Venezuela - The Divide and Conquer Strategy...
U.S. calls on OAS to suspend Venezuela from organization
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States on Monday called on members of the Organization of American States (OAS) to suspend Venezuela from the group and ramp up pressure on President Nicolas Maduro’s government with new sanctions.
Maduro won re-election in a May vote that the Venezuelan opposition, along with the United States and other Latin American nations, have decried as a sham cementing a dictatorship which has devastated a once-prosperous economy.
“Suspension ... would show that OAS backs up its words with action and would send a powerful signal to the Maduro regime: Only real elections will allow your government to be included in the family of nations,” U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said.
“We seek only what all the nations of the OAS want for our people: A return to the constitutional order, free and fair elections with international observation, and the release of political prisoners,” he told the 34-member OAS’s general assembly in Washington.
Pompeo said OAS member states should apply new sanctions on Venezuela to further isolate it diplomatically after the May 20 election, in which Maduro’s two most popular rivals were barred from standing.
After Pompeo’s comments, Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza accused the U.S. of violating international law.
“The aggression against Venezuela is brutal, it’s economic, it’s financial, it’s commercial, it’s political, it’s media, and we are going to press on and we will triumph,” Arreaza told the assembly.
Maduro calls the OAS a pawn of U.S. foreign policy and last year said he would pull Venezuela out of the organization.
Since the May 20 election, Maduro has begun to free opponents jailed after violent anti-government protests last year, casting the releases as a peace gesture and calling for international dialogue.
Maduro’s critics say the releases are insufficient given around 300 people remain in jail on what the opposition says are trumped up charges intended to stifle dissent.
Organization of American States paves way for possible Venezuela expulsion
The Organization of American States on Tuesday paved the way to expel Venezuela, blasting the South American nation for turning its back on democracy and abusing human rights.
The OAS passed the resolution with a vote of 19 to four, with 11 countries abstaining.
The action opens the door for the OAS General Assembly, at a later date, to hold a vote to suspend Venezuela from the august organization, which includes every country in the Americas but Cuba. However, it would take a supermajority, or 24 members, to separate Venezuela from the group.
Venezuela Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza denounced Washington and Vice President Mike Pence for “extorting” members to sign onto the resolution, which he called "fraudulent."
And he announced that Venezuela was withdrawing from the organization “that has never done anything for our people of the Americas.”
Venezuela began the process of quitting the OAS last year, but it can take two years to formally withdraw.
Arreaza also blamed Washington for his nation’s sprawling crisis, saying financial and economic sanctions have hobbled Venezuela and limited its ability to import medicine. The oil-rich but cash-poor nation also suggested it was keeping tabs, saying those who had supported Tuesday's resolution had crossed a dangerous line.
“You are supporting military intervention in Venezuela,” Arreaza told the representatives before leaving the room. “Let that weigh on your conscience.”
The OAS had urged Venezuela to postpone its May 20 presidential election, fearing it was unfair and lacked transparency. Tuesday’s resolution said that vote, where President Nicolás Maduro won a new six-year term, “lacks legitimacy” and represents an "unconstitutional alteration of the constitutional order."
Tuesday's resolution calls on member states to "strictly" apply Articles 20 and 21 of the OAS charter, which allow for the suspension of member nations.
As the resolution passed, members of the audience broke out in chants of "Freedom! Freedom!"
On Wednesday, Sen. Marco Rubio, a Florida Republican, applauded the nations that voted to suspend Venezuela and urged them to take more actions to isolate "the illegitimate rulers in Caracas."
"This is another warning for Maduro and his cronies that their days in power are numbered. I look forward to the day a democratic Venezuela is welcomed at the OAS,” he said in a statement.
Caracas has long argued that the OAS — founded in 1948 and based in Washington, D.C. — is a U.S. pawn.
Carlos Trujillo, the U.S. representative to the OAS, said the region's firm stance against Venezuela was long overdue. And he said he was sorry that the Venezuelan delegation hadn’t stayed to hear his comments. He also noted that the struggling country wasn't up-to-date on its OAS dues.
“I’m more upset that they left without paying their bill,” he said.
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A starve people is not a free people. Immigrants are seeking refuge of his government. Who are the free ones? |
Divide and Conquer is a millenarian strategy, that consists in divide the rival army or front in some flanks, making easy to attack directly in more directions weak parties, uncapable to re-unite.
Venezuela and being Sieged by the diplomatic strategy on Divide and Conquer.
Sun Tzu used this tactic and defended it as not only in army but in political decisions.
