF for 5.9 billion euros ($7.24 billion). It emerged this week the offer would also involve divestments of vegetable seeds business in some EU countries, a source familiar with the matter said.
Most of Cade’s board said those measures would be enough to address antitrust concerns laid out by its technical staff in October, when it recommended the deal be blocked or approved with conditions.
Reporting by Bruno Federowski and Leonardo Goy; Additional reporting by Ana Mano in São Paulo; Writing by Bruno Federowski and Ana Mano; Editing by Tom Brown and Paul Simao

Monsanto, Microsoft to invest in agricultural technology in Brazil
SAO PAULO (Reuters) - U.S. biotech company Monsanto Co and Microsoft Corp announced on Monday a partnership to invest in agricultural technology startups in Brazil.
Monsanto will join a Brazilian investment fund with up to 300 million reais ($92 million), managed by Microsoft, evaluating ideas for new digital tools to be applied to agricultural production in the country, executives said.
Selected ideas will receive initial funding of up to 1.5 million reais ($459,000) for early development. Project owners will have the option to pay back the investment after three years or convert the money into equity.
“We want to foster new startups in the agricultural sector. There is a vast area for research and development,” Rodrigo Santos, head of Monsanto in Latin America, told reporters on the sidelines of the Global Agribusiness Forum (GAF 2016).
Technology company Qualcomm is also investing in the fund.
Billionaire George Soros was the main supporter behind the legalization efforts in Uruguay. The Philanthropist and one of the wealthiest in the legalization movement, has quite a vested interest in Monsanto. On his 2013 NASDAQ Top Ten stocks, it showed 0.62% of his portfolio are shares of Monsanto. Soros currently owns over 632,000 shares of Monsanto, valued at over $75,000,000. Since 1984, Soros put in over $80 Million of his own money, funneled through the Drug Policy Alliance and his network of other nonprofits, towards marijuana legalization efforts. Monsanto was the first biotech firm to establish offices in Uruguay after legalization of marijuana. Monsanto denies any involvement in the area of GMO marijuana research on their website, yet there are rumors that Monsanto has already patented medical marijuana, or are attempting to do so in Uruguay. In the US, George Soros has been behind almost every state initiative and legalization effort in the last year with his organizations and donations, as seen in a Washington Times article.
A German Researcher, William Engdahl, states that Monsanto is already underway with patenting in Uruguay. Since a plant cannot be patented, major pharmaceutical companies in 1990 began discussing the need to look further into genetic modification. Bayer and other pharmaceutical agencies, including Monsanto, all agreed to sharing access to each other’s data technology. Engdahl concluded that, to secure profitable patents, genetic engineering would be required. The collusion of the bio-techs and pharmaceutical firms supports this conclusion.
The Daily Bell Reported:
Now the cycle has apparently turned. Monsanto, under attack regarding its GMO seeds, may need a new market to re-establish credibility and even popularity – as marijuana will surely prove a more welcome crop than soy in the public mind. Monsanto’s efforts as regards marijuana in Uruguay may be helped by the overwhelming government involvement in the cultivation, sales and marketing of marijuana. With its talent at bending smaller governments to its will, Monsanto may find a significant opportunity in Uruguay to establish an even more aggressive business beachhead. There is no doubt that the Uruguayan government will dominate marijuana production, at least in the short term.
The US holds a patent on medical marijuana, raising debate as to the restrictions on use as well as its legality. But, an individual inventor is about to add a medical marijuana patent. From the Denver Post: A self taught man, scientist, engineer and seed breeder is working on a strain and will potentially hold the first patent on a cannabis strain, named Otto II. It uses low THC and high CBD. His video can be viewed in the above article link.
In addition to Monsanto and its possible future projects here and abroad, a subsidiary of another chemical corporation, Scott, by the name of Hawthorne Gardening Company, just bought two very large marijuana distribution centers in Santa Rosa, California. General Hydroponics is the leading provider, if not the largest provider, of marijuana for Colorado. According to a Scott’s spokesperson, the estimated sale price was around $130 Million, making the acquisition the biggest deal for the company in 16 years. It was stated that the exact terms were not disclosed, but the acquisition should position the company in the growing marijuana market. Scott’s is best known for Miracle Grow, which has licensed product variations that include Monsanto’s Roundup. Scott’s also has a sordid history of pesticide violations, and has been found guilty in US courts with a ‘record violation” with mislabeling products with carcinogens.