"…the art of using troops is this: When ten to the enemy's one, surround him; When five times his strength, attack him; If double his strength, divide him…" (SUN TZU)
Alexander, the Great, was another general that used to make the strategy as a great and noble tactic in battlefields, making his army the greatest of thoese times. The strategy was thought to him by his Father, King Phillip II.
The phrase "divide at impera" (divide and conquer) is attributed to King Philip II, who gained control of Greece and the Balkan Peninsula through tactful use of warfare, diplomacy and marriage alliances.
King Philip II reformed the Macedonian army and proposed the invasion of Persia, which provided the basis for the achievements of his son and successor Alexander the Great. Born in 356BC, Alexander succeeded his father to the throne at the age of 20.
It was used in many wars in histories, Germans in Blitzkrieg, Cold War era, was used to Siege the Warsaw countries.
Divide and conquer is an approach to a problem or task, attempting to achieve an objective by breaking it into smaller parts. Often it is used to separate a force that would be stronger if united, or to cause confusion amongst rival factions. Divide and conquer has applications in many areas, from political science to economic and military strategy.
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The real cup d'etat was already done when he arrested the oposition and controled the election. This is not a legitimate government. |
Brazil and 13 other countries to recall Venezuela ambassadors
Brazil and the 13 other countries in the Americas making up the Lima Group—Argentina, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, and Saint Lucia—announced today (May 21) that they do not recognize the latest presidential election in Venezuela as legitimate. In power since 2013, President Nicolás Maduro was re-elected Sunday (20) with 67.7% of the votes, for another six years in office.
As a protest, the governments of Brazil and the other states in the group—formed in an attempt to seek alternatives for the crisis in Venezuela—will recall their ambassadors in Venezuela in order to provide clarifications.
“The Lima Group will continue to follow the developments of the situation in Venezuela, with the goal of adopting additional measures as necessary, both individually and collectively, in favor of the restablishment of the state of law and the country’s democratic order,” they declared.
In an official note divided into eight items, the Lima Group made it clear that it does not acknowledge “the legitimacy in the electoral process that took place in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela,” as it “does not comply with international standards for a free, just, and transparent democratic process.”
The group further voiced concern with the consequences of the election in Venezuela, particularly “with the deepening of the political, economic, social, and humanitarian crisis that deteriorated life in Venezuela.” This can be seen reflected, the text goes on, “in the mass migration of Venezuelans coming to our countries facing difficult conditions, the loss of democratic institutions and the state of law, and the lack of political guarantes and liberties for the citizens.”
In order to find an answer to the issue, the concerns of the Lima Group will be brought to the Organization of American States (OAS), with a focus on the increasing migration flow and the living conditions facing the population in Venezuela. An extraordinary Lima Group meeting is expected to take place in Peru in June.
Over the last few months, diseases like measles, malaria, and diphtheria started to reappear in the region. In a note, the countries making up the Lima Group recommend the strengthening of cooperation efforts addressing epidemics, including the purchase of drugs and hospital supplies.
The group also intends to bolster and expand the exchange of information on financial intelligence regarding the activities of individuals and companies in Venezuela that may be involved in acts of corruption, money laundering, and other offenses, in order to freeze assets and impose financial restrictions.
“Financial intelligence units and the appropriate authorities in each country are requested to issue and update guidelines, communications, and newsletters countrywide, bringing to the attention of financial institutions the corruption in Venezuela’s public sector and the methods that may be used by Venezuelan public officials and their networks with a view of concealing and transferring funds stemming from acts of corruption.”

And in politics, its very used by the left governments. The divide the country in minorities, embracing each one as uncapable to defende themselves. These minorities are supported by laws in states, that protect them from the oppressor governments, opositions, or conservative ones, and they have the support for the government, that give private support to each one in particular.
This particular support can be determined laws, criminalization of any action, money support, minority defense, criminalization of the oposition on both action or philosophical, etc.
Venezuela is one country that did it and corrupted easily the population, making it easy to destroy the oposition.
The hipocrisy is that Brazil is one country that nowadays preaches against the Bolivarian country in order to implement Fabian ideology and the Foro de São Paulo is working on it, not with a Marxist state directly, but anyway, the Strategy on Divide and Conquer is very active in society and everyday more active, with one of the most corrupt governments considered in whole history.
What happens in Venezuela is the lack of acceptance on autonomous governments.
Let's be honest. Do I like Maduro? No! Do I like Chavez? No! Do I like Bolivarian government? No! Do I like leftist governments? No! Do I like Marxism? No! Do I agree how the Venezuelan government had become to the prople? No! Do I agree with how Maduro governs? No? Do I pretend to change something in there? No! When I say I am against the strategy on exclude Venezuela, am I pro-Venezuela? No!