It looks like the tide is turning in many business ventures and endeavors. Opening up wider to bio-agricultural corporations. Big money, business, pharmaceuticals and big agricultural business interests are pointing in the direction of something that should and could be beneficial, and making it into yet another profit venture.
A recent state Medical Marijuana issue failed last year in Florida’s election to place medical marijuana in the State Constitution. Amendment 2 failed by 2%. George Soros and Millionaire Attorney John Morgan put forth 80% of the money through Morgan’s United For Care- People United For Medical Marijuana Campaign- for the legalization and regulation of medical marijuana. From the petition:
(1) The medical use of marijuana by a qualifying patient or caregiver in compliance with this section is not subject to criminal or civil liability or sanctions under Florida law. (2) A physician shall not be subject to criminal or civil liability or sanctions under Florida law solely for issuing a physician certification with reasonable care to a person diagnosed with a debilitating medical condition in compliance with this section. (3) Actions and conduct by a Medical Marijuana Treatment Center registered with the Department, or its agents or employees, and in compliance with this section and Department regulations, shall not be subject to criminal or civil liability or sanctions under Florida law.
Granting immunity and not being “subject to criminal or civil liability or sanctions” should be concerning as to who would be held accountable possibly due to bad regulation, such as a caregiver or home health company. Many home bound, disabled and elderly had expressed concern over not having total access to medicine on their terms under strict regulations.
We can not allow protecting Monsanto, or any other organizations, doctors, or treatment centers to be exempt from any litigation, harm, or liability against its products or services. Each and every state must resist any overreach by the government in regulating marijuana. If you cannot cultivate your own, it is not legal; it is regulated, controlled and manufactured by the government or corporations with questionable records. People should be given the option of which they choose to use and buy as medicine, as well as how often. Organic or not, you should be able to have that choice. States and countries that are considering true legalization (or repeal of prohibition as a better term) should be for home cultivation, less government regulation, and maintaining their rights as a citizen to hold someone accountable, should they be harmed by any who grow, distribute or regulate it.
Monsanto Sues Avaaz For Identity Of 2 Million Anti-GM Activists, But Whose Side Is Avaaz On?
George Soros and Monsanto are battling it out.
And the only people who are going to lose are activists and consumers.
This is because Avaaz, often labeled the world’s most “biggest and powerful activist network” in existence online, is being dragged into court by Monsanto. The organization has received a 168-page court subpoena in which Monsanto is demanding Avaaz “hand over every private email, note, or record it has regarding Monsanto, including the names and email addresses of all of those who have signed Monsanto campaigns. These include Avaaz’s petition calling for a moratorium on glyphosate, which has attracted over 2 million signatures,” according to GM Watch.
Now Avaaz is fundraising allegedly in order to fight the subpoena.
Wall Street banks could make close to $700 million from the Bayer-Monsanto deal
After months of courting and increasing offers, chemical and agriculture giant Monsanto is being bought by Bayer for a staggering $66 billion, or $128 per share.
The agreement on the deal also means a massive payday for some Wall Street banks just got a little closer.
Morgan Stanley, Ducera Partners, Credit Suisse, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, and Rothschild are all advising on the deal and stand to make as much as $190 million combined if the deal is completed.
Here's a breakdown of who will make what, according to the consultant firm Freeman & Co.:
Seller side: Morgan Stanley and Ducera are advising Monsanto and are expected to split $100 million to $110 million.
Buyer side: Credit Suisse, Bank of America, and Rothschild are advising Bayer and will split $70 million to $80 million. The first two are expected to receive most of the fees, however, as Rothschild is listed in the release as a retained "additional" adviser.
The inclusion of Ducera on the deal is interesting, as the firm becomes another in a growing line of boutique investment banks that have advised on large mergers in 2016.