Maduro for sure is one of the worst politicians ever, and his govenment is completely corrput and preach the corruption as an act, with militia control, paramilitary activities in cities against the oposition. One of the most uncapable governments to lead a country and the most coward nowadays, like Cuban government, that arrested the oposition to keep imposing the plan of never leave the power.
The bolivarian government divided the population. Implemented high taxes, and controled the capability of consumption by population. The population are starve, are migrating and the government is using this to control the population, also condemned to death the military oposition and arrested the democratic oposition, making the country governs to only one segmentation.
They have already the support of militias and the Colombian FARC, to control the population in borders and patrol.

The bolivarian government divided the population. Implemented high taxes, and controled the capability of consumption by population. The population are starve, are migrating and the government is using this to control the population, also condemned to death the military oposition and arrested the democratic oposition, making the country governs to only one segmentation.
They have already the support of militias and the Colombian FARC, to control the population in borders and patrol.
Siege Venezuela is a strategy of Divide the country against the other countries. We must only remember that internationally, there is an Anarchy and each country has the autonomy to chose the government and rule itself. Venezuela is a rich country, with the high distance of the population and the politics.

Brazil is one country that has this distance, but Brazil has one excuse on it about the direct elections, all fraud, but seems that it's not an institutional government control, but in Venezuela, there is no oposition, it makes easy the Siege on the country.
The decision on take off Venezuela of the OAS, makes easy the uncapability of surviving the game, and Venezuela is a country that many countries has interest for the geopolitical position, and for the resources. Not defending the government, but they have the capability of sustainability by its own, like North Korea, they have a great army to defend the country in fronteers and the militias are capable to defend internaly. Not in a war, but the capability of self sustain, self explore the resources and being a country close to others, make the decision of non reconize of the legitimacy (for sure it's not legitimate!) a prediction to santions, financial cuts, bankrupts, they don't have international banks.
The exemple before was Iraq, they send hitmans, than they sent mercenaries and than they sent the armies.
It's not going to have a war, but every country is hard to survive alone in an economic block. Venezuela cannot be different. In a small period of times, the projection of Russia in South America cannot be strong and the capability of a diplomatic resolution is an easier form to survive.
Political games between the Neocon and the Leftists.
NEOCON Archtects of Iraq War
Each and every single neocon in by nature un-American, antithetical to personal freedom, addictited to stupid foreign wars and destroying foreign national sovereignty, obssessed with global Communist control of the world's people and resources, inherently anti-family or national borders, pro-central banker federal resert fiat (paper) currenc as opposed to gold or precious commodity backed currency, maniacally controlling all forms of the major media to brainwash Americans into their way of thinking, obssessed with remaining at the top and crushing under their boot-heels everyone els not lucky or sociopathic enought to be in their club.
Each and every person and entity withn their midst are simply means to an end, and if their servants stept out of a line, they retaliate and destroy you and with willful abandon using the "useful idiots" movements, entitiesm and agencies at their disposal and control in a "divide and conquer" mechanism and scenario.
Deep State Defector by Rahul Manchanda
Yet, multiculturalism as a vehicle of slective social mobility cannot be avoided in the logic of the neoconservative state. For neoconservative, the resolution of the debate on multiculturalism cannot, ironically, be left to the operation of the logic of the market. Neoconservatives seek to establish a basic knowledge, and official knowledge to which all cultures should be exposed in order to mold their cultural understandings while keeping their folkloric character. However, as one critic has said, every definition of knowledge is a site for conflict "over the relation between culture and power in class, race, gender and religious terms" (Apple, 1993a:5). For neoconservatives, individual responsibility and choise are the basis for cultural performance in dynamic markets. There is, however, an inportant tension: if the market is left unchecked and a vigorous debate occurs in the different scenarios of culture and moral commitments of different cultures could eventually mold individual responsibility and choice.
Because neonconservatives have hsed the politics of race as effective tool for disintegration and fragmentation as as a policy of divide and conquer in U.S politics, the notion of "otherness" has bem employed as a wild card in "exporting" the blame for the failure of neoconservative polcies to les powerful communities.
Democracy, Education, and Multiculturalism: Dilemmas of Citizenship in a Global World by Carlos Alberto Torres
The Divide and Conquer strategy by Brzezinski, to siege the countries in Soviet Union and promote U.S.A. leadership.