Additionally, the deal will include a $57 billion bridge loan to help finance the all-cash deal and a $19 billion convertible equity package.
The bridge loan will be financed by BAML, Credit Suisse, Goldman Sachs, HSBC, and JPMorgan, according to the release announcing the deal. According to Freeman & Co., this could garner those banks $150 million to $200 million in fees.
The underwriters for the convertible equity have not been named, but they could also bring in $250 million to $300 million for the banks that complete that deal.
All told, Wall Street could rake in as much as $690 million from this acquisition.
The deal is pending regulatory approval, and given the size of the deal and the recent run of regulators scuttling megadeals, this isn't a slam-dunk payday for these investment banks just yet.
If it does go through, however, it could be a big celebration at these banks.

Billionaire George Soros was the main supporter behind the legalization efforts in Uruguay. The Philanthropist and one of the wealthiest in the legalization movement, has quite a vested interest in Monsanto. On his 2013 NASDAQ Top Ten stocks, it showed 0.62% of his portfolio are shares of Monsanto. Soros currently owns over 632,000 shares of Monsanto, valued at over $75,000,000. Since 1984, Soros put in over $80 Million of his own money, funneled through the Drug Policy Alliance and his network of other nonprofits, towards marijuana legalization efforts. Monsanto was the first biotech firm to establish offices in Uruguay after legalization of marijuana. Monsanto denies any involvement in the area of GMO marijuana research on their website, yet there are rumors that Monsanto has already patented medical marijuana, or are attempting to do so in Uruguay. In the US, George Soros has been behind almost every state initiative and legalization effort in the last year with his organizations and donations, as seen in a Washington Times article.
A German Researcher, William Engdahl, states that Monsanto is already underway with patenting in Uruguay. Since a plant cannot be patented, major pharmaceutical companies in 1990 began discussing the need to look further into genetic modification. Bayer and other pharmaceutical agencies, including Monsanto, all agreed to sharing access to each other’s data technology. Engdahl concluded that, to secure profitable patents, genetic engineering would be required. The collusion of the bio-techs and pharmaceutical firms supports this conclusion.
The Daily Bell Reported:
Now the cycle has apparently turned. Monsanto, under attack regarding its GMO seeds, may need a new market to re-establish credibility and even popularity – as marijuana will surely prove a more welcome crop than soy in the public mind. Monsanto’s efforts as regards marijuana in Uruguay may be helped by the overwhelming government involvement in the cultivation, sales and marketing of marijuana. With its talent at bending smaller governments to its will, Monsanto may find a significant opportunity in Uruguay to establish an even more aggressive business beachhead. There is no doubt that the Uruguayan government will dominate marijuana production, at least in the short term.
The US holds a patent on medical marijuana, raising debate as to the restrictions on use as well as its legality. But, an individual inventor is about to add a medical marijuana patent. From the Denver Post: A self taught man, scientist, engineer and seed breeder is working on a strain and will potentially hold the first patent on a cannabis strain, named Otto II. It uses low THC and high CBD. His video can be viewed in the above article link.
In addition to Monsanto and its possible future projects here and abroad, a subsidiary of another chemical corporation, Scott, by the name of Hawthorne Gardening Company, just bought two very large marijuana distribution centers in Santa Rosa, California. General Hydroponics is the leading provider, if not the largest provider, of marijuana for Colorado. According to a Scott’s spokesperson, the estimated sale price was around $130 Million, making the acquisition the biggest deal for the company in 16 years. It was stated that the exact terms were not disclosed, but the acquisition should position the company in the growing marijuana market. Scott’s is best known for Miracle Grow, which has licensed product variations that include Monsanto’s Roundup. Scott’s also has a sordid history of pesticide violations, and has been found guilty in US courts with a ‘record violation” with mislabeling products with carcinogens.
It looks like the tide is turning in many business ventures and endeavors. Opening up wider to bio-agricultural corporations. Big money, business, pharmaceuticals and big agricultural business interests are pointing in the direction of something that should and could be beneficial, and making it into yet another profit venture.