Although the departure of Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev on a state visis to New Delhi on 8 December made it very unlikely that the Soviet Union would intervene in the short term, at least ultil his return, the Carter Administration continued quite properly to sound the alarm. State and Defence Department officials noted on 8 December that East German and Czechoslovak forces had also been brought up to a leve of readiness that would allow them to intervene at a moment's notice. State Department officials noted that such an intervention would most likely come in the guise of Warsaw Pact military manouevres, which they said would be just as unacceptable as a direct invasion. Significantly, officials said that the Administration wished to avoid repetition of what happened in 1968 Czechoslovak crisis when Western intelligence had information indicating a Soviet invasion was possible not make it public. Brzezinski noted his own operation approach in his journal entry of 8 December:
"I see four objectives to what we are doing one is to deprive the Soviets of surprise. This we have already done. Two, perheaps to encourage the Poles to resist if they are not taken by surprise, for this might somewhat deter the Soviets. The publicity is already doing that. Thirdly and paradoxically, to calm the situation in Poland by making the Poles more aware that the Soviets may in fact enter. The Poles have till now discounted this possibility and this may have emboldened them excessively. Here in effect we have a common interest with the Soviets, for they too may prefer to intimidade the Poles to a degree. And fourth, to deter the Soviets from coming in by intensifying international pressure and condemnation of the Soviet Union."
Meanwhile, however, the Pentagon's only immediate military signial in response to the powerful Soviet moves was to state that NATO's six-ship Atlantic squadron would not put into port for the Christmas holidays. Nonetheless, the Administration did approach Lave Kirkland, head of the AFL-CIO concerning the possibility of he boycott on shipments to the USSR, while Brzezinski ordered the Pentagon, in a memo he assumed would become public, to prepare lists of weapons to sell to People's Republic of China in event of a Soviet invasion of Poland.
These were in fact the irst salvos by the Administration in increasingly clear series of signals to the Soviet leaders of the costs to them of any military intervention - the so-called 'stick' approach. They were followed rapidly by mustering of NATO-wide for such strategy by secretary of State Edmund Muskie. At the winter NATO meeting, which began on 9 December, the Allies considered a range of contingengy steps to be taken in the event of an invasion: 1) increased defence expenditurees; 2) cessation of credits to Poland and the USSR; 3) Cancellation of high technology exchanges, such as the gas pipeline deal; 4) closure of Western ports to Soviet vessels; 5) cancellation of the Mutual Balanced Force Reduction Talks; 6) walkout on the ongoing Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) deliberations; 7) cessation of cultural exchanges; 8) recall of ambassadors and 9) reduction of the Western missions in Moscow. The Ministers also agreed to meet upon the further deterioration of the situation to decide upon appropriate responses. Certainly the range of responses considered was significant, albeit glaringly lacking in more sweeping economic of political measures; although, as Muskie declared, 'no one at this point has evaluated them in terms of package depending on alternative senarios'. Nonetheless, he noted tht the atitude of the NATO Ministers was 'very strong, positive and unanimous' and that all agreed that economic sanctions would be necessary. Indicative were the remarks of Jean François-Ponçet, Foreing Minister of France who stated:
"It would be very wrong to think the economic and industrial interests of the European countries would stop them from drawing the necessary conclusions from extremely grave actions."
Overall, these were fairly powerful declaratory signals to the Soviet leadership, particularly as they involved a degree of public commitment by the west that concrete sanctions would likely be undertaken in the event of a Soviet invasion of Poland. It is unlikey that these signals could have been the decisive element in the decision-making of the Soviet leadershp-vis-à-vis the invsion option, but they may have greatly strengthened the hands of those Kremlin leaders arguing agains such a move for reasons of bureaucratic or personal interest.
Soviet and American Signalling in the Polish Crisis - By: T. Cynkin

Venezuela says it will withdraw from the Organization of American States (OAS), accusing the US-based grouping of meddling in its internal affairs.
The government made the announcement after the OAS voted to hold a meeting of foreign ministers to discuss the spiralling crisis in Venezuela.
Neighbours have expressed concern at mounting unrest in the country.
Violent protests against the government continued in the capital Caracas on Wednesday, with one protester killed.
He was hit by a tear gas canister during clashes with police.
Nearly 30 people have been killed since the wave of protests against President Nicolas Maduro began last month.
Venezuela to quit OAS regional bloc as 23rd protester dies
For the first time in its 69-year history, a member of the Organization of American States has said it will leave. Caracas accuses the bloc of being a pawn of the US, claiming protesters are attempting a US-backed coup.
Venezuela has announced that it plans to leave the Organization of American States (OAS) in response to international criticism of the administration's violent crackdown on its political opponents.
Seventeen members of the 34-nation OAS bloc, including the United States, Mexico, Argentina and Brazil, voted on Wednesday to hold a special meeting of foreign ministers to discuss the Venezuelan crisis.
Foreign Minister Delcy Rodriguez had earlier threatened to leave the group if that meeting at the Washington headquarters went ahead, calling it an infringement on Venezuela's sovereignty.
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