A recent state Medical Marijuana issue failed last year in Florida’s election to place medical marijuana in the State Constitution. Amendment 2 failed by 2%. George Soros and Millionaire Attorney John Morgan put forth 80% of the money through Morgan’s United For Care- People United For Medical Marijuana Campaign- for the legalization and regulation of medical marijuana. From the petition:
(1) The medical use of marijuana by a qualifying patient or caregiver in compliance with this section is not subject to criminal or civil liability or sanctions under Florida law. (2) A physician shall not be subject to criminal or civil liability or sanctions under Florida law solely for issuing a physician certification with reasonable care to a person diagnosed with a debilitating medical condition in compliance with this section. (3) Actions and conduct by a Medical Marijuana Treatment Center registered with the Department, or its agents or employees, and in compliance with this section and Department regulations, shall not be subject to criminal or civil liability or sanctions under Florida law.
Granting immunity and not being “subject to criminal or civil liability or sanctions” should be concerning as to who would be held accountable possibly due to bad regulation, such as a caregiver or home health company. Many home bound, disabled and elderly had expressed concern over not having total access to medicine on their terms under strict regulations.
We can not allow protecting Monsanto, or any other organizations, doctors, or treatment centers to be exempt from any litigation, harm, or liability against its products or services. Each and every state must resist any overreach by the government in regulating marijuana. If you cannot cultivate your own, it is not legal; it is regulated, controlled and manufactured by the government or corporations with questionable records. People should be given the option of which they choose to use and buy as medicine, as well as how often. Organic or not, you should be able to have that choice. States and countries that are considering true legalization (or repeal of prohibition as a better term) should be for home cultivation, less government regulation, and maintaining their rights as a citizen to hold someone accountable, should they be harmed by any who grow, distribute or regulate it.

Monsanto Sues Avaaz For Identity Of 2 Million Anti-GM Activists, But Whose Side Is Avaaz On?
George Soros and Monsanto are battling it out.
And the only people who are going to lose are activists and consumers.
This is because Avaaz, often labeled the world’s most “biggest and powerful activist network” in existence online, is being dragged into court by Monsanto. The organization has received a 168-page court subpoena in which Monsanto is demanding Avaaz “hand over every private email, note, or record it has regarding Monsanto, including the names and email addresses of all of those who have signed Monsanto campaigns. These include Avaaz’s petition calling for a moratorium on glyphosate, which has attracted over 2 million signatures,” according to GM Watch.
Now Avaaz is fundraising allegedly in order to fight the subpoena.

Wall Street banks could make close to $700 million from the Bayer-Monsanto deal
After months of courting and increasing offers, chemical and agriculture giant Monsanto is being bought by Bayer for a staggering $66 billion, or $128 per share.
The agreement on the deal also means a massive payday for some Wall Street banks just got a little closer.
Morgan Stanley, Ducera Partners, Credit Suisse, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, and Rothschild are all advising on the deal and stand to make as much as $190 million combined if the deal is completed.
Here's a breakdown of who will make what, according to the consultant firm Freeman & Co.:
Seller side: Morgan Stanley and Ducera are advising Monsanto and are expected to split $100 million to $110 million.
Buyer side: Credit Suisse, Bank of America, and Rothschild are advising Bayer and will split $70 million to $80 million. The first two are expected to receive most of the fees, however, as Rothschild is listed in the release as a retained "additional" adviser.
The inclusion of Ducera on the deal is interesting, as the firm becomes another in a growing line of boutique investment banks that have advised on large mergers in 2016.
Additionally, the deal will include a $57 billion bridge loan to help finance the all-cash deal and a $19 billion convertible equity package.
The bridge loan will be financed by BAML, Credit Suisse, Goldman Sachs, HSBC, and JPMorgan, according to the release announcing the deal. According to Freeman & Co., this could garner those banks $150 million to $200 million in fees.
The underwriters for the convertible equity have not been named, but they could also bring in $250 million to $300 million for the banks that complete that deal.
All told, Wall Street could rake in as much as $690 million from this acquisition.
The deal is pending regulatory approval, and given the size of the deal and the recent run of regulators scuttling megadeals, this isn't a slam-dunk payday for these investment banks just yet.
If it does go through, however, it could be a big celebration at these banks.
